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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / ASME UT examination
- - By dlmann (**) Date 03-28-2009 03:22
I am renewing my ACCP UT II by taking the practical hands-on examination and need some help.   I do not know what I will be tested on until I get there so I'm trying to be prepared for anything.  So much I may have forgotten such as what to do after setting up a DAC curve.  I seem to remember having to up the gain by 6 db for scanning.  Is the thing to do?  If so, do I need to bring it back down for evaluating an indication?   Any advice will be welcome. 
Regards, Donnie Mann    
Parent - By kipman (***) Date 03-28-2009 16:31
Scanning level is basically a function of scanning speed.  Theoretically if you scan slowly enough you wouldn't need to increase the gain above your reference sensitivity level.  Most codes recognize that this is not how things work in the real world, so they require an increase in gain that should make most reflections full screen bangers so that you can easily see them while scanning.  Once you find an indication and determine it to be relevant (e.g. not geometry) you then dial back down to reference level to size and evaluate it.
Regarding the scanning level, this should be dictated by the procedure to which you'll be working (I presume ASNT gives you a procedure to follow when you do a Lev II ACCP test).  Beyond that if it's up to you to decide, I've always found 6, 12, and 14 dB to be handy depending on the situation (50%, 25%, 20% respectively).
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / ASME UT examination

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