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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / And Yet Another Czar
- - By js55 (*****) Date 06-12-2009 13:26
Now come on!!!! 
This is getting ridiculous!!
Obama has over 100 cabinet under and assistant secretary posts yet to be filled and he's appointing czars left and right.


I have a reason.
Undersecretaries in cabinet posts have to undergo a confirmation process by congress. Czars do not.
Folks, we got people making decisions in our government of which we have no control over, are circumventing due process, and their decisions of which have no appeal or oversite process by congress.
For example, we loan money to corporations and months later Obama decides that his czar will determine their executive pay. Now I'm sure this makes the corporate bashers all giddy with excitment, but to impose restrictions after the fact, especially when they were forced to take the money in the first place with no process of appeal is undemocratic to say the least.

If this isn't enough to at least worry the most staunch Obama ostrich we got serious trouble.

Barack Hussein Obama.
The man that would be king!!!
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 06-12-2009 14:42
Viva Barack!  Hasta la victoria siempre!  and TGIF
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-12-2009 17:12
Thats it!!!!  :)

Given up on defending your guy already???  :)
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 06-12-2009 17:44
I would love to argue but I've become tired.  I can't do this for another 7 1/2 years.  I used to have a few comrades in the struggle against the Right, but they have left me.  So I must cease my battle here.  I haven't the strength any more.  Whatever happens will happen.  I hated Bush and bit*ched about that studpid f*ck for 8 years.  I'll you guys have the Forums all to yourselves.

Que sera, sera!  Enjoy.

Besides 12-20-2012 is coming, I'm not a Right winger, therefore I'm not paranoid.  But just in case.......this is the last president we will have.  So F it.  :-)
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-12-2009 17:55
Last man standing, defending the indefensible. My hat's off to you Don Quixote. :)

Little worry on the 7 1/2 though. We'll all be enjoying (well, maybe not yourself) the impeachment hearings long before that.  :)
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 06-12-2009 18:10
We'll see.  Good luck.  :-)
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-12-2009 18:11
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 06-12-2009 21:14
...and Bush is an idiot.  Palin makes him look and sound like a genius.  Maybe Newt can save the GOP at least he's not a babling idiot.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-13-2009 03:15
Interview with a liberal. AKA, the partition between one room and another. :)  Having a little fun.

Q: How do you feel about Obama's stand on partial birth abortions?
A: I hate Bush

Q: Why do you suppose the media has given Obama a pass on a timeline for Afghanistan?
A: I hate Bush

Q: How do you feel about Obama's economic policy and mortgaging our childrens future by printing money at an unprecedented pace and risking hyperinflation?
A: I hate bush.

Q: How do you feel about Obama driving our federal budget deficit to 1.4 trillion dollars? So far.
A: I hate Bush.

Q: Do you see a problem with the fact that so many cabinet posts are still not filled?
A: I hate Bush.

Q: Are you at all concerned about the worst babbling (yes, two b's) idiot in history to hold the office of vice president being only one heart beat away from the presidency?
A: I hate Bush.

Q: How do you feel about the fact that even the Europeans, those paragons of socialism, are distancing themselves from Obama's economic policies, to their credit?
A: I hate Bush.

Q: How do you feel about Obama flip flopping on the release of the waterboarding tapes and abandoning Nancy Pelosi in a controversy of his own making?
A: I hate Bush.

Q: How do you feel about Obama paying the Island of Palau 200 million dollars to take some of the Guantanamo prisoners?
A: I hate Bush

Q: How do you feel about Obama releasing the Uighurs from Guantanamo to Bermuda without consenting the Brits AND without adequate security?
A: I hate Bush.

Q: How do you feel about the Obama administration promising full disclosure to the press during the campaign only to become one of the most secretive administrations in history?
A: I hate Bush

Q: How do you feel about the Obama administration dropping an 850 page bill, the largest pork bill in recent memory, perhaps ever, and the supposed stimulus package to save our economy, on congress at 11:00 PM, giving them essentially no time to review it, and requiring it to be voted on the next morning?
A: I hate Bush.

Q: How do you feel about the fact that as more and more details of Obama's health care plan are released more and more congressmen are turning against it, including many in his own party?
A: I hate Bush.

