Could anyone tell me if they've seen an AC/DC TIG outift under £750 (About $1,150)? The only one's I've seen so far are the Miller Gold Seal 160i, the Miller Ecotig and the Hobart TIGMATE at £700 ish. It'd have to be a very simple machine, obviously, but it'd be fine for me. I'd like oxy/acetylene, and am still considering it very seriously, because it would mean no complaints from the neighbours when I'm cutting at 11pm but I'm being drawn by some out-of-body force towards a Vortex DX13 DC TIG. I'd just really like to learn TIG and if anyone might suggest a good sub £700 DC machine that'd be great. I'd like AC as well to try my hand on some aluminium but DC would be fine I suppose. Do Arcotech Cermont have anything under £700? They seem to be the only other 'portable' units I can find. If I can't find anything I guess it's time to order some tanks.
Thanks in advance,
John H. UK