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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Facts and Myths about Health Care and Schicklgrubers Plan
- - By js55 (*****) Date 06-21-2009 17:13
1) Myth: The US pays more for health care than other nations.
    Fact: Other countries artifically suppress costs such as doctors/nurses/hospital fees, and often subsidizing with taxes that cannot easily be
            quantified, so while out of pocket by the patient appears reduced, the doctors, etc., or the taxpayer,  have to cover the difference.
            This is not factored in the comparisons, or at best proundly innacurately, and is most certainly backdoor taxation.
            Now I know our socialist friends would cry, "screw the rich bastards!!", but aside from that it cannot be argued that this is
            certainly a deterent to the best and brightest entering medicine.
            All this while at the same time the US has, by far, more CT scanners, more MRI scanners, performs more critical operations such as
            heart transplants and kidney dialysis, etc. than other nations(in fact the US leads in high tech procedures and technology).
            The wait for services is far less here in the US. For example, studies show only 5% of Americans wait 4 months or more for surgery as
            opposed to 23% in Australia, 26% in New Zealand, 27% in Canada, and 36% in Briton.
            Also, the US by far leads in preventative care procedures such as mammograms, pap smears, and colonoscopies.

2) Myth: Schicklgrubers plan will cover everyone. And according to him our health care system is a "ticking time bomb".
             Facts: the latest research has estimated that 37 million people will not be covered under the Schicklgruber plan.
             17 million people who are currently uninsured earn 50k a year, and >50% of those earn 75k a year. Is the argument that they cannot
             afford health care and are part of Schicklgrubers underpriveledged ticking time bomb? Or maybe that they have chosen not to have
             coverage. Now I know liberals have increased the minimum salary that constitutes middle class so as to make it appear the middle
             class is shrinking, but 75k is bit much. Does anybody here seriously consider people making 75k as underpriveledged?
             12 million underpriveledged time bombs already ARE covered under Medicaid and S-Chip, the State Childrens Health
             Insurance Program.
             91% of all uninsured people are uninsured temporarily. Usually due to unemployment or transitory employment.

3) Myth: The public is firmly behind the Schicklgruber plan.
             Fact: This is impossible. Nobody even knows the full extent of it yet. The public is behind perhaps the vague campaign rhetoric of the plan.
             But the fact that with more and more details being released more and more people are turning against it is proof enough of these facts.

4) Myth: The Schicklegruber plan will be paid for by soaking the rich. Remember "Not one Dime".
             Fact: Schicklgruber and his health czar have already made public announcement of how they plan to pay for it. Through taxing health
             care benefits of everyone else. Including taxing employers 3% for the benefits they provide for their employees. This is the only way they
             can even come close to the estimated 1.7 trillion needed. Yes, you read that right. TRILLION!!! Now, add to this the FACT that we would
            all be hard pressed to find one instance where the federal government actually stayed on budget for anything much less another
            entitlement program. So lets take this 1.7T and just coonsider it the starting point.
            This is hilarious given one of the facts to follow.
             Even better, This one is especially hilarious in that the Unions, who were obviously a great and mindless supporter of Schicklgruber
             said, 'up yours'. This is one of our sacred cows (just one cow). So Schicklgruber and his czar said, OK, we'll tax everyone BUT the Union
             Good idea Mr. Fairness.

5) Myth: This is not a government takeover of the health care system. Everyone will still be allowed to keep their private insurance if desired.
             Fact: Government health care will appear cheaper (emphasis on appear) in that it will be subsidized by taxation. So where do you think
             many people will go?
             What do you think employers will do when hit with a 3% tax on providing benefits. And where will those employees now HAVE to go?
             What do you suppose will happen to the private insurance industry?
             Oh, and by the way, this is the hilarious part, Where in thee H*** do you think the tax money will go that Schicklgruber and his czar
             counted on to pay that initial 1.7T price tag? Where will they get it then? Come on. You gotta know the answer to this one.
Parent - - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 06-22-2009 16:43

Classic.  :)
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 06-22-2009 17:14
Schicklgruber I made a point of concealing his real name for obvious reasons.
Schicklgruber II has made a point of concealing his real INTENT for obvious reasons.

Well, not obvious to all.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Facts and Myths about Health Care and Schicklgrubers Plan

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