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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / how to get into xray testing ?? any leads
- - By gatorofarkansas (*) Date 06-11-2009 11:10
how do ya get into xray testing?
Parent - - By spots (**) Date 06-11-2009 11:38
Spartan School of aeronautics has a great non destructive testing (NDT) certificate program that lasts about 6 months. It will get you familiar with Magnetic particle testing, penetrant testing, ultrasound testing, eddy current testing, and radiography. Part of this course will give you the required 40 hours of radiation safety training you need before you can be involved in radiography.

It will also prepare you to take ASNT exams for level I, II, and III all you have to do is document your experience hours so that when you reach the magic numbers you can take the tests and get the bump in pay...
Parent - By dmilesdot (**) Date 06-11-2009 13:20
You can go to the ASNT web site and get some good info on where there are training facilities.  You could also hire on as a helper on an RT crew.  You would learn about processing film in a mobile dark room and get some OJT in set ups, source safety and all the different tecqniques involved in doing RT.  Getting certified to do Radiography is a ways off, there is a lot of training involved.
Parent - - By raptor34 (**) Date 06-12-2009 04:19
Dont waste your time with going to the schools for NDT, anybody Ive ever met that went to one of those schools doesnt know these a$$ from there elbow. You need to get hired with a company that wants to get you trained and moving up. Once it comes time for your schooling I would recommend Helier.
Parent - - By kipman (***) Date 06-16-2009 17:05
Doesn't Hellier provide NDT schooling?  That seems to conflict with your first statement.
Parent - By raptor34 (**) Date 06-18-2009 22:55
I was referencing the colleges that offer degrees in NDT.
Parent - By dafeeder (*) Date 06-24-2009 19:03
"You need to get hired with a company that wants to get you trained and moving up."  So Raptor where and who are these companies?
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-12-2009 11:47

i would get into a company who is willing to pay for training then go for ASNT certs after you get experiance and training
Parent - By eekpod (****) Date 06-12-2009 15:53
I did it by having no experience in RT but I had MT and PT.  I found a small family owned NDT company and they were looking for x-ray help becasue it takes two people to do it in the field.  They trained me and I got experience that way.  It didn't pay great but I looked at it as I was getting paid for training and experience.
Parent - - By metal_monger Date 06-19-2009 20:06
I would not recomend attending any company owned school such as hellier on your own dime, or getting into RT
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-22-2009 15:48
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 06-22-2009 18:33 Edited 06-22-2009 18:42
I can certainly appreciate anyone's aversion to not entering the RT field, but I certainly would not disuade others from furthering their skills and marketability by taking classes no matter what the disclipine. I also would like to know why you have isssues with Hellier??? I recently attended Hellier's (ie. Accuren) Radiographic Film Interpretation on my own dime and feel completely satisfied with the money spent!
ANY  education enhancing one's Professional credentials is good thing, source of funding being irrelevant.

Over the years, I have spent zillions of $$$'s on school, seminars etc. and since I PAY for them, I tend to be a bit more attentive and retentive of the information. Also, I am not beholding to any employer 'cause they "invest in my advancements".

Perhaps others out there are fortunate enough to have some one pay for their education, but NOTHING is ever FREE!

To anyone questioning whether to pay for their own RT 1, I say go for it. It will perhaps allow you to be selective of prospective employers, rather than feeling compelled to grab the first offer that comes down the pike. AND probably get a better starting wage with greater respect of the company owner and or supervisors.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-22-2009 18:37
i use hellier alot and recomend them to any1.
training is worthwile.
Parent - - By dafeeder (*) Date 07-07-2009 20:35
So where and who are these companies?
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-08-2009 15:54 Edited 07-08-2009 15:59
I don’t have a "LIST" if that’s what you are looking for, I can suggest that you place a resume on Monster-career builder - or at any other job agency you can find. If you need me to do the research for you I would suggest a job with the D.O.T.

Parent - By dafeeder (*) Date 07-08-2009 16:13
Thank You
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-12-2009 20:59
I am not entirely sure why you would wish to get into radiography. If you are new to NDE, it may behoove you to consider UT instead.
RT is fast being eclipsed by UT, and as more and more variants of UT come available and or are made commericially viable, the cost benifits will by default win out over RT.
If I were just now breaking into the field, I would want something that has the potential for growth, rather than something that will be a niche market at best when I have 20 years under my belt.
Parent - By gatorofarkansas (*) Date 06-13-2009 13:15
Does anyone have any company contacts in this field. I`m working as a welder helper at the moment in Missouri.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 06-13-2009 17:51

I agree with CWI555.  I do not think Radiography will be as extinct as he does, because Digital Radiography is going to make swift inroads.  Th record for UT is also spotted with real incompetent practitioners, and Radiography leaves a hard copy record.

Radiography is also boring and dangerous.  Some day you will get burned!  For the most part, it also has a lot of night work. (Not overtime either) The potential for screwing up and getting fined by the NRC or some State Monitoring Agency  seems to have been been increasing lately.

However, UT will be the bread and butter NDT practice in the future.  I also advise you to go for UT.

Joe Kane
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-13-2009 21:55

Digital radiography still has one basic failing. That is the use of ionizing sources and or devices. With current regulations requiring background checks, new accountability and security requirements for sources, and the inevitable increase in the cost of radiography, it is but a matter of time before it's price alone effectively relegates it to a niche market.

As for hard copy records for UT, that is being addressed as well with AUT and or recorded scans.

Parent - By Bill M (***) Date 06-17-2009 16:31
Yes you will need lots of leads......

lots of lead numbers and lots of lead letters for sure

(sorry -slow day at work today)
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / how to get into xray testing ?? any leads

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