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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Should I get a AAS Degree or Just a Certificate
- - By rocky tharp Date 04-22-2009 05:17
I am hoping to start a new career in welding.  Is it a good idea to have a Associates Degree in Welding Technology or would it be wiser to get a certificate and build experience on the job.  I live in Houston TX. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 04-22-2009 06:12
Education is one thing that never wears out or goes out of style. It can't be taxed by local, state, or the federal government. It goes where ever you go and it doesn't cost you a cent when you climb aboard an airliner. It weighs almost nothing and is easier to carry than a tool belt, tool bucket, or tool box. It doesn't burn fuel and it nonpolluting.

Go for the piece of paper that tells people you have something between your ears besides air. Get the degree, that and experience is impossible to beat!

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By hillbilly (**) Date 04-22-2009 12:21
Get the degree if at all possible. You might not never choose to use it so to speak, but then they'll come a day that it'll help you get a position you want and you'll be glad you got it.
Parent - - By Ke1thk (**) Date 04-22-2009 13:13
I would go for it.  Understand that with it you'll have the basic knowledge of different processes but not necessarily the "expert" ranking.  Actual welding is also important.  A cert is a cert (perfect conditions) but actual welding is actual welding (imperfect parts).

Good Luck,

Parent - - By James Corbin (**) Date 04-22-2009 14:32
Get your associates degree. Here is what will happen when you don't
1) First ten years made a lot of money have 4 kids
2) Spend the next twenty years wishing you went for the AS then your BS.
3) It will hobble your career path FOREVER. DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 04-22-2009 18:05
I greatly agree with the others.  Don't end up going through life WISHING you had done it.  Do it now.  Once the family life and work get started, it is very difficult to get more education.

While many of us (I am included) have done reasonably well for ourselves without the college degrees, it is harder, takes longer, and I spend many days kicking myself.  Even if you head down a different career path, it shows people you reach for your goals, and you complete what you start. 

Get the degree.  THEN, get the experience and the certifications.  It is a win, win package.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 04-22-2009 18:18
How are you set for financial aid?  You could do both.  If the credits for the certificate apply to the degree, then that would be a good place to start.  You could get a job with the certificate, and if you use the credits to go on, you would graduate with real world experience.

If it is at all possible though, go for the degree.  You will never regret it.  The degree even counts towards your CWI if you want to do something like that besides being a weldor someday.  Inspectors draw good pay these days.

You never know, you might end up with a BS after the AS even.
Parent - - By rocky tharp Date 04-23-2009 01:42
Thanks for all the great advise.  I'm 28 and feel like if I don't get in school and do something I want to do I'll regret it for the rest of my life. 
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 04-23-2009 18:14
BTW,  WELCOME to the AWS Forum.  Hope you got advice that will head you down the right path for your life.  Now, the decision is yours.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By Fredspoppy (**) Date 04-29-2009 12:37
The Houston area has some really great community colleges with special degrees in Welding.  North Harris Community College is one of the best.

Colleges that have a welding inspection & NDT program:
Harris County

North Harris College
2700 W.W. Thorne Drive
Houston, Texas 77073

(281) 618-5400

Contact - Ron Theiss
(281) 618-5518

Ron is well known in the Gulf area and has a number of Industry Contacts that help place his students.  Give him an email.  Good luck!
Parent - - By magodley (**) Date 04-29-2009 19:56
If you can get into the Pipefitters Apprentice program you can get both and earn a lot money in the process. Great training and work experience. see details at
For you local see yellow pages under labor organizations.
Parent - - By rocky tharp Date 05-29-2009 03:41
I've registered for class at lonestar college cy-fair.  This college is part of the same system as North Harris.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 05-29-2009 14:15
Congratulations on your decision.  Thanks for keeping us informed.  It is nice to see how people respond to the suggestions offered up here.  Hope you learn alot.  Keep your eyes and ears open, your mind working and pulling in all possible information.  Ask lots of questions.  Then Practice, Practice, Practice.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Should I get a AAS Degree or Just a Certificate

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