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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / CWI exam 5-30-09
- - By beachweld Date 05-31-2009 14:33
Just took the CWI exam yesterday.  Overall it was a rotten experience.  Certainly the exam was difficult, but the environment and circumstances were really bad.  We were there at 7:45 am and because of 'delays' were stuck there testing until about 2pm.  I was so hungry that my brain was running on fumes.  Then we started so late on the third part of the exam that we didn't get out until almost 6pm.  They couldn't get the thermostat set right and every 10 minutes or so the room would go from sweat lodge to sub-zero.  The tables had tablecloths on them that made it nearly impossible to mark the scantron without poking the pencil through the paper.  A lot of people just pulled the cloths off the tables, but the rough plywood tops were not much help either. 

Sadly, I was struck by how unprofessional the whole experience was.  The contrast between the AWS/CWI and the ICC exam environment was huge.  It's no wonder so many people don't pass the CWI. 

But why would AWS change anything?  The fewer people pass, the more $ they make for retests.

What a let down.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 05-31-2009 22:08
Welcome to the Forum Beach

Sorry about the bad experience....  I hope you used the available methods at your exam site to let folks know the experience was bad...

The AWS takes that show on the road every week pretty much all year.. All across the country...  If a Hotel or whatever type of testing venue is bad it should not be used again..  

However... I really doub't AWS would like you to be uncomfortable and have an overall bad experience just so they could soak you for a retest..

Lot's of people take retests.. .It's because they were unprepared the first, second, or third try at the exam.  Not because the table cloths were crappy or because it was too stuffy in the test building.

If you want the test experience to be better for others than by all means get involved with your AWS Section and assist in some way the next time a test comes to your area.
Parent - By beachweld Date 05-31-2009 22:42
You are right.  If I don't pass it won't be because of a table cloth.  It was a tough exam.  I feel confident about the fundamentals and code, but the practical part was iffy.  Time will tell.  I think I will take your advise and look into the local AWS Section, if for no other reason than to meet others in the industry.  I think it could be good.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 06-01-2009 13:18
You didn't say where you took the exam.

If the environmental conditions were as bad as you said, talk to AWS about a free re-take.

As for the table cloth, you could always have laid the Scantron Page on the booklet and not punctured the paper.

I do not think the table cloth had anything to do with a tough Part "B" exam. 
Parent - - By beachweld Date 06-02-2009 02:41
Hi Joe,
I took it in Long Beach.  If I didn't pass it will be because I wasn't prepared well enough.  I just expected more of AWS.  No biggie.
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 06-02-2009 10:10 Edited 06-02-2009 10:14

As a member of the Certification Committee, Test Environment and facilities are a "Biggie".  AWS has rules and standards that the facilities must meet, and rules as to the conduct of the exam.  I urge you to complain to the Executive Director, Mr. Ray Shook, about your environmental complaints and starting time complaints, whether you pass of fail.

Do not complain about how hungry you were, or how you missed your coffee, or how hung over you were, or how hard the test was, since those are not germaine.

The tablecloth is also an AWS requirement, and would be a non-issue if I were the Judge.

Good Luck,

Joe Kane
Parent - - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 06-01-2009 18:02
just dance, its gonna be ok
Parent - - By beachweld Date 06-02-2009 02:39
dance...good.  ;-)
Parent - - By flamin (**) Date 06-02-2009 12:43
All the tables we used also had table cloths on them, I didn't want to fiddle around with any, so I just used a clipboard.
Parent - By jtryan137 Date 06-03-2009 17:10
I took the test for my first time in San Diego back in March this year.  The testing conditions might not have been the greatest, I just focussed on the exam.  Months of studying prepared me for the exam.  I figured jobsite conditions typically aren't nearly as nice as a hotel conference room.  I also read many of the posts from these pages talking about poor lighting, noise, etc.  I think that also helped me get ready for what was coming.  The ICC tests are in the nice air-conditioned well lit rooms because those places test more than just ICC.  I think AWS does a fantastic job with what they have to work with.  Study alot and don't give up.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / CWI exam 5-30-09

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