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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Finally made the move!
- - By jon20013 (*****) Date 06-16-2009 07:42
My wife and I just returned from Michigan where we had the movers come and pack up our household and we're now permanently relocated in New Zealand.  This is a dream I've had since I was 13 years old, believe it or not!~  Well, it only took 40 years to come true but now have one dream fulfilled and loving it!!!
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 06-16-2009 10:13
Good luck Down Under.  I wish you all the best.  I'm glad somebody's dreams come true.  :-)
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-16-2009 12:28
Good luck in NZ.
You done in Kazahk?
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 06-17-2009 00:33
Not yet, still in Kazakh js55. I'm "hopeful" flor another 18 months but time will tell!
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-16-2009 13:10
Congratulations buddy! Glad you are happy. :-)

Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 06-16-2009 13:21
Congratulations to you and your wife on your move! Best regards, Allan
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 06-16-2009 14:56
Congrats John!!  I to am making a move in 2 weeks and I hope I'm as happy as you are when It's all said and done.  New Zealand is awesome and beatiful!  Enjoy it..
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-17-2009 01:16
It's a good place to be. Wished I could do the same.
Parent - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 06-17-2009 03:08
all i have to say is ur one lucky dude. Down there is the best duck hunting ever! please kill me some! good luck
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-17-2009 04:22
Best of luck down there, I have only seen it in pictures, but it looks wonderfull.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 06-17-2009 07:46
Thanks for the well wishes all, now if I could just hit that winning lottery ticket I'd have it all! :)
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Finally made the move!

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