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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Texas Northern Border Wall
- - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-21-2009 21:11
WTF??? :-)
Parent - By Jssec (**) Date 05-21-2009 21:20
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 05-21-2009 22:08
Texans and Californians make New Yorkers look like......Vermontians.  :-)
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-22-2009 01:35
Bryon, I don't advise you to visit Texas after that statement. Listing Texans as if the same as californians could net you physical harm in Texas.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 05-22-2009 01:57
I go to Texas frequently.  They are the opposite right nuts and Cali are left nuts.  A nut is a nut.  :-)
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-22-2009 02:27
Please be sure to mention it everywhere you go on your next Texas run. :-)
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 05-23-2009 03:35
Well we eat nuts (mountain oysters) here for breakfast, lunch and supper :)   Fried rattle snake goes well with them too.
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 05-22-2009 14:09
Vermont IS part of New York.  Why else would they act the way they do?
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 05-23-2009 03:22
And I always thought they were Vermons :)  
Parent - - By kipman (***) Date 05-21-2009 23:14
Gotta love The Onion.  But this is a bit less far fetched than alot of their stuff. 

If you've got some time, check The Onion for back issues and read the columns by Herbert Kornfeld.  Laugh out loud when you're alone kind of funny.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-22-2009 00:12
It was so absurd that I LMAO. First off they forgot a side. Plus 75' is just too tall. 50' ( :-) ) would be fine and then you could go all the way around and have extra for some roadways. LOL
Parent - By vagabond (***) Date 05-22-2009 12:32
It wouldn't have to be very tall if we electrified it would it???  Years back while I was building a co-gen in Blythe, CA we branched off a mainline for the gas supply.  The mainline was run on down into mexico (for those wondering it's not a spelling error I just don't capitalize it).  This gas was and still is being used to power 3 co-gens in the mexicali area.  Of course none of this was ever in the media and they are still "selling" the USA the power probably.  They had to observe no emission laws when these were built and there were some real bad accidents on at least one of them I know of.  The company whose name rhymes with rectal collapsed a HRSG (high recovery steam generator or boiler) on one of these jobs.  This is what NAFTA did for the working people in this country. 

We don't even need a fence all that needs to happen is a vigilant and swift prosecution of ANY employers who hire these illegals.  It's already working in states like AZ.  The problem with the people in this country at large is most would rather talk about it than do something.  If you are concerned about it volunteer for groups like the Minute Men,  if you can't volunteer send them a donation.  Call your politicians,  if you see these dregs loitering around your Home Depot call the police.  They are breaking the law and when people call the police will react eventually but if you tolerate it then you will be forced to live with it every day.  I guarantee you there aren't any of them hanging out at the Home Depot in Wyoming, Idaho or Montana.  Just my .02.
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 05-22-2009 12:52
"Mr. Perry, tear down that wall."  - :-)
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 05-22-2009 15:14
Texas is big.
It's the largest state in the continental United States and covers of
268,000 square miles, making up 7.4% of the nation. Texas alone is
bigger than all of New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and
Illinois... combined. Even the DFW airport is larger than Manhattan.
Where Is Your Horse?!
While most people are aware that Texas is physically a large place many
have a false perception of the state. Contrary to popular belief, Texas
is not just an open range full of cowboys and horses. In fact much of
Texas is a budding and modern, urban metropolis. Texas is home to 24
million people, 82.5% of whom live in metropolitan areas and of the
Top 10 most populated cities in the U.S., three are in Texas: Houston,
Dallas and San Antonio! The Dallas / Forth Worth metroplex has more
residents than the entire state of Arizona AND 31 other states! If Texas
were its own country it would be the 10th largest in the world. It would
have the 12th largest economy, based on gross domestic product, ahead
of Mexico, Russia & India. It would be the 5th largest oil and gas
producing country in the world and more Fortune 500 companies call
Texas home than any other state.
It's Getting Even Bigger
As big as Texas is, believe it or not it's getting even bigger. Texas has the
largest population growth rate of any state in the US and is growing by
over 1,000 people a day. The Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex is the #1
fastest growing metro areas in the nation. In fact, the term "Metroplex"
was originally coined and is uniquely used, to describe the Dallas Fort
Worth area. It's aptly names DFW's sprawling metropolitan area that
contains several cities and their suburbs. Texas dominated the list of the
nation's fastest growing cities with San Antonio, Fort Worth, Houston,
Austin and Dallas all landing in the Top 10

