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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Montana wants terrorists
- - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-28-2009 13:07
I am not sure what Montana is up to with this.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 05-28-2009 13:09
Must be an awful place to live if they have a prison and no prisoners to put in there. (please note the sarcasm)
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-28-2009 13:12
LOL, my thoughts exactly. It kind of smells like a set up to me. Montana moves them in and the next thing you know, something goes BOOM and all the terrorists are gone. It would not break my heart.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 05-28-2009 13:35
I saw a show about some town up there that built a new prison with the understanding that it would create a lot of jobs for this town.  Well they got the prison built but the state sent no one there and reniged on their "promise" to fill the prison.  They were now looking to contract it out to Uncle Sam but the state or local gov't didn't want to bring such "dangerous" prisoners to their town.

Without IEDs, car bomb or box cutters, these alleged terrorists ain't sh*t.  I say but them in gen pop in Leavenworth and Marion to see how bad these ******es are.  To house them all together in one facility could be more dangerous than seperated.  But once they are in smaller groups with the big boys then they will all become alterboys within a year.  But what the fu*k do I know.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-28-2009 13:43
   This is the town you are refering to. I must say, I like your idea of splitting them up. Put one or two in each prison in general population. They will not last 6 months. If they do, move them to another facility.

Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 05-28-2009 13:52
I got lucky on that one.  I didn't even read the article.  That would be a helluva reality tv show:

"Join us Monday night at 7:00 as we follow 12 terrorists in their new home, USP Marion.  Each week we are sure that one of our contestants will either be shanked or gang raped.  In the event of a shanking or raping, that contestant will be disqualified and be kicked off the show.  The last contestant that hasen't been murdered or split in two will be considered the winner and gets amnesty and wins his very own convenience store in Forsyth county Georgia."

Now that's tv worth watching.  LOL
Parent - By Jssec (**) Date 05-28-2009 14:00
I replaced cell doors in Leavenworth back in June of 2001 they emptied "C" Block while we were inside when we made our escort trip to the rear Sally Port with our Knnack box each day there were some big, tattooed, scary, ugly dudes in the hallways and cells the gitmo guys would not last long. We got a day of on June 11th while Timothy McVeigh was executed in Indiana because there was a nationwide lock down at all BOP Facility's and we were not allowed to enter. I did work at several BOP facilities and Leavenworth was the first where their were guards in the towers with M16's.
Parent - - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 05-28-2009 13:46
Shhhhhhhhh! Dont let it out! They might not send them there if they figure that out! ;)
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-28-2009 14:41
Yeah, I feel that anyone who willingly accepts these terrorists will not have their best intentions at heart. So be it. I know if I was locked up and you housed one anywhere near me, I would end up with another charge in short order. They would long for the good old "water boarding" days. 

Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 05-28-2009 15:18
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Montana wants terrorists

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