It will allow you to get in to and tight places like deep narrow gooves, It will afford you a better view in some jobs. We work in side of very deep narrow cavitys alot and there is only enough room to get the torch in, you only have one point of view and no room to manipulate the torch. So we use gas lenses most of the time. There are jobs where the large size of the cup body is to much tough.
FYI The heat you get from your torch is plasma and plasma is the gas reacting with the electric arc. Thus the more gas and arc the more heat and more heat= more puddle. So not really! but a lot of practice will.
Voltage effects puddle also. The higher the voltage the wider the puddle and narrower the penetration. Lower voltage gives you a narrower and higher crown and deeper penteration.
Are you useing a water cooled torch? foot peddle? dont over do the gas.
the puddle has a tendency to follow the flow with some alloys.
A foot peddle is a great help, It lets you establish your puddle then you can lighten up on the heat for better control and dumb little things like freeze you filler wire in the puddle (while maintaining a very light arc) then you pull your hand back for more wire because you are in very cramped quaters