With this much growth in such a concentrated area
and 70% of the states population living within 200
miles of Austin, cities are expanding with continuous
urban areas blending cities together. It's much
more than a Metroplex... we call it the Texaplex!
The Texaplex got a jump start early on from the cargo
and passenger trains that originally connected the
Texaplex cities over 130 years ago. Now these cities
are connected by the major interstate's I-45, I-10
and I-35. The Texaplex includes the Dallas / Fort
Worth metroplex in the north down to the Houston
metropolitan area in the SouthEast on over to
Austin and San Antonio in the West, completing the
Of the 24 million Texans four out
offive live in the Texaplex and it is
growing... fast! Forecasts show that the
Texaplex will add another 12 million people
by the year 2030.That is the equivalent of
adding to the current Texas population another
San Antonio metropolitan area, Houston
metropolitan area, Austin metropolitan area and
Dallas / Forth Worth metropolitan area and all within
the Texaplex.

1. Great Place to live
Texas is a great place to live.
The weather is good and free
from the harsh winters of
the north. There is plenty
of entertainment; Austin is
considered the live music capitol
of the world, there is tons of
great shopping, restaurants and
art museums. Texas is home to
several professional sports teams
including the Dallas Cowboys,
Dallas Mavericks, Dallas Stars,
Texas Rangers, Houston Astros,
Houston Texans, Houston
Rockets and San Antonio
Spurs and some of the best
Universitites and Business
Schools in the nation: UT, SMU,
TCU, A&M, Baylor & Rice.
2. Great place to work
Secondly it's a great place for business. In fact it's the best place for
business as . CNBC just named Texas the #1 state for doing business
and in the past 5 years, Texas has created 1.2 million new jobs. In
2007 half of all jobs created in the US were in Texas. There is no state
income tax, no tax on goods in transit and its central time zone makes
it ideal for working with companies on either coast and the office of
current governor Rick Perry, has ensured pro growth and pro business
legislation are at the forefront of their agenda.
For those living in Texas or on their way this is all great news. And with
national economy and home values dropping across the natrion we can all
use some good news. Texas has and will remain strong. It's a great time to
own Texas Real Estate and it's going to be a Lone Star Boom!
3. Great investment
And finally Texas has a low
cost of living. Forbes magazine
recently published an article
"Best Cities to Buy a Home"
which featured all 4 Texaplex
cities in the Top 10! Austin and
San Antonio lead Forbes' list of
"Best Bang for the buck cities"
and Houston and Dallas also
land in the Top 10! [Show typical
new home in maybe McKinney
$300,000 is 4000 sq
ft...5 bedroom,4 baths, granite,
custom ,etc. Compare to what
that would cost in other cities.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 05-22-2009 19:04 Edited 05-23-2009 02:45
Hello johnnyh, better be careful about what you post......... You probably just convinced half the population of the United States to relocate! Thanks for providing that information on an obviously great state. I have not made it to Texas yet to get a firsthand impression of the area, but 2 of my sons will be heading there in a month of so to do some work on some windmill towers, they'll likely give me a firsthand report. Enjoyed the read, thanks and regards, Allan
Just found out that they'll be somewhere in the vicinity of Abileen, hope I spelled that correctly.
Parent - - By rick harnish (***) Date 05-23-2009 01:00
Yeah, man, watch it. Traffic is already bad enough in the "TEX-PLEX"!!!!!!! Dont wish to become southern Cali !! :)
Parent - By rick harnish (***) Date 05-23-2009 01:02
Oh yeah, I forgot we just put in the wall on the Northern border!! We should be OK.
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 05-23-2009 01:50
johnnyh,  Yea Texas is big but you have the likes of characters like Rick H and Shad and pro football teams namely Dallas Wowboys who suck year after year. By the way do you have a pro hockey team? That would help distract from the sucky football teams you have. And the weather?, when isn't it so stinkin' hot that you have swamp arse by 9:30 in the morning. NO THANKS I'll stay in PA. instead of wakin' up every morning feelin' like "I'm digging myself out of hell" and in my spare time I'll watch top of the line pro teams like the 6 TIME SUPER BOWL STEELERS and the PENS in the quest for LORD STANLEY again. Also excellent trout fishing in the mountains and hunting in the fall. Only plus I know of is your fuels cheaper than up north and you have guys like Cactus keepin' everything interesting. ( nice biography)
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-23-2009 02:33 Edited 05-23-2009 02:38
there are a lot of good folks in Texas. I am curious why you felt it necessary to degrade rather than counter. Most positive feedback would have been to counter with the good points of PA. It could have been something like this:


While PA may not be the largest state in the Union, it has more than it's share to offer. Historically, many of the revolutionary war efforts of the states took place here. Much of the founding documents of the United states was also written/signed here (Declaration of independence for instance) which gave it's nickname "keystone state". Then there is the civil war history, and on to current day. PA as a whole is as important, as any state from just a historical standpoint alone.

