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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Gitmo Hilarity
- - By js55 (*****) Date 05-20-2009 16:02
OK. Obama says in his campaign that he is going to close Gitmo within a scheduled period of time.

But Mr. President, What are ya gonna do with all these fellers?
He don't know.
So, it hasn't happened yet. But he certainly scored some points bashing Bush on this one though.

Now, even his own party is telling him no way you bring em here, a monumentally styooopid idea he floated as a trial balloon into the media some weeks ago, leading all to believe he doesn't have clue as to what he is going to do.
The really hilarious thing about all this, I say facetiously, is how he postured himself to all our 'friends' overseas in the campaign as the "Ethical President" that is going to eliminate this scourge upon the American Ideal and restore American good will.
Of course, all these 'friends' are tellin him they ain't taking these guys.
Now, either they, and Obama knew this was a 'rock and a hard spot' scenario, or they didn't.
I tend to believe they knew and Obama didn't.
Why didn't he? Was he just too busy during the campaign trying to look good for European lefties and talkin pretteh to realize?
If he did, then how is it he allowed himself to be in this unenviable position where his own party has turned against him?
Now they (our 'friends') are laughing their azzes off at the American Presidents predicament, and he is still tryng to figure out how he is gonna kiss up to Harry Reid and get some money to close it down. But still, where you gonna put em. Many states are already passing legislation saying they can't come here. So where?
I think its time for yet another one of those 'talkin pretteh' speeches, or maybe one of those smoke filled room deals that helped bring him to power in Chicago.
Parent - - By Yung Buck (*) Date 05-20-2009 16:11
I'd say put them somewhere in the middle of nowhere alaska....Then if they do run, they sure as hell won't get too far. haha
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 05-20-2009 16:40
You don't believe Sarah Palin is gonna do anything to help this guy out do you?  :)
After Obama set loose his attack dogs in an unprecedented and unrelenting assault on her and her family?

Oh, and one other thing. Anybody else notice how Obama's policy on terrorism is starting to look and sound remarkably like Bush's?
Now don't get me wrong, this is a good thing. But you gotta wonder what his consttituency would think if they knew. And if they would use the same attacks on him that he used on Bush.

Man I'll tell ya folks, there's more flip flops in the current White House than in a Malibu Beach surf shop.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 05-20-2009 16:54
"there's more flip flops in the current White House than in a Malibu Beach surf shop"

^^^I'm stealin that quote.....LOL
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 05-20-2009 17:01
I wonder how much of the 80 Billion budget for the war and closing gitmo goes for welfare and relocation for the detainees??
Parent - By Yung Buck (*) Date 05-20-2009 17:07
Now, I never said it'd work out. But, that's what I'd do.

I've thought and said since day one Obama is a hypocrite. But, I won't get TOO far into that. Don't want to speak my mind too much. lol
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 05-20-2009 19:15

1st video=Where oh where are the war protesters now? Are they OK with Mr. Obama's killing of innocent civilians? 1.35 sec
2nd link=This was in early May even after the 17K additional troops i.e. (Bushlike surge). I'm not criticizing Obama's increase in troops and subsequent air raids. However, any loss of innocent life is tragic no matter who the president is.
2nd video0.56sec=it's easy to campaign and hard to govern isn't it Mr. Obama? I hope he doesn't deliver on these campaign promises. If he does; God help us. The naivety to broadcast our weapons reduction and expect our enemies to "honor" an agreement to do the same.

Please, please don't let anything happen to Mr. Obama!
next in line is Gaff'O'matic Joe Biden (we'll be in the bunker behind the VP house) in you need us for anything during an attack
then you have the clapper of the house Pelosi-nuff said

See Obama is smart.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 05-20-2009 19:31 1.17sec

January 22, 2009 As the adoring cameras click not a thought as to where the detainees will go and what an important role Gitmo plays in our war with terrorism.
If full disclosure of the reports are ever released, I think many (not all) people will thank the former administration for protecting our nation after 911.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 05-20-2009 20:47
Yeah, you gotta wonder just where in thee hell are the screatchin timeliniacs we heard so much about with Bush and Iraq. Not only do we hear neery a peep from them on Obama's Afghanistan but absolute silence on Iraq as well.
So it appears the problem wasn't Iraq after all. The problem wasn't any concern for a quasi Vietnam, the problem wasn't any concern for innocent lives or pizzing off our friends in Europe.  All we really wanted to do is get rid of the dreaded Bush.
Its OK Obama. Stay there as long as you like. We understand. If the Europeans still squeal about us staying too long in Iraq, tough noogies.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 05-20-2009 21:03
Let me clarify something here lest I open myself up for a particularly annoying form of assault. When I wax sarcastic about our 'friends' in Europe I intend only the radical political left. You know, those the American left try pathetically to convince us are our true friends in order to justify beating us over the head with some guilt about something or to ridicule us into thinking that we are the neanderthals. We do actually have many real friends in Europe. We saw much of this in the expressions of sympathy and collective vigils in the wake of 911. I for one won't forget. But then, Democracies have a tendency to be that way.
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