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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / passed CWI
- - By crazycajun (**) Date 11-25-2008 03:10
hey hey hey i passed my exam 80% average. SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET as cotton candy. now all i need is my future to be that  sweet. yeah i got it 87% 77% 76% not bad i like the idea that i passed with a higher score than 72% that tells me that i didnt just luck up.
Parent - By fbrieden (***) Date 11-25-2008 05:43
Welcome to the club!
Parent - By unclematt (***) Date 11-25-2008 11:25
Congratulations. I just found out I passed as well. Best of luck to you.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-25-2008 15:38

It is a good feeling to do better than just squeaking by. 

Have a Great Day and Best Wishes with the new horizons.  Brent
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 11-25-2008 19:10
Congratulations, Now get back to work :)
Parent - - By Quibo (*) Date 11-25-2008 19:14

On December 6th, I will take the test.

Do you have any suggestion???

Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 11-25-2008 22:47 Edited 11-25-2008 23:06
To me, welding symbols were a source of difficulty. Simply because unfamiliarity of certain proceedures ie. Projection weld for instance is one I have yet to encounter in my work... and face it, most detailers/draftsmen do not adhere to AWS methods and symbols.
Part B seems to get a lot of people and can be confusing if not approached with the insight to the answer they are seeking. Make sure those funky plastic weld sample have not been compromised! Bring your own flashlight (to me the supplied LED is too "soft" of a light and washed out detail for my burned out eyeballs). Do not over flag your code book! Maybe 10 or a dozen at the most or you will just confuse yourself on test day.
Oh, don't forget your calculator! I had to borrow one from the front desk clerk (it was junk and ended up runnig most calcs longhand...time consuming, but do-able).
Parent - - By crazycajun (**) Date 11-25-2008 23:41
well as far as flagging the book. i didnt flag it at all, i just got familiar with the glossary and when they ask the question you can pretty much know what area to look in. i didnt highlight anything either that will confused you as well cause just when ya think ya got it. its on the next line that you didnt highlight. so no highlight for me so i read through until i know it was the answer word for word. and fundementals is the only thing you have to know and remember. the rest is in the book. the spec (part B) is what ya really have to pay attention to the answers are very very very close the the others, and could cause you to think the wrong one is right. so read all the answers before you make your choice. these are the steps that i took and i got over 75% on all the test and total average of all was 80% so i say it worked pretty good for me. to say that was the first time i went take the exam. "one shot one kill" oh yeah pay attention to the as detailed and the as fit up cause they could get ya if ya dont add them on some occasions. and good luck say ya prays and dont drink everynight. i had a few drinks right in the middle to kinda ease the stress but that was it. one night of tesion release and back in the saddle again.
Parent - - By SpellCheck (*) Date 11-26-2008 19:50

Congratulations and good luck on your report writing.
Parent - - By crazycajun (**) Date 11-26-2008 23:18
Didn't ya notice the grammer was off abit as well?
Parent - By SpellCheck (*) Date 11-27-2008 17:01
-Grammar- and yes but I just mess with people about spelling.  I need an apprentice named GrammarCheck.  Happy Thanksgiving!!
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 11-28-2008 04:18
whats ya, and kinda?
Parent - By crazycajun (**) Date 11-29-2008 04:58
well they can be what ever ya want (um) to be. i like (um) never had any jaw pains using them, so i think i 'll stick with (um)
Parent - - By bruce69 (*) Date 03-10-2009 23:21
This is for Juan.  I'm sure everyone has differing ideas to help you out but here are my opinions.  First and foremost, read every answer to make sure you find the BEST answer.  Right off the bat A might look like the best answer but then you read D and it is even more fitting.  They WILL try to trick you, especially on Part B (I had to retake Part B).  Personally for me the practice test for the fundemental section was not that helpful even though I knew it inside out.  However, the opposite was true for Codes and Part B.  If you can get to where you do really well on these two practice tests it will help immensely.  Be able to identify undercut and/or underfill because you will be asked about it on Part B probably more than anything else.  Last, I don't know what you do in welding right now so this may or may not help.  On Part B there will be pictures you have to identify.  On my test they were pictures of different kinds of NDT's.  They asked not just about MT or PT but what type of tests were they in that field, such as angle beam testing.  I do only visual testing so I was pretty unfamiliar with some of that stuff.  In the class I had this stuff was not even mentioned and in the Fundamentals textbook it is mentioned in passing but you take the test and sure as hell, there is 4 or 5 questions on it.  If you are unfamiliar with the NDT's and the different tests within those tests like yoke or angle beam, etc. then get on the internet and look them up.  Be sure there are pictures showing these tests.  Good luck. 
Parent - By Quibo (*) Date 03-30-2009 13:46
bruce69, thanks a lot for your support, on December I take the test, I'm a CAWI, but the last Saturday I retake the test B, I expect good results.

Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 11-26-2008 00:39
See you did do it!
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 11-26-2008 00:45
Good job buddy! Nice scores. Welcome to our nightmare, now the fun begins.

What are you going to be breaking out on (D1.1, B31.1or3, API1104)??

jrw159 :-)
Parent - By crazycajun (**) Date 11-26-2008 03:06
well i tested 1104. we kinda got a big flour job going on right now with piping for some modules, but most of my work is usually d1.1
Parent - By amndtccs Date 03-08-2009 06:14
Welcome to the club!
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-09-2009 17:57
Congrats;  Best wishes on the application of the hard earned credentials.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By dickb Date 03-24-2009 15:09
where do you find a glossary and where is info on part c - rich
Parent - By crazycajun (**) Date 03-24-2009 17:28
where do yo find what glossary? i am not sure as to what glossary your talking about. as for the info on part C its the code book if you have what ever code book you plan on testing to, thats the info you need.
Parent - - By wiskybuck (*) Date 04-16-2009 16:32
Did any of you who passed the exam also attend the seminar before?
Parent - - By crazycajun (**) Date 04-16-2009 17:29
yeah i went to the seminar before. it helped with a few things as far as nde goes cause i was kinda blind on some of the nde. i was like what is that? and poof like magic some of them were on the test. so i would say if you have the money for it do it. cause it can help. when are you scheduled to go? mayeb you can try Real Education they are pretty good they smash over 1500 questions in your head before the exam. Gerald and Linda Taylor. i think its abou $1000.00 for the 7 day seminar, somewheres in that area, but if i were you i would consider it cause it helped me pass. good luck
Parent - - By wiskybuck (*) Date 04-16-2009 18:37
Yes i plan on attending the seminar. The seminar and exam are in July. Looking for any kind of study guides to doenload or view also. seminar and exam are $2100, so I'm looking to save and learn at the same time
Parent - - By crazycajun (**) Date 04-16-2009 18:51
try real education it worked for me, i heard some bad things on aws seminars and how they dont cover much area like they expect you to already know every little detail of the book before you get there
Parent - - By wiskybuck (*) Date 04-16-2009 18:58
Mississippi is a little to far to travel for me
Parent - By crazycajun (**) Date 04-16-2009 20:37
well first off let me clear it up abit dont go to the seminar expecting to learn things that you dont know cause i dont think it was meant for that but it will help with some of the things you may have never dealt with before. and Mississippi is where they are located but they travel all over the place, maybe you can check with them. and as far as study material i used the WIT, the code book and the spec is a free download. and dont forget to read them til the pages fall out cause its not the same as the everyday job they use a few different codes and worded different so its not about what you know. its about how quick you can find it in any code. i heard lots of people having to go back to another round on the spec. because they waited to get to the seminar for the review.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 04-16-2009 19:53
Yes they do expect you to know what is needed to pass the test. They are not trying to teach you anything. The intent of the seminar is to be a refresher, nothing more.
Parent - - By crazycajun (**) Date 04-16-2009 20:31
i didnt mean for it to sound like a school, but there are somethings that some people may not have heard before. if you have been welding on just pipe for 20 yrs, some of the structual things may be a little new to you and visa versa.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 04-16-2009 21:43
I agree. There is value in taking the seminar (although I have never been to one).
Parent - - By Pete Modesitt Date 05-20-2009 13:05
I just took the D1.1 test on the 16th. Wish me luck. I fell pretty confident but who know till i get the results.
This leads me to my question. My instructor Mr. Helzer (I hope I spelled that right) told us we could start looking on the AWS site to see our scores/process of test in about a week. Does anyone know were that might be found on the AWS site?
The only thing I saw was to check for current CWI numbers. Seeing as how i don't have one yet were do i go?
Thanks for any help,
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 05-20-2009 15:40
Pete,  WELCOME to the forum!!

This question gets asked often.  You should be able to find past posts on it in the 'Search' area.

But, just for quick info, it would take you some time.  You do have to enter in the number.  Your number would be '0906XXXX' for 2009, June (month after you took test- approx time of actually getting certified).  The next three numbers are totally random.  The last number will either be a '1' or I believe possibly a '4' if you pass CWI.  CAWI and SCWI get other last digits.  It should show you on the page for checking a CWI status how the numbers work. 

Bottom line, you have to start entering numbers and guessing at some of them till you get it right.  I just waited for mine.  Don't have time for all that playing on the computer.  Can't use it till you get your card and stamp in the mail anyway.

Hope this helps.  Have a Great Day,  Brent
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