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Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 05-08-2009 16:05
That is one ugly weld or two, But you do have to give the man credit he most like from the looks of it had to do the repair while under way with pressure in the line and looks had very little to do with it. lets hope so anyway.
Parent - - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 05-08-2009 16:53
the top picture looks like it was welded with a bare rod.
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 05-08-2009 19:03
I want to say that it was done during the restoration and or while they were turning the whole ship into a museum, but ya never know.  Shouldn't really matter when it was done, it should have never been done. lol
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 05-09-2009 16:57
Maybe McGyver did it with car batteries, jumper cables & coat hanger wire. :-)
Parent - - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 05-08-2009 20:20
I wish I had been allowed to have cameras in a lot of the places I have worked in my 20 years in the USN.  You guys would think better of the above pictures if I could show you some of the crud I have seen, both from military and from civilians, contractors and yardbirds.  True story.  When I was in USS Camden in Todd Pacific SY, the burners came down to remove a sounding tube from a fuel tank one night.  They got the whole thing out, then someone realized that they removed the wrong tube.  Well, those burners got it in mind to come back to the ship before the end of the shift, grabbed a powercon and a handful of (probably) 6011 and "welded" the tube back in...from the 6th deck all the way to the top, in 3-5 foot sections.  Then they painted the thing and no one said a word.  Couple months later, we're out at the fuel depot loading some 4-5 million gallons of DFM and JP5, and the bells go, flooding.  Guess where?  Two lower magazine decks (empty) flooded completely with JP5.  Had to strip all the anti-static flooring out of both and redo completely.  What a mess.  So don't go saying that the squids jacked those welds up; sometimes we have help. :)
Parent - - By mechan (**) Date 05-09-2009 00:10
Attached are some pictures of some armor they had on post. The one from 1918 is pure quality welding and piping. The last picture is of a project the students going through the course do. The only supplies the students are given besides stock are the motor and fasteners, the rest is all hand machined. (Thought it would be interesting for the gee whiz value)
Parent - - By ruero (**) Date 05-12-2009 14:15 Edited 05-12-2009 14:24
Thought I'd share these, McMurdo Station Antarctica 2004
sorry for the size not savy enough to down size yet
Attachment: MOGASPics007.jpg (494k)
Attachment: MOGASPics015.jpg (563k)
Attachment: MOGASPics019.jpg (564k)
Parent - - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 05-12-2009 20:42
hey Maranda from raytheon outa denver shot me an e-mail last week and asked if i wanted to go down there. whats it like workin at the south pole
Parent - - By ruero (**) Date 05-13-2009 03:49
ibeweldingsum: sent you PM
Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 05-13-2009 09:16
same here I'm currious how you get a job down there??
Parent - By leterburn (**) Date 05-13-2009 04:06
Buddy of mine spends our winters - ice's summers there - he's in the maintenance shop - keeps heaters, etc running for the airfield.  DL
Parent - - By phaux (***) Date 05-13-2009 05:39
How does one go about getting a job in Antarctica?
Parent - - By KFab (**) Date 05-14-2009 00:48
Wow ant that crazy,,, I ran the pipe line and fabed all the piping for those tanks you built. ehhe we went across the street then down into station then along the moutain side ... down the hill and to the end where the ship lands in the summer.. i was there winter 07

ill post pics a in min... dont know how ahah
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Parent - By ruero (**) Date 05-14-2009 02:14
Small world sorta speak, we did 4,two 6's and 8" down to the dock summer season I think was 98 can't remember any more been down to many times. We worked out of the old incenertator building, pretty nice shop out of site.
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