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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / tig roots
- - By anthony gandolfo Date 05-19-2009 02:15
hello everyone, im practicing tube welding and having trouble with burnthrough on my tacks. no matter how fast i run i still get to much build up on my tacks on the inside. my root is almost there, exept the tacks. how do i combat this. 2" sch.40 3/32 s-2 rod 3/32 gap, help im frustrated. also is it ok to run downhill on root
Parent - By weldaboy (**) Date 05-19-2009 04:02
the tacks are just tacks. if ur goin for cosmetics just strike ur torch and run over them with out the rod. it will suck it back to match the rest. just strike up then lift ur hood up and watch from the inside. itll start turnin colors then itll get white and start to suck back. just walk the cup like ur runnin a hot pass sorta. and no its not ok to run down hill. ur talkin bout on ur off side u want to run down hill wit ur good hand. (prob ur right hand) u gotta learn to use ur other hand. (prob ur left hand).
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 05-19-2009 11:44
Reduce your current.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By FieldHand80 (*) Date 05-19-2009 19:12
are you practicing with tube coupons? Or actually in a boiler repairing tubes? Tube welding is actually easier then you think, tubes dont need 4 tacks on them, at least I never put 4 on them, 2 at the most and you weld it in pairs, do 1 half, then the other half. your usually running so fast that when you stop after your first half you can look inside and make sure its ok before you do the other half...most of the time it doesnt draw to if you have to take a "tube" test for a company, put your 4 tacks in it, if that makes you more comfortable and just feather down your bottom, top and one of the side tacks, this will help you keep at a moderate speed and help ensure that you make a consistant root....also the make these neat tube pliers that rotate so you dont even have to tack your tubes...I'll find the brand name and send it to you. also, tig ties in better uphill.....also, I never gap my tubes...there so thin that they are fusing together when I lay my rod on the bevel....but to each his own.
Parent - - By anthony gandolfo Date 05-20-2009 13:42
ya coupons.not ready to do it for real yet,thanks all for the advice, ill give it all a try. ill get back to yall with the results
Parent - By FieldHand80 (*) Date 05-20-2009 19:26
hey, im telling you...tubes are easy. thats why you can make so much $ piece welding them in shops.....thats the only reason I will go in a shop.
Parent - - By Sharp Tungsten (**) Date 05-20-2009 22:27
Do I read correctly that you never gap tubes? Or just thin tubing when butt welding. I would like to know how you weld XX 160 schedule tubes without a gap.
Parent - By FieldHand80 (*) Date 05-20-2009 22:59
oh no...sorry for the confusion...thats just thin wall tubes...on sch 40, 80, above...I gap.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / tig roots

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