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- - By weldervaughn (**) Date 03-17-2009 04:53
Please send this to everybody on your list... this is Obama gun control by secrecy.
Very Important for you to be aware of a new bill HR 45 introduced into the House.  This is the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act of 2009.

Even gun shop owners didn't know about this because it is flying under the radar.
To find out about this - go to any government website and type in HR 45 or Google HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009. You will get all the information.
Basically this would make it illegal to own a firearm - any rifle with a clip or ANY pistol unless:
.It is registered
.You are fingerprinted
.You supply a current Driver's License
.You supply your Social Security #
.You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing
.Each update - change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25 - Failure to do so you automatically lose the right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail.
.There is a child provision clause on page 16 section 305 stating a child-access provision. Gun must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18.
They would have the right to come and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison.
If you think this is a joke - go to the website and take your pick of many options to read this. It is long and lengthy. But, more and more people are becoming aware of this. Pass the word along. Any hunters in your family - pass this along.
Peter Boyles is on this and having guests. Listen to him on KHOW 630 a..m. in the morning. He suggests the best way to fight this is to tell all your friends about it and "spring into action". Also he suggests we all join a pro-gun group like the Colorado Rifle Association, hunting associations, gun clubs and especially the NRA.
This is just a "termite" approach to complete confiscation of guns and disarming of our society to the point we have no defense - chip away a little here and there until the goal is accomplished before anyone realizes it. (Did Obama promise transparency? It seems his motives are more and more transparent while his methods are hidden in back rooms.)
This is one to act on whether you own a gun or not.
If you take my gun, only the criminal will have one to use against me. HR 45 only makes me/us less safe.
Please.. copy and send this out to EVERYONE in the USA .
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-17-2009 13:31
Here is the actual text.  It might be good to read it and not the interpretation from one of the crack pot sites.

"You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing".  Couldn't find it!
Did find this: "an authorization by the applicant to release to the Attorney General or an authorized representative of the Attorney General any mental health records pertaining to the applicant"  Allows AG to inquire about mental health records of applicant.  It might not be good for one with past paranoia issues to have a gun, maybe its just me!

"They would have the right to come and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison."  Couldn't find that either.  But it might be a good idea to keep guns away from kids.  Look at the dumb bast*rd that took his kid to a gun club where his kid shot himself in the head with an Uzi.  And that was under supervison by "gun enthusiasts". 

Even though I lean Left, I do own guns, and don't think it is as big of a deal as the hype.  I have had my house broke into (no one was home), I had my cars broken into, and even a car stolen, all crimes apparantly not prevented because I have guns.  How many people with guns actually have used them to protect themselves?  That is the statistic I want to see. 
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 03-17-2009 13:48
   I have!!! :-) And will!!! :-) Not to pick at you to much but when your house was broken into, no one was home. Had you been home, you might have prevented it because you own guns. Or maybe not, depending on your willingness to shoot an intruder dead on the spot.

Just food for thought.

Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-17-2009 14:01
I would have offered him a hug.  :-)  That probably would've been enough to run him off.  I was in the process of moving from a mobile home.  The nearest "house" was 15 feet away.  Not an ideal burglary scenario.  Kicked in the door, stole a broken 32 inch TV and an old vcr that didn't work either.  While in the back bedroom sat a brand new Kirby vacuum cleaner with all the attachments just sitting there.  I would've probably just kicked the shyte out of the stupid prick or at least shot him in the arse with a 22.

Another funny story was my old boss got his house broke into 2 times a week apart.  He had a giant gun safe that they could pry open the top and pull out a few of his rifles.  The only thing he was mad about was that they drank his beer and ate his deviled eggs.  Those the insurance wouldn't cover.  :-)
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 03-17-2009 14:12
LOL, That blows, the eggs and beer are valuables, IMHO. You may be right about the hug, the thought of it sends shivers down my spine. :-)

On a side note, kicking the crap out of them is an option, but DO NOT shoot them in the arse. You have then put yourself in the position of being prosecuted and sued. If you have to shoot an intruder, KILL them, dead men tell no lies my friend. I know it is harsh, but people have landed in jail for trying to be humane and just wound an intruder.

A kirby?? Those are pretty good vacuums but they have a drive system for a reason. They are HEAVY, and you would need two trips for all the attachments. I would have left it behind as well. LOL

Parent - - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 03-17-2009 16:38
Actually, the proper language is I SHOT TO STOP THEM.  Don't ever say that you shot to kill, or to wound.  You shoot to stop the bad guy from doing whatever it is that's harming you or those you are trying to protect.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 03-17-2009 17:08
Yes, that is the correct terminoligy to use when filling out the report and talking to law enforcement. :-)
Attachment: Deadmen.bmp (732k)
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 03-25-2009 01:46
shoot em before they get all the way in then slam the window shut for safe measure
Parent - By OBrien (***) Date 03-17-2009 13:58
We had someone try breaking into one of our vehicles a few years back.  The alarm went of so I took my pump action shotgun and chambered a round and by the time I got to the door they were running up the street.  Don't know if it was the alarm or my gun but something scared them pretty bad.  Since then we have never had any problems.  Just my experience living in an area with one of the highest drug abuse per capita in the united states.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-17-2009 14:15
     Lets also see a statistic of have many murders, rapes and attacks could of been prevented if that person had a gun to protect themselves.  Asking to see a statistic of how many people with guns get attacked and how many could of been prevented, is like asking how many people have been struck by lightning.  There are way more people out there without guns then there are with guns and put that with the billions of people around, and you get some really unconclusive statistics either way.  I do know that if someone comes into my house while I'm sleeping and threatens my family, there will be a statistic layin on the floor when it's all said and done.  That statistic layin on the floor could be you or it could be the intruder, but the gun puts better odds on the intruder being the one on the floor.  No one ever said guns prevent car theft, or even house theft when you're not home, they protect you and you family while you are at home or in the presence of bodily harm.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-17-2009 14:21
True dat!  But interestingly enough a registered gun works just as well as a non registered one.  And a big ass well trained dog is much funnier than shooting someone.  My father-in-law had a German Shepherd that he trained that broke through chains in the backyard and doors in the house.  If you didn't live there you wasen't even going to get in the yard let alone the house.  He had another dog way back in the day that would try to attack people in uniform.  Mail men, cops, gas company guys it didn't matter.  You have a uniform on you are gonna lose at least a leg.  :-)
Parent - - By weldervaughn (**) Date 03-17-2009 15:05 Edited 03-17-2009 15:07
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed .
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-17-2009 16:06
1. An army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers.
2. A military force that is not part of a regular army and is subject to call for service in an emergency.
3. The whole body of physically fit civilians eligible by law for military service.