Then there is it's diversity. Everything from PA dutch to Amish, to one of the largest and oldest renaissance festival's to be found, not to mention some damn good welders and effective birth place of bethlehem steel, and in general, the source of steel for many of the buildings and bridges that built the nation to begin with. Pa is steel town, attitude included. Texas may have it's history in cattle and oil, but PA has it's history in steel and coal.

As for economy, PA is the 6th largest economy in the union, and if it where a nation on it's own, it would rank 18th in the world economically. While Texas has it's oil, PA has it's own share of it as well. Not to mention some of the largest coal reserves in the nation.


I think you get the picture. I've been to PA many times, and enjoyed it except for 1 thing. When I run across people like you with the attitude displayed here.
I don't recall seeing anything negative in Johnny's post, much less anything worth the venom in your post, especially when including others who didn't have a dog in the race. If you have a problem with Rick H and Shad, why don't you take it up directly with them.
No state in the union is without some negative value, so why not emphasis the positive of the state you claim as home rather than attack someone elses?
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 05-23-2009 17:13
cwi555, Guess you don't follow the posts to closely, Rick H and I have talked numerous times about work, sports teams, and life in general and Shad ,I can relate to because of his" NEVER GIVE UP" attitude which I believe is what keeps this country great. As far as venomous attitude have you ever been to L.I. ,New York or New Jersey? They make most PA. people look like preachers with their attitude. Also as per PA. history I was out of class that day( probably welding).One question I have for you is ,I notice you don't list a home state or location?( in W. PA. their called drifters) If you can't tell I'm kidding you then your on the wrong site because most people in the welding profession have a sense of humor and a rough around the edges attitude ( unless you never worked in the field ,only in the office in secondary operations). Good day !!!!!!      PS. GO STEELERS in the hunt for #7 and PENS in the Quest for LORD STANLEY.               
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-24-2009 02:22
As for Home state, It's Tennessee, and yes, I've been to L.I. ,New York, and Jersey many times. I've found good people in all. (With the exception of drivers in some of them)
I still hold to the fact that it could have been done in a less venomous manner. As for the welding profession being rough around the edges for attitude, I've found the exact opposite. The majority of them are exceptionally knowledgable and generally polite, at least the professional variety are. As for where I have worked, the vaste majority has been in the field, and yet I still don't see the majority of welders having the attitude you speak of. It's there, of that there is no doubt, but not rampant. Most "professionals.. act professionally by default. Unless your trying to state otherwise?

As for football and hockey, I could really care less about either. IPSC, Hi power, SASS, and other shooting sports, are more my speed. Sitting around watching others play has never been my thing.
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 05-24-2009 16:51
CWI555,    Keep looking at life thru them rose colored glasses , MILLIONS of people watch pro sports every week with BILLIONS spent on stadiums , parking garages , and other infrastructure. Last time I checked TV was polluted with spectator sports from baseball to football and even NASCAR , hell I even saw golf & bowling being televised ( no speed shooting, Hi power, or other shooting sports so I guess their not so popular/ you must be in the minority of whats considered "up to speed"). As for professional why is the lead/forman in Ironworking called the pusher? And what other profession ( having to do with welding) is there a term called DRAGGING UP ? CPA's ,Doctors , lawyers or scientists ,I think NOT! Also what other profession has terms of insult as "Your problem is between the shoulder and the holder", Surgeons ? NOT!  In closing if any of my posts have offended you I am truly sorry, if you type in "Hurt Feelings Report" in this forums search ,fill it out and send it to me.( I believe another" professional "on this site made it up and posted it).   As for living in TN. never been there but I heard a saying" Last one leaving Nashville for Branson MO. turn out the lights" is that still true or ancient history. PS GO PENS and STEELERS ( PENS won #3 last nite looking like a sweep of the CANES and on to Detroit for LORD STANLEY). Have a good holiday and remember " freedom isn't free".
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-24-2009 20:24
You are apparently someone who would argue with a wall. So please find the nearest wall and have your discussion with it.
Parent - By dion_pepperg (*) Date 05-25-2009 03:34
trout - thats a wussy fish like yankees check the COWBOYS championships Biotch
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 05-23-2009 03:19
And can you believe Texas was once much bigger and California was too.  At one time Texas stretched all the way up to what is now Wyoming.  :)

What happened to that land?  It was sold to finance a new state.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Texas Northern Border Wall

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