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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / API 1104 re test
- - By weldhawk71 (**) Date 05-20-2009 14:30
I took the CWI weld test in 06 and failed the code portion. I'm re-testing in july and wanted to know if the two appendixes were still a big part of the last 15 questions. The reason i ask is because when i took it in 06 our instructor took the test as it was in his words "being given for the second time with the appendix's added in the questioning". He sat through the test with our group to see how hard it was and told us that the last 15 questions, the ones pertaining to the appendix's, were questions that were not only to difficult for the knowledge of a cwi,  but also ones that could only be answered by an engineer, in that they were decissions to be made by a welding engineer.
I guess I just want to know how much i need to focus on the appendix's. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!
Parent - - By weldhawk71 (**) Date 05-27-2009 23:42
Hello? Is anyone in here???
Parent - - By strat (**) Date 05-28-2009 02:09
hey weldhawk71,
i took the 1104 in 07 and our instructor just touched base on the appendix's and told us that we shouldnt worry to much on the appendix's
cuase they probly wont be but one or possible two questions on them, man was he fooled or fool on us, when i got toward the end there was one and then another and im like thats cool
one or two, then there was another , and then another, and then another, i think we had like 15 also, now our instuctor was very nowlegable and he acted like he was supprised that they were that many on the appendix's, so i think i would be prepared for them agian and good luck

Parent - - By weldhawk71 (**) Date 05-28-2009 13:30
Thanks strat! I bombed the last 14-15 questions. I believe i missed 11 or 12. If you look in the code book there was an example of how to work a formula. That example was on the test, word/number for word/number. I caught it and answered it correctly but talked with an engineer in our group after and he said he did the math, which he was only able to do because he had a calculator that was capable (he said it cost over 125 bucks) but it took him longer than the alloted time needed (2 minutes per question to finish the test in alloted time)
I was wondering if anyone else had the same gripe as me? And what is the pass/fail rate for the API 1104 code?
Thanks, weldhawk71
p.s. Did you pass your first time?
Parent - - By strat (**) Date 05-28-2009 14:08
hey weldhawk71,
yes i passed the 1104 on the first try, i guess i did good enough on the rest of the test to make up
for the appendix's cause i know on most of the appendix questions it was just a guess, at least now you will know what to look for and thats a plus for you.
As for the pass/fail rate i have not a clue
Good luck man

O yea by the way, I just passed by the set of my a&*
Parent - By weldhawk71 (**) Date 05-29-2009 14:49
lol! Thanks for the input!!
Parent - - By crazycajun (**) Date 05-30-2009 06:00
i took the 1104 and passed the first time. and the 15 questions that you talking aboout hit me right in the middle of the test. i cant lie i guessed at a few of them cause i had no godly idea what the hell they were talking about. but i will tell you this, it would be best if you read the appendix a few times over and over the night before. at least twice for sure, that way you will remember keys words when you take the test. and as far as the math goes go to lowes and pick up a construction master caculator for 50.00 and yo can do anything the test asked for. thats what i used when i was building production platforms and drilling rigs. lots of angles, degrees,  andwhatever else you can think of when your building vessels and 600 ton platforms. the construction master even makes building a jacket easy as cake find batter and what ever else. well my class was over 50 ppl and only about 20 of us passed and some of them were there for the 2nd and 3rd time so you have to read and understand what you read so that if you see a key word it will hit you. the exam is not about knowing the whole book but knowing the key words that will help you find the right thing. so read the appendix. i didnt but i still scored about 77% but it ate my lunch that appendix. sooooooo  readddddddddd and i think you will be okay. getting the cwi is not the hard thing. the hard thing is landing a good paying job with it cause alot of places wont give you a shot without time under your belt. i got lucky and landed a QC job with my cwi at the company i was already working for but the pay is low at the beginning. and its hard the pick up on the good experience when i am doing the same thing i was doing already but now i eat my lunch in an a/c and make 1.50 more an hour. ok i am rambling might be the 12 pk talking, so good luck.
Parent - By weldhawk71 (**) Date 05-31-2009 21:12
Thanks CRAZYCAJUN! You remind me of a buddy of mine from La. who is now in iowa. I'll be sure to heed your advice. Thanks much!!!!
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / API 1104 re test

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