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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Has anyone else heard
- - By Yung Buck (*) Date 05-12-2009 09:25
That they are trying to control restaurants into making their food healthier? Their food is unhealthy, has too much salt apparently. My opinion on that is, it's not their fault people eat out. (Some have sued mcD's for millions blaming the food made them fat)... Well, do people not have enough self control to just go out to eat once in a while?

But hell, seems like more and more sh!t gets controlled by the government everyday. Some crazy stuff.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-12-2009 11:16
Thats been going for a while now. Several large fast food chains have already made changes to the effect.
Parent - By Yung Buck (*) Date 05-12-2009 11:22
This mornin was the first time I've actually caught the news in a while. I think it's funny. (As if it's their fault people get chunky off their food) Common sense would tell someone with a metabolism issue to stay the hell away. (Or is it asking too much for some people to actually try to put their brains to use?)

I don't know. I think it's petty. If I were a company/franchise owner, I would tell the people eating and filing lawsuits and the gov't to kiss my ass. Just my thought on that.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 05-12-2009 13:32
Here I go.  I, of course don't have a problem with "healthier" regulations on food.  I have a few pontenially SERIOUS health problems, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure amonst them.  One of my last vices left is eating.  I love to eat but the problem that I have is damn near every restaurant, fast food or otherwise, loads their food down with so much sodium or sugar that it doesn't help my blood sugar or HBP.

I have often commented on starting a restaurant that would not use salt and use sugar substitutes in the food.  Health food doesn't mean salads and chicken breast.  I can make some damn delicious food without that poison.

If you think about it, the no salt/no sugar/no fats etc. model could make a restauranteur some big money.  The more "healthier" foods at the grocery tend to cost more and I think that a restaurant would do well if they used that as their schtick.

As far as governmental intervention.  The Government, as a consumer advocate has regulated other sides of the food business on our behalf.  Local health departments have regulation to ensure sanitation, so I think it is the logical next step in regulating salt in restaurants.  I know its hard to eat healthy if you can't find healthy foods. 

My 2 cents.
Parent - - By Bob Garner (***) Date 05-12-2009 14:42
Eat at ethnic restaurants.  We have Ethiopian, Cuban, Vietnamese, Thai, and some more that use all traditional ingredients.  You have to seek out the ones that cook with real ingredients but it's not hard in a large city.  Ethiopian food includes Gored Gored, raw cubes of beef cooked only in a heated spicey butter.  To die for!
Parent - - By Jssec (**) Date 05-12-2009 15:38
We started with menus from five popular fast-food chains -- McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, KFC and Arby's -- did some tallying, then cross-matched our findings with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's list of common food ingredients and colors. The result is the top 10 most common ingredients in fast food, organized by the type of ingredient and what it does.

        * Citric Acid: The Most Common Preservative
        * High-fructose Corn Syrup: The Most Common Sweetener
        * Caramel Color: The Most Common Color Additive
        * Salt: The Most Common Flavor or Spice
        * Monosodium Glutamate: The Most Common Flavor Enhancer
        * Niacin: The Most Common Nutrient
        * Soybean Oil: The Most Common Oil or Fat
        * Mono- and Diglycerides: The Most Common Emulsifiers
        * Xanthan Gum: The Most Common Stabilizer or Thickener
        * Chicken: The Most Common Meat Product
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 05-12-2009 15:53
* High-fructose Corn Syrup: The Most Common Sweetener

You know why this is the most common?
The gov supliments it to the point where its soooooooooooooooooo cheap therefore its used in everything even when its not needed.

Im starting to really get anoyed with the Gov butting in!!!!!!!
They dont even hide it in MA anymore, we are facing huge tax increases, and they come right out and say these new taxes will kill privet jobs, but allow the state to keep hundreds of state jobs and programs.

I see the end result
this country is supporting non working people helping them at taxpayer expense(even buying them cars paying the taxes for them , paying insurance, tripple A and tolls) and letting the middle class die a slow painfull death.
soon if you dont work for the gov you wont be working.
Parent - - By Jssec (**) Date 05-12-2009 15:33
Open a restaurant with "no salt/no sugar/no fats etc" and 2 cents is all you will have left.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 05-12-2009 16:55
Anyone who can not control what they eat to the point that it causes medical issues has a problem. There is not need for more government control. This is an example of survival of the fittest. Only the strong survive. If this was a case of a carcinogen or other type of poison that would be another issue. Do not put things in your mouth if you do not know what they are. Very simple.
Parent - By Yung Buck (*) Date 05-12-2009 17:01
I just think it's total sh!t that the government keeps putting their noses in other peoples business. Don't bail the major car companies out. Let them fall, someone else will buy them out cheap and rebuild. It's the way it's suppose to go. All this bailout stuff is whats causing us to go down the drain. take money from the middle man and give to the already rich. Make the CEO's of these company put up the 100's of millions. You know damn good and well they've got it.

