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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / jackson nexgen welding hood
- - By mcavana (**) Date 06-14-2003 03:06
anybody tried this hood out yet? got away from auto hoods cause found not practicle for field pipe welds (sensors do not pick up light in out of position welds. something always gets in the way) basicly afraid to try expensive auto helmet again for this reason.
Parent - - By aircraft (**) Date 06-17-2003 05:24
Yea I have one but I use my speedglass more. Most of all my work is with the GTAW. But all the stick a MIG I use the Jackson for the large viewing area. I have had problems with it useing TIG, and have sent it back twice. It is the only software driven hood that I know of. Which means they can upgrade the helmet by upgrading the software. Which could be a very nice feature if they could work out all the bugs.
I have version "4" but I think version "5" is out. Need to send it back for the new version maybe that would fix my problem. I will say this, the Jackson people are very helpful and will bend over backwards to help you. I can not say that about speedglass even though I like their helmet better to this point. (need to try Jackson with version "5")
To check the software version on the nexgen helmet push the "up" the "down" arrows and the "on" buttons and hold, you will then see the software version in the LCD window if no version apears you have number "1".
But in answer to your question I have no problems out of position with either helmet.
Parent - - By mcavana (**) Date 06-18-2003 21:52

holy cow, hold on to your mouse, you are not going to believe this! Just bought the hood, the salesman said they just got them in. When i hit all three buttons at once, a 9 appears. i know i am not misreading it. my shade is set at 11, sensitivity 5 and delay 5. So, it looks like they have had a few more updates than you thought!!!!!! just thought you would want to know. Thank you for your help, this hood rocks!!!!
Parent - By aircraft (**) Date 06-25-2003 04:36
Guess I should call them.
Parent - - By kekoakeakane (*) Date 06-18-2003 08:16
I use a Jackson Nexgen lens and like it very much. It's got 4 sensors mounted on it so I haven't had a situation where an out of position weld situation did not trigger the sensor. For example, I welded an exhaust system on a car that was only up on jackstands and the lens worked flawlessly. You do need to make sure you understand how to adjust it for sensitivity and delay to match ambient light conditions. The headgear itself leaves a lot to be desired as it tends to drop down on you in the up position. The lens fits in a Huntsman 451P headgear which has a detent in the up position that keeps it up better.

BTW, I had my eye on this helmet when I saw it at a trade show, but really made up my mind when my welding school instructor bought one for himself.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 06-18-2003 11:19
Also remember to keep the smoke wiped off the sensors to keep it working flawlessly. Smoke over the lense and sensors will change the sensitivity. I like the Jackson too.
just another thought,
John Wright
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / jackson nexgen welding hood

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