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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / AWS D15.1 2001
- - By boxcarjrg Date 05-28-2009 23:59
AWS D15.1/D15.1M:2007-ERRATA are changes needed?
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 05-29-2009 14:30

If I understand your question correctly, Errata are changes/corrections that have been noted and published for those interested to be able to see that the committee involved is aware that there is change needed in the printing of the following edition.  They should then be included in the final for sale printing of the next published edition of the code in question.

So, if you are asking if there are changes needed within the current published edition of D15.1, the answer from my personal point of view would be, 'More than likely'.  There is always something that can be worded different. Technology changes mean a change to the code. Spelling mistakes get corrected, and some of them can effect application of the code. Etc.

If you have a question about a particular item, you would need to make a formal request for interpretation.  There are published procedures in place that are in the appendixes of all the codes for doing so.

Hope this answers your question.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / AWS D15.1 2001

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