Q: So let me get this straight. The worse this president gets, the more incompetent, weak, and styoopid he proves himself to be, the more you hate the last president, and the more frustrated you become on insisting upon his stupidity?
A: Is that a trick question?
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 06-13-2009 04:58
I like it.  I got it all figured out.  If Bush didn't get reelected in 2004.  Then we wouldn't have Obama in office now.  Kerry would've scared people away from the Dem party and McCain would be president.  So basically its all the Rebuplicans fault.  :-)
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-12-2009 18:09
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 06-13-2009 20:35 Edited 06-13-2009 20:39
August 27th of this year will be interesting enough...

the planet Mars on that day will be the closest to our own planet than it's been ever in recorded history... How close one may ask?

Approximately 34.5 million miles!!! In fact, one will be able to see the "Red" planet around 12:30 AM roughly about the same size from the ground when compared to the size of the moon!!!

Just think about what effect to the tides of our ocean this will have... Not to mention what kind of reactions from animals and other living creatures!!!

Now as far as the current & previous presidents we've had the unfortunate luck of having come into power recently is concerned...
I believe we should all lobby to have a constitutional amendment passed to ban anyone from becoming president if they went to an Ivy League school!!!

This so called reformer better not "fark" with our Social Security or Medicare!!! I say this because, we should've put all of the money into these programs instead of all these bailouts first & foremost which would've had such a positive effect on wall street that the recession would've turned around much faster just from the fact that these programs were now solvent for the next100 years!!!

The bailouts were actually planned by these friggin banks and that Mo-Fu Gietne r, you know! Our current Secretary of the Treasury!!!
GM & Chrysler were planning on going bankrupt whether or not they were going to be bailed out by the Government or not!!! What a WASTE of our tax money!!!

Now all of those unfortunate folks who had legitimate claims on product liability are screwed royally by our present version of a socialist monarchy!!!



Parent - - By Dale Gerstel (*) Date 06-12-2009 15:39
DITTO....This so called president has to be stopped.I fear for my son who is joining Marines next year.I can see himbeing sent to DARFUR on a peace keeping mission w/o a gun and a blue helmet.I 'm  a student at COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS IN SANTA CLARITA ,CA. and its nice to know that the majority of the welding class are patriotic and conservative in such a liberal school and state.Can't wait for my wife to get her retirement.Any state w/o income or sales taxes with great 2nd ammendement rights is very appealing.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 06-13-2009 12:49

If your son is joining the Marines, you had better be resigned to the likleyhood of him being in combat somewhere!  I do not say that you shouldn't worry, or be anxious about his well being, but why blame this president or any other president if he is sent to war and dies or gets wounded, captured or even maimed.  Real live combat is his main purpose in life if he is going to be a Marine!  The only practical answer to this type of concern, is to talk him out of joining any armed service. 

If he must prove himself, or wants to do something patriotic, help make him join the Air Farce.  Learn real skills (the skills that can be used in real life as a civilian), live in relative comfort, get more time off, or develop a real career, if he likes military life.  Sure, the bravado and / or the "Espirit De Corpse" of serving in the Marines, or even in combat arms in the US Army, is great and very often touted as patriotic, but there is also an old saying..."They also serve who sit and wait."

If you are going to be a worry wart and do political hand wringing, devote more time to parental guidance, and talk him out of Military Service.  Talk him into a career in the Diplomatic Service.  That way he can be part of keeping other parent's sons and daughters out of "Harms Way".  A life he can save is as good as the life he can give.

Joe Kane 
Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 06-13-2009 13:20
As my daughter gets ready for her senior year in high school and thus to make her own way in life, I can see some of Joe's logic.  She has been in the AFJROTC for going on 3 years now, and the prospect of her heading off to the sandbox makes me think of my own reasons for joining the service.  I wouldn't have done a thing differently, except perhaps to push harder to be stationed aboard a combatant ship, instead of the sub tenders and oilers.  Now, in today's Air "Farce", there is an increased emphasis upon actual combat training, since our airmen are being utilized in force protection roles, here and abroad.  I still believe the AF to be the safest of all possible military options, but the Navy probably has more offerings for skills which are translatable to the private sector.
Parent - By darren (***) Date 06-14-2009 01:01
10 out of  10 on that one joe.
dale we need warriors for peace and your family sounds like great group of patriots.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / And Yet Another Czar

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