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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Waht's wrong with this picture?
- - By Kix (****) Date 03-27-2009 17:41
   This is supposed to be a funtional WPS.  Can you spot any mistakes? ;-)
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 03-27-2009 18:39
That looks like the typical GMAW/FCAW butt/corner prequalified wps
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-27-2009 19:01
Look a little closer.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 03-27-2009 19:46
That was sarcasm!
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 03-29-2009 18:33
ha ha,  I like it!!  I guess I'm coming to find out how common this stuff really is and how close you really have to look at things sometimes.
Parent - - By jarsanb (***) Date 03-27-2009 18:48
Ray, you must be getting these from some of the contractors I deal with! I'll bite on some of the obvious ones.
1. ER80S-3 is an A5.23 and/or A5.28 as stated by manf.
2. Welding current refers to amperage and not part of the polarity - Direct Current EP or slang - Reverse.
3. This is not a manual process yet a Semi-auto
4. Parameters are for short arc, not spray. And therefore not preq'd
5. Travel speeds are bogus and wouldn't even match WFS if that was the intention.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-27-2009 18:59 Edited 03-27-2009 19:03
Very observant about the wire specification, but you're not done yet.  Keep em coming!! :-)  There are a few more things that kick it out of pre qualified status.
Parent - By flamin (**) Date 03-27-2009 19:35 Edited 03-27-2009 19:39
I don't see A514 Grade B as a prequalified material either
Table 4.4 doesn't say anything about Heat Treat either.
Parent - - By rickc (**) Date 03-27-2009 19:36
It doesn't say which revision of the code but, per D1.1:2008:
- ASTM-A514 isn't prequalified
- That's not the GMAW electrode classification recommended for the prequalified materials per Table 3.1
- Preheat/interpass temperatures are per Table 3.2 not Table 4.3
- Vertical Down is only prequalified if it complies with 3.7.1
- I personally like to see the trade name of the filler metal so, that I can verify the parameters.
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 03-29-2009 18:30
Bingo!!  I can't believe this would have ever been acceptable. 
Parent - - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 03-27-2009 19:36
Personally, I like the travel speed.  I wish I could weld that fast.  :)
Parent - By jarsanb (***) Date 03-27-2009 19:46
It says they've been in buisness since 1909....that must've been when these were approved - before GMAW was invented.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-27-2009 20:45
The FCAW wire is listed as E70T-2, and the position listed is vert down.

E70T-X fillers may be run for Flat position and Horizontal fillets..
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-29-2009 18:28
I was wondering when someone was going to catch that one. lol  I'm amazed at how often I come across things like this since I started doing this kind of work.  Makes ya wonder, huh?  Makes me wonder about starting up a business. Well, Someday maybe, when I get more experience under my belt, but for now, I got my eyes open and my ears listening.
Parent - By James Corbin (**) Date 03-30-2009 00:37 Edited 03-30-2009 00:40
Just another observation.
While trying to find out what Table 4.3 was in the past I came up with D1.1-88, my oldest version which Table 4.1.1 is filler metal requirements and Table 4.2 is preheat requirements, both include ASTM A514 in group IV & V.  So it makes you wonder which version was in force when the WPS was first written.
The D1.1-88 did restrict A514 electrodes less than 100K to be baked before use in 4.5.3 and 4.6.8 required all passes to be vertical up using a similar statement as the 08.
That is what revisions are for, keeping your WPS up to date when the code changes, noting this is rev. 0 of course if the WPS is already crap what would be the point.

Was the company welding with both processes or only one of the 2 processes using only this one WPS? (noting the Back gouge on the figure)
It looks like the intent may have been the latter.
Ya gotta wonder how long they have been passing this WPS out.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Waht's wrong with this picture?

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