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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / They Are Doing It AGAIN
- - By js55 (*****) Date 07-06-2009 21:57
You're gonna love this.
The Dems, led by Barney Frank, are already talking about lowering the mortgage lending standards,,,,, again.
Thats right.
We haven't even come out of this catastrophe and they are talking about doing the EXACT same thing that got us here.

This is absolutely insane.

PS: And why is it that only 6% of the "Porkulus" Bill has been spent so far?
      Isn't it needed?  He asks tongue in cheek. I mean after all didn't Schicklgruber just say that he is "deeply concerned about the 14 million
      unemployed Americans"?
      Then what are we waiting for?
      If its not needed?
      Then why was it voted in the first place?
      Oh thats right. Squeeeal like a pig!!!!!!  Thats why they call it pork. Because the taxpayer is gettin one. How ironic is it that some odd 100
      million is going to research pig stink. Now there's a metaphor!!!!
Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 07-06-2009 22:55
Insane is correct!

Remember, an appropriate definition of insanity is:      doing the same thing again and expecting a different result!!!

I do not remember who said that first but it is worth repeating.

Parent - By sparkin (*) Date 07-06-2009 23:09
Einstein said it and that is exactly what is going on with the freaks in Washington. When money is managed like this and losses are suffered like this on Wall Street, people go to jail.....makes you wonder if there is any sanity left out there.
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 07-06-2009 23:28
Imagine not having a Job, Prospects, money in the bank or credit.  Now go buy a Car and a House. Now because of the shape of the remanufactured economy we must support those who are trying to repair the economic problems by spending money they dont have. If I was a gambler I would borrow all I could on my credit card, sell off all of the aquired items at $.50 on the dollar and pay cash for a small house say in OK or Kansas and put it in my dogs name.  Now when the Heir Schicklgruber does the credit card take-over my sins would be absolved?

Just funnin, I couldnt borrow enough on plastic to buy a portable outhouse.  That would be of some use in Congress, I wonder what the rating would be= 20 minutes or 2 Demmohippocrits?

I wonder how long the sheeple will keep believing in the new anti-christ? Even a dog gets tired of being kicked and fights back.
Lets take over the state run parks also, oops they are already looking at that one.

You cant feed a dead horse.

Dont give up, call your congressman or woman and let them know how long they will have employment.
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-07-2009 00:59
I have heard that the money is trickling out , but I have also heard that the majority of it is budget relief, so how does paying off bills that are due create jobs?
It wont and that’s why REPs are dead against it.
Now the real sad part is they are working on another stimulus!!!!!!!!!!!
I think this Prez is trying to run us into the ground (why I don’t know, could have to do with his past as a USA American hating RACIST, and his one world philosophy)and all the DEMS are following him without much questioning.
The next stimulus this country passes will ruin us, drive up taxes for all of us.

Remember we didn’t know him before he was Elected........... ooops........... I mean appointed by the media, and we truly don’t know him now.
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 07-07-2009 02:12
The answer may lie in the passage in his book about relying on his Muslim faith in times of trouble.
There is more than one way to "Kill" an infidel.  Financial ruin is a good way to make people loose faith and hope.

I really hope he is just an idiot and not smart enough to try to split america. Sheeple dont have any clue whats coming down the pipe.  Shinola.

Give the average american the wheel and see what shakes loose.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-07-2009 13:12
Financial ruin is one of their main goals I read about it from a letter that was leaked out around 911.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-07-2009 01:06
Best I can tell, Obama and His "elite" minds have been applying way to much education and not enough common sense.

This is starting to look like a quantum mechanics/entanglement experiment.
It must be some of that quantum economics. (picturing his economic advisers sitting around in the dark with only the periodic glow of mary jane to light the darkness)

I've been trying to figure out quantum obamanomics and have come to the following hypothesis.

By pouring copious amounts of cash into a unobservable system, an observer system can be created by ringing the guide wave at it's fundamental frequency.
In other words, quantum obamanomics hopes to prove the wave particle duality by pouring good money after bad, and after there is no more money to pour, printing some more to pour into the unobservable system facilitating the waveform collapse of the unobservable system and thereby creating an observable measurable effect. (economy boost)

While obamanomics doesn't have a clue what is actually in the unobservable system, the advisers still insist it must be there because of the copenhagen quantum economics interpretation.

While detractors of this hypothesis question it, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle cleary explains it in that it's all a matter of probabilities.
Since certain pairs of physical properties, like cashflow and growth, cannot both be known to arbitrary precision, the more precisely one property is known, the less precisely the other can be known.
Being that our economy clearly sucks, and by default becomes the one precisely known property, the unknown property must be how to fix it.
Therein is the heart of quantum obamanomics. They don't know what the hell to do, so throwing more and more money at the unknown will inherently cause the waveform collapse, and the inherent correction when observable effect becomes apparent.

After all, when you hit rock bottom, there is nothing left, and no room left to screw up. It's all uphill from there.

Happy days are coming comrades, Why even the EPR paradox couldn't screw that plan up.

Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-07-2009 01:12
May I add one thing...
In quantum economics the moment that we open our eyes and observe the money being accelerated towards the economic recovery .............IT DISAPEARS never to be seen again.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-07-2009 01:18
LOL thanks for the reminder.
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-07-2009 01:44

The esoteric Laws of possible but not provable Physics.  I love this!

Joe Kane
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 07-07-2009 03:52
the two observer based driving forces in the quantum model are wonder and intent, potentialization and actualization.
i think this all intentional. as far as unobservable, there is either a glaring piece of information that we somehow are missing out on or are not informed of or this has to be the dumbest group of world leaders ever; as much as it pains me to say it i don't think they are.
i put up a link under "exercises" that notes that on july 27 through to july 31 this year fema and homeland security are going to be practicing martial law on a national level.
the executive orders point to a possible economic collapse fueled uprising.
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-08-2009 03:17
We must not forget the infinite amount of economic realities that are created with each collision of tax payer money and government programs. Taