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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / performance testing with radiography
- - By bosruten (*) Date 04-29-2009 15:32
There seems to be different theories, radiography vs bending. I always thought mechanical bending to be more indicative of flaws, I know it to be less costly, now I'm not sure.
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 04-29-2009 19:58
There's a big difference between them: XRays is a non destructive test, i.e., you don't need to destroy the welded joint to perform it, while bending is a destructive test, so you need to cut the welded joint in pieces to perform it.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - - By Kurt Miller Date 04-29-2009 20:05
I prefer to use RT. I have seen quite a few RT's that pass bend test but won't pass RT. You can get a much better feel for the quality of joint prep and level of attention to detail a welder might use. Also, at least in my area, there is competition for welding jobs. I, personally, feel RT is harder to pass than bend test.

The only problem that I have is per ASME, RT for WPQ's is not allowed for FCAW and we run a lot of FCAW.
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 04-29-2009 21:49
It is perfectly acceptable to RT FCAW coupons in accordance with ASME IX.
The only one you can't RT is GMAW (Short Circuiting).
QW 304 does not specifically state FCAW because GMAW also includes FCAW ( see QW 355 & QW 255)
Hope that helps,
Parent - - By Kurt Miller Date 04-30-2009 00:26
Thats what I meant. Management does not want to buy new welding machines. Short circuit is all we have. High volume E71T1 and 309 with short circuit is our bread and butter. Unfortunately the process that I can't RT. Our local guy will do a WPQ RT for $65. Bend test is at least $150.00. I am currently shopping for our own bend test jig.

Any suggestions on bend test jigs that I can buy off the shelf would be greatly appreciated.
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 04-30-2009 01:17
A little bit confused by your response.
There is no "short circuiting" with FCAW, that is a transfer mode associated with GMAW.
Your E71-T1 is an FCAW wire so RT is fine on this.
Is your 309 bare wire or flux cored wire ?
If it is FCAW you are fine for RT on that as well.
Will try and post some links to help clarify,
Parent - - By bosruten (*) Date 04-30-2009 17:42
Thanks for the hijack.....:)
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 04-30-2009 22:25
If trying to help another member on the forum is Hijacking I apologise,
This subject has been discussed numerous times in the past, just use the search engine.
Parent - By bosruten (*) Date 05-01-2009 17:11
Oh....a search engine, got it! As for the subject, I'm not sure which one your referring to, mine or yours. Nevertheless, it's no biggie. I respect everyone here and know they understand code of conduct on discussion forums. Have a nice day :)
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / performance testing with radiography

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