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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Whew!
- - By Kris Date 06-06-2009 20:41
Someone pinch me.  I just found out that I passed the CWI.  I can breathe now.  Yeehaw! 

Got work?
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 06-06-2009 20:48
Congratulations!  But no work!  :-(
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 06-06-2009 22:38 Edited 06-06-2009 22:42

1)  WELCOME to the AWS Forum.  Hope you will use it often and enjoy all the info that passes through here.

2)  CONGRATULATIONS on passing the CWI exam.  It is a worthwhile accomplishment.

3)  GOOD LUCK finding work.  Just as slow in inspections as the economy in general.  That is not to be taken as a negative thing.  It is just a hard time to break into this area currently.  There are jobs out there.  Those with experience and contacts can stay fairly busy just as in all the trades.  Not what it was up until last year though when the need was so high it was much easier to break into any trade.  Especially with credentials.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Kris Date 06-07-2009 15:58 Edited 06-10-2009 05:33
The work scene is brutal here in L.A. - like everywhere else.  This was my second to the last inspection cert I was aiming for though.  I have my nuke gauge cert for soils, ICC certs for reinforced concrete, high strength bolting, structural welding, spray applied fireproofing & prestressed concrete and I'll be taking the masonry exam this month.  That'll be all of them.  You'd think that there would be some work out there for those certs but it seems impossible.  I've been (technically) employed by a major lab out here but in the past eight months I have not even come close to even a single 30+ hour work week and at times driving hundreds of miles (on my own dime) for as few as four hours of work.  It's literally more "lucrative" to be unemployed than it is to work for this particular lab, but not nearly as interesting.  The economy has to change though - I hope.  My friend has every special inspection cert offered through ICC (including Master of Special Inspection), his nuke gauge cert, CWI and zero work.  Sad.  He and I both have four year college degrees, tons of experience working in construction and fists full of inspection certs, yet spent the past two weeks very thankful for being able to earn some $ by doing house painting.  I feel very fortunate to have been able to work on that job but I feel sad for the people out there who don't even have that opportunity.  These are very scary times - nothing that I've ever seen in my lifetime.

So... it might be a little crazy, but a few months ago four of us decided that instead of waiting around for someone to hire us and feed us enough hours, we would incorporated our own company and try to get work directly.  I just finished our website and I'm sure it will need some massaging for different browsers, but it's pretty 'camera ready.'  Check it out if you'd like and feel free to offer suggestions - for the website and anything else inspection and business related.    And... feel free to pass it on if you know anyone who needs special inspections here in So Cal or anywhere - we'll travel.  :-)

And, thank you to everyone who posts on these forums.  I've surfed many times preparing for my CWI and it's been very informative.  Cheers all. 
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-09-2009 02:38
Good show Kris.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 06-09-2009 03:10

Looks like you guys are really loaded for certifications.  Now all you need is regular experience and contacts who know you and your reputation for quality in your inspections work.  That will be the hard part currently. 

Enough people out there looking for work that almost everything that comes up is hourly only.  Too many qualified CWI's close enough to anywhere you want to name that you can't bid the job with mileage or per dium without losing it because someone lives close enough or is desperate enough to bid without the extras.  Unless it's out in the middle of nowhere so that everyone is bidding with mileage and per dium.

And if you add   http:// in front of your website address it will appear highlighted.

Have a Great Day, and Good Luck,  Brent
Parent - - By wiskybuck (*) Date 06-08-2009 01:52

Take mine on July 25
Parent - By Kris Date 06-08-2009 01:59
I wish you the best.  There's no such thing as being over prepared for this one.
Parent - By Kris Date 06-09-2009 23:01
Thank you for the link info.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Whew!

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