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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Another cracked MC engine case
- - By Dave C (*) Date 03-22-2009 15:04
I have an Aluminum motorcycle crankcase that needs repair around one of the engine mounting bosses:

I can't do this myself, so I'll bring it to someone. Is this something that any welding shop should be able to do correctly, or do I need some sort of specialist?

The hole is also elongated, so my intention is to mill the boss after welding and press in a steel sleeve. There's plenty of meat there for that.

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-22-2009 18:55
Piece of pie Dave!

Any job shop who says they do GTAW and aluminum should be qualified for this kind of repair.

Just make sure they charge you less than a new case  :)
Parent - - By Stringer (***) Date 03-23-2009 00:38
Every shop says they weld aluminum. I'd want to see some of their cast aluminum repair work first...
Parent - - By supermoto (***) Date 03-24-2009 13:36
I am sure that you saw my post. 

I have welded cast aluminum before and it was pretty easy.  Other that the fact that it was super dirty that it didn't weld good at all.  I even tried to lay a bead on a part that wasn't cracked to see how well it did and it still didn't do very well.  I cleaned it super good with acetone and that is some nasty casting. 

Definately try and see some of their aluminum cast repairs, because whatever the bike manufacturers use for castings, they suck.
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 03-24-2009 13:40
Talk to a shop about "puddle torch"..
Parent - By gndchuck (**) Date 03-25-2009 14:26
I've welded a couple of MC cases before in our shop, I found it dirty also.  I used a stainless tig electrode to "dip" out the bad stuff.  After that it seem to weld fairly good, the last one that I welded on was 5 years ago and it still hasn't broke.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Another cracked MC engine case

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