That doesn't sound like your ordinary gun owner.  If my B+ in American History 20 years ago serves me right, at the time up to the American Revolution there was no true military in the colonies execpt that of the British.  So when the War for Independence broke out an Army comprised of random "gun owners" were mustered and there you have it "an army comprised of ordinary citizens". 

The second definition sounds like the National Guard.  They don't have to bring their own guns.
The third definition would be the very last possible resort.  If you have seen the movie Red Dawn then perhaps that would be a good use of the 2nd Amendment.  But in reality if diplomacy has decayed to the level where America would be invaded by the Cubans and Russians, I think all hell would have broken loose before that.

Now I would think that if gun owners got together to form a militia to protect themselves from the government then they could be guilty of treason.  What do I know?  No matter how much I preach to you lunatics on this forum, no one ever listens.  Just like my kids, wife and dog.  :-)
Parent - By weldervaughn (**) Date 03-17-2009 20:17
I got an A in history, sorry bout you .
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 03-27-2009 21:56
Would the original revolutionary personnel have been guilty of treason against the British?
It's up to the government to determine what they make us, it's up to us to determine what we make the government.
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-27-2009 23:30
We did Nov. 4th. 
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 03-28-2009 13:06
"If my B+ in American History 20 years ago serves me right, at the time up to the American Revolution there was no true military in the colonies execpt that of the British.  So when the War for Independence broke out an Army comprised of random "gun owners" were mustered and there you have it "an army comprised of ordinary citizens". 

Couple points:
1) Check the dates of the revolution and the signing and ratification of the Constitution which contains the ammendment of which we speak.
2) The men who wrote and debated the Constitution and that amendment were some of the most gifted, well read, intelligent, and brilliant men of their time, who were also acutely aware that the document they signed was not to be a short sited product of its current context, but a document that was written and fought for to be unique to the world and stand the test of time. These were men who fully and painfully understood the oppression of a government who's power has grown to large and absolute, and they established a Constitution based upon an Enlightenment ideal who's soul purpose was to try and prevent that very thing.
And if I may put it strongly, in my opinion the absolutist welfare state s*%ts on the very thing these men and women died for. And when we begin to feel the yoke of oppression as they did, however long it takes, we will begin to realize, as they did, what it may take to cast it off. Who will then be the Torries?
And now perhaps we can understand Adams' consternation of Jeffersons perpetual revolution intimations. Not that I am necessarily sympathetic to Jeffersons thought on this, but it does demonstrate his profound grasp of the abuse of government power.
Parent - - By PipeIt (**) Date 03-25-2009 17:00
Who's quote is this? It makes good since IMHO
Parent - - By kipman (***) Date 03-25-2009 23:03
Uh, that comes from the second amendment to the US constitution.
Parent - - By PipeIt (**) Date 03-26-2009 17:08
I was kidding of course!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to learn how to do the smiley faces!: )
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 03-26-2009 18:34
: - ) with no spaces = :-)
Parent - By PipeIt (**) Date 03-26-2009 23:58
Parent - - By PipeIt (**) Date 03-26-2009 23:58
It worked but didn't show it that way on preview, Thanx!
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-27-2009 00:09
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 03-27-2009 00:22
It shows when I preview. :-) Oh well, you got it.
Parent - - By norcalwelder (**) Date 03-17-2009 15:08
lol that would suck for him if his house was on fire now wouldn't it? I can totally see a bunch of pissed off fire fighters blasting that dog with a 2.5" straight stream...or just letting his house burn down. :D lmao!
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-17-2009 16:08
That dog wouldn't be such a bad azz then. lmao
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 03-17-2009 16:47
In 1984 my then 70 something Dad walked into his house in Richfield Minnesota to find a blanket rolled out on the living room floor with 3-4 guns and what little valuables layed out on it. Being from the defend yourself generation he picked up the model 12 just in time to point it at the druggie who was coming out of the master bedroom with the box of silverware. Needless to say the robber was laying in the back yard face first with Pa standing over him. The Richfield  police dept was only 2 blocks south so it was a very fast response. The gun was never loaded and the police just sort of laughed it off as a crazy old Irismans way. The piece of crap had it turned out worked for my Dad at his car wash a few years before.  He got 4 years.  My Dads name was Lloyd Hughes if anyone doesnt believe call Richfield PD.

Like it or not owning a firearm is protected by our forefathers foresight. Every time some D.S. takes guns from law abiding folk mayhem erupts.

Owning guns does save lives, and takes a few. A lot less than abortions and a hell of a lot less than booze. Dont see any push towards repairing that hole in the population. EH?
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 03-17-2009 17:26
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