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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / SA-105 flange Product marking and Certification.
- - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 04-15-2009 16:40
SA-105 flange Product marking and Certification.

Is this in accordance with the code?
I have the above mentioned flange and as we all know it must conform to the material spec, 90% of the time I get all Test reports chems, mechs, and  heat treat. Some times I get a Certificate of compliance only stating the material Grade and flange type (5" 150# ) with a statement that the material meets ASME specs.
Being accustom to receiving MTRs with chems and mechs im a little weary about just a C of C but..........
Do I really need MTRs to accept this flange?
Here is why I ask... SEC II Part A SA-105
12. Certification.
Identification marking - for forgings made to Blah blah (then says) application of identification marks as required in specification A 961 shall be the certification that the forgings have been furnished in accordance with the requirements of this specification.
So as long as all the required marking is on this flange can I accept it?

Any input would be appreciated.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 04-16-2009 15:37
Parent - - By new tito (***) Date 04-16-2009 16:26
It depends on what your company or customer requires, as sated in specs or on the purchase order.  I require an MTR for everything that will be used on a pressure vessel, although the code, my QC manual, or the AI  do not require it.  MTR's on only REQUIRED by code for certain product forms.

However, the reason I require them is to simply assure myself, and to verify that the material is traceable and does meet the applicable spec of the product ordered.  If allowed, it is acceptable to take the suppliers word for the material supplied, but why risk it. 

As for forged products that require certain stamping and marking requirements, in some cases that is good enough and no MTR's or C of C's are required.  Again, it all depends on specs and code requirements. 
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 04-16-2009 16:43
I do usualy get MTRs, for the ongoing projects, but we have many business units so sometimes i do not get them.
I dont want to chase my tail for somthing that is not Required or asked for on the PO.
in this case i did recieve a C of C but like you i usualy get everything.
Just wanted another opinion on this.
Parent - - By ravi theCobra (**) Date 04-17-2009 17:13
Just a question   -  I  work  for  a water district  and   do  receiving  inspection  on  a   whole  bunch  of  flanges  

We   inspect  per  the  spec but   the  biggest  problem  I   have   is   getting  the   TWO   hardness  tests  that  are specified  -

companies  that   give   an  AVREAGE  reading.   When  I  get  that  B.S.   I   tell  them   that   I"d  llike  to see their  original

data   and  then  they  move  their   big  toe  around  in  a  square  pattern  on  the  floor  -
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 04-17-2009 21:37
if its required that the values be reported reject the lot.
if its not speak with the purchasing dept ask them to require actual values on the PO and state po will not be paid untill all documentaion is recieved, then if they are not provided reject them or accept them pending documentaion but dont pay untill its recieved.
But if its not required by code and not on the po i dont see how you can do anything besides call and ask every time.
Thats what id do, but im a pain in the arse to my purchaser (but my concerns are warented).
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 04-17-2009 17:14
The question is; "Do you trust your supplier or the manufacturer?"

Have you ever heard of "China Flanges"?

Even if you have the CMTRs, there is no guarentee they are not "pencil whipped".

Best regards - Al
Parent - By MBSims (****) Date 04-17-2009 18:20 Edited 04-17-2009 18:23
Let's not give pencil whippers a bad name.  I think the word you are searching for is "counterfeit".

counterfeit [koun-ter-fit]
1.   made in imitation so as to be passed off fraudulently or deceptively as genuine; not genuine; forged: counterfeit dollar bills.
2.   pretended; unreal: counterfeit grief.
3.   an imitation intended to be passed off fraudulently or deceptively as genuine; forgery.
4.   Archaic. a copy.
5.   Archaic. a close likeness; portrait.
6.   Obsolete. impostor; pretender.
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 04-17-2009 21:27
I know about China steel and flanges, Dont wanna think about it though, we rarley get China anything. We do get a lot of tiwan , and india though....any better who knows.
Thats one good rason to get a hand held PMI.
"pencil whipped".
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 04-17-2009 21:39
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 04-17-2009 21:42
Is is true that all plate MTRs must reviewed.
So there is no case where a shop QC dept would not recieve a MTR for say SA 516 GR70. purchased by them.
Parent - By new tito (***) Date 04-20-2009 17:24
I'm not quite sure if you asking a question or pointing out that plate needs to be inspected.

Either way, yes plate for for pressure boundaries do need MTR's.  In my post above, I was simply stating that MTR's are not required for everything according to ASME sec VIII, just certain product forms, such as plate.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / SA-105 flange Product marking and Certification.

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