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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Miranda Rights for Combatants in Afghanistan
- - By js55 (*****) Date 06-11-2009 12:39
You read it right.
The order has been sent down.
When we take prisoners in Afghanistan we are to read them their Miranda rights.
Except technically they don't have Miranda rights.
But never let it be said the law is of any concern to this president.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 06-11-2009 12:48
I say that we give them their rights in the form of a .223
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 06-11-2009 12:52
That'd be 5.56mm over there. ;-)
Parent - By darren (***) Date 06-11-2009 23:11
that is complete nonsense. can you say window dressing.
why not promise them a trip to Disneyland it has as much legal merit.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 06-12-2009 00:24
No prisoners, no Miranda rights? Sorry, I couldn't help it.
Parent - By Dale Gerstel (*) Date 06-12-2009 15:51
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 06-12-2009 00:49
How about just using paint pellets? Can you fill them with nitro glyceren? You have the right to explode. The buzzards need to eat.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 06-12-2009 02:45
Enemy combatants captured on foreign lands are not criminals and do not have the same constitutional rights that a citizen of the US has. i.e. terrorist do not have Miranda rights. They aren't even protected by the Geneva convention.

The left wing is disregarding the presidents decision to not publish the photos of the interrogations at Gitmo.
These photos will only put our soldiers in MORE danger. Nothing good will come from this.

Yea, America is an evil place that tortures all prisoners. Actually, it was only three and it was water boarding. More people have died in Kennedy's car than by water boarding at

Give lawyers and US citizen rights to the terrorists, publish photos to harm our troops, try to incriminate those that made the hard decisions to protect America after 9/11(and it worked), the detainees at Gitmo even have satellite TV with Al Jazeera to watch; this is like Bizarro world. Right is wrong, good is bad, stupid is smart.

I keep hoping to wake up from this bad dream soon but I think it's nowhere close to being over.
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 06-12-2009 05:18
i agree except the terms terrorist and enemy combatant are american made,(see patriot act) more correctly they are prisoners of war (although an unconstitutional war) and have provisions for their rights made by the geneva convention.(which by presidential executive order have been denied)
obama is just trying to gain sympathy from the left wing perspective.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-12-2009 21:44
Actually as I recall, the word terrorist is not an American invention:

From Fr. terrorisme 1798, from Latin. terror (see terror).
"If the basis of a popular government in peacetime is virtue, its basis in a time of revolution is virtue and terror -- virtue, without which terror would be barbaric; and terror, without which virtue would be impotent." Robespierre speach, French National Convention 1794

Therefore all variants terrorist, terrorism etc that are currently being used are in fact a French creation.

In the use of the word, American ironically only followed the French lead.

The word terror first originated in the Latin language. The first recorded use of the word terror was in the 1300's. It has many meanings, none of which originated in the United States.

As the saying goes, the pen is mightier than the sword. A good example of such a pen is the U.S. original constitution. The Christian Bible. The Islamic Koran, and other documents throughout history that were defended to the death literally.

The liberal media has learned this lesson. The biggest failure of the conservative movement is that they recognized this late in the game.
Throughout recorded history, history has been written by the victors. Conservatives paid to little attention to the enemy within. Slowly but surely text articles were changed in educational documents, institutes of higher learning were saturated with Left wing ideology, and the media through that saturation was effectively swung to their favor by virtue of most of the up and coming media types and owners of that media having been indoctrinated in college.

Conservatives face one of three choices now. Get up off the couch and start educating or at least offering a counter view point and fight fire with fire, or sit down and shut up and take the liberal slant laying down, or pick up arms as they did in the original American revolution.

Whichever of the three choices prevail, one certainty will rise above them all. It will be very very very painful either way it goes.

To let the liberals go as they are now, invites utter financial ruin of the country and the inevitable servitude to the country or entities that bail us out. This will effectively make our children slaves to those people, in which case all is likely lose.

To argue and fight back in the war of words will take 20 years to counteract the effects already in place. In the mean time, we will still see some degree of financial ruin, but probably not as severe a case as doing nothing. It will be a full generation or two for the damage to be repaired, and during this time, all (especially the young) will suffer. Think in terms of the great depression if you think it can't happen in the good ol USA.

To pick up arms will get thousands killed if not tens of thousands. This also has severe ramifications. Not only in the number of dead, but in the chance the country as a whole is taken over while we are infighting in which case all is lost.

If there is a fourth option, I'd sure like to hear it as those three pretty much suck all around.
Parent - By darren (***) Date 06-12-2009 23:00
ok most recently skewed/abused by the patriot act, i stand corrected on its origin.
another option is for enough people to become aware and PEACEFULLY protest and refuse to take part.
sorta like the lady in the lake thing, the only power that the controlling forces have are the powers we give them.
some are going to die for sure but the militant forces will only be able to shoot/kill so many peaceful protesters before they cannot continue.
the victory will come from a subdued ire that will not succumb to violence en mass but willing to die one by one until it is enough.
"ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" JFK
Parent - By Dale Gerstel (*) Date 06-12-2009 15:53
Obama could care less...he is lying.It would only take an EXECUTIVE ORDER to claim the photos CLASSIFIED.It's in his agenda.The teleprompter(axlerod,EMANUEL) are running this sinking ship.
Parent - By Dale Gerstel (*) Date 06-12-2009 15:47
I see and hear our troops disgust daily(email).My oldest son is 8 years a Marine,my 18 yr. old is joining army and my 16 yr. old wants me to sign his papers when he turns 17 in Novemberto enlist in Marines also. My wife and I founded a,We are small,but we send about 2000 pkgs a yearsince 2003.
I went backto school (welding) C.O.C.,SANTA CLARITA,CA. last year with my 18 year old to learn weldig.He wants to be a gunsmith.I like it so much I'm starting my own business hiring  vets from anywar.Just purchased my first machine.Hoping to get rolling soon.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Miranda Rights for Combatants in Afghanistan

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