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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Lincoln Techs
- - By Steve.E (**) Date 05-05-2009 08:51
Hi guys, wonder if any clued up Lincoln technician could help with this.
   We have a Cypress circle welder hooked up to a DC 600 thats playing up. Whats happening is the Cypress will rotate normally until an arc is initiated. As soon as the arc starts
rotation will stop with with obvious consequences . Hooked up to a 2nd power source (DC 400) no problem , so this suggests problem in DC 600. Any hints to were we should be looking
would be much appreciated
                                  Thanks Steve.
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 05-05-2009 10:01
a report on your circuitry is very relevant here.
the fact that you have trouble with one but not the other(assuming they are plugged into the same circuit) is a direct indicator that your 600 is having troubles. without further details the fact that your circle welder is not responding correctly indicates a problem with your circle welder and your 600 interface. probably your board but this is the kind of thing that could result in a hunt for the "ghost in the machine".
more details if possible.
Parent - - By Steve.E (**) Date 05-05-2009 10:35
Hi Darren, am I assuming correctly you mean the control board in the DC 600 ?
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 05-06-2009 00:19 Edited 05-06-2009 00:21
yes. also where are you hooking up your ground/circuit  sensor.?
Parent - - By Steve.E (**) Date 05-06-2009 06:36
No ground circuit sensor on these units Daren .
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 05-06-2009 09:03 Edited 05-06-2009 09:05
it sounds like you have a leak or another circuit being closed/open to turn off the circle welder. i have seen a secondary circuit running through the weld current before, i.e. when the circuit was closed a 110 0r 220 0r 460 0r 575 v circuit was superimposed over the low voltage/high amperage circuit causing all sorts of issues, caused by board issues all the way to simple circuit contamination from the welder being filled with grinding dust
does the 600 unit weld well with out the circle welder i.e. pulling a piece of parent metal instead of having it automatically being moved.
this is interesting (i am sure on your end frustrating) did the 600 unit develop this problem spontaneously or has it always presented this problem.
we had some issues with a power wave introducing a secondary circuit and have chased ghosts in some older machines.
there is something to be said about the bullet machines, even though they cost more to run you would almost never have any of these issues.
time to pull out the fluke and do some rudimentary testing.
Parent - By Steve.E (**) Date 05-17-2009 02:51
Sorry for the late reply, Its been a busy week .
   Thanks Darren  your diagnosis was spot on , particularly good because our in house sparky had declared it was a shorted out main transformer.
Anyway I was able to try a control bored out of another DC 600 and hey presto no more problems .  Thanks mate.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Lincoln Techs

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