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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / "Not One Dime" he Said
- - By js55 (*****) Date 06-20-2009 14:52
Over and over and over again in his campaign Schicklgruber said "if you make less than 250 thousand dollars a year your taxes will not be increased one dime. Not one dime. Not one dime."

How are the slobbering media and the ostrich liberals going to spin the fact that Schicklgruber just floated the trial balloon that if the economy does not show improvement he will be forced to raise taxes to make up the gap.
Not on the rich. Lets make no mistake here. That isnt what he's talking about. That is already a done deal. What he is talking about is something new. There isn't enough money there from the rich . He needs more. This one will hit the middle class. And hit us hard. In a recession nonetheless.
Here's news. No matter what, taxes get increased. And the liberals will stand behind him because after all we have to pay for the s*** that Pelosi, Reid, and Schicklgruber want to force down our throats. Change We Need.

But the real insanity of this idiot is that the worse possible time to raise taxes is when an economy is in recession. Every first year economics student knows this basic fact. Every first year economics student also knows that by simply saying something so profoundly stupid it could wreck the possibility of recovery. This passing comment will send shock waves through the economic community.
The logic that follows is that if this idiot is seriously considering a tax hike in a recession what will stop him if the economy actually recovers in spite of his indescribable ignorance? The answer. Nothing!!!
So much for 'not one dime'.
Parent - By darren (***) Date 06-20-2009 20:28
for those that cant see the "new world order" coming and how this is all choreographed,, what can you do, they choose to be blind.
we are going to be taxed to death, starved to death, whatever to death until the world population is reduced to 500,000,000.
thats one out of 14.
oh well at least we get to watch the worlds largest reality show, world domination.
i dont think im gonna be in the 1 part of that ratio probably in the 13 part.
the constitution is so badly abused i dont know if it can recover.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-21-2009 05:16 Edited 06-21-2009 05:32
Tetnically, hundereds or thousands of dollars is not "ONE DIME". We could afford the dime.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / "Not One Dime" he Said

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