And about the restaurants, if people can't find healthy food to eat, they are doing something wrong. Plenty of places have healthy food menu' dont have to make it a sh!tty experience for those that don't have the health problems and like the added stuff.

But then again, just my .02...I just think this government intervention crap is getting out of hand. As if the patriot act isn't enough. They've got to infiltrate every aspect of everyone's lives.

And to BryonLewis, I'm not taking away from the fact they should ADD a healthy choice part to a menu, but to totally regulate everything on the menu, isn't insane.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 05-12-2009 17:21

Yes... Let the government dictate every moment of our lives and oversee everything we do.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-13-2009 12:58
This is a sore subject with me.
"The Government, as a consumer advocate has regulated other sides of the food business on our behalf"

You got a mouse in your pocket???

"The Government" has already overstepped it's constitutional bounds many many times. If I want to sit down and chew on a 16oz porterhouse slathered in thick mushroom sauce with a side of freshly deep fried potatoe strips covered in salt, and washing it down with a good whole milk shake, I am damn well going to do it. Which I will follow with a good marble row cigarette. I don't need the government, nor any backdoor buLLS*** from a company trying to tell me how to live my life via threatening/denying my health insurance, which btw is out of control because the idiots in charge of the government allow frivilous lawsuits such as sueing mcdonalds because someone has developed diabetes, or is to fat to fit through the door due to lack of self control. I am by no means the picture of physical fitness, but do I blame you or mcdonalds for it? No, that is all on me.

It's called personal responsibility. An act that requires a sense of individual independence, rather than depending on some liberal a**wipe in congress to tell me what I should and should'nt do. How does one person no matter what their position think that they alone know better than I how to live my life?
The next logical step is a police state. If your going to pass laws telling people how to think, how to eat, how to sleep, how to work, how to play, how to love, and every other aspect of life be it moral, ethics, physically, or mentally, the laws that you pass have to have some reprocussions for breaking them.

So are you telling me you'd advocate having someone like me arrested for eating a twinkie? or steak, or for shooting my guns, or for that matter ordering french fries?

At the end of your time, dead is dead. You do not go before your time, I can personally attest to that after having been laid out on the street with no heart beat, breath or any other sign of life for several minutes after being hit by an a**hole higher than a kite on an illegal substance. by all rights and knowledge of the physicians who treated me, I should have never made it past my 17th birthday.

Making that drug an illegal substance didn't stop him from nailing me with 3.5k of steel at 60 mph. (74 nova)
Making anything illegal only stops the law abiding; criminals be definition are law breakers and could care less.

Any and all liberal B****'s who would tell me what I can and can't do because they themselve's have no sense of personal responsibility or morals can go play in their fairyland utopia and leave me the hell out of their BS.
Parent - By Yung Buck (*) Date 05-13-2009 13:38
Don't think I could have said it better myself on my best day. lol
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 05-12-2009 17:12
Yes, the push to force restaurants to serve healthier food has been going for quite a while.

You might try Googling the "Twinkie defense".  That's was an example of some evil Twinkies forcing a poor man who was just minding his own business, to find a gun and murder 2 people.

Now do you see why we MUST institute food control in restaurants?  Only law enforcement professionals are trained in the proper handling of Twinkies.

(I hope the local PD doesn't read this forum but if so -I meant it all in fun; no disrespect intended.)
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 05-12-2009 17:30
Remember the flap about "fat free" salad dressings?  At first they tried to do something good by getting rid of the fat. Then they found out the fat was actually good for you and should not be taken out!  One website even says that the nutrients are absorbed better if the salad dressing has fat!
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 05-13-2009 12:21
Now that I watch the ULTIMATE food and cooking show, (America's Test Kitchen on PBS), I am ruined for life.  Everything that tastes good has to have fat.  The meat has to be marbled.  The 80% "lean" hamburger is required so it won't dry out.  Only pure butter is used...etc..etc...etc...Well, I figure you only live once, so I am going to go for it...within reason of course.  It's all about portion control.  LOL
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 05-13-2009 16:08
I was always taught to eat some of the 4 basic food groups daily.

I think those are: sugar, salt, fat, and cholesterol.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 05-13-2009 01:53
   "food made them fat"

  Yes, food will do that. "Super Size" it.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-13-2009 13:00
You have to remember, it's not the person, it's the tool, and since Rosey odonnell is so fat, then we should blame snickers, bon bons and her spoon.
By the liberal adgenda, we should ban all assault spoons, and malicious bon bons and stickers.
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 05-13-2009 16:11
It's from a genetic birth defect - weak elbows.  Many people, including me, suffer from it.  Can't push away from the dinner table.
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 05-13-2009 05:15
Well I wish some of those people would stay at home to eat just seeing them out and about messes my eyeballs up :-P  :-O
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Has anyone else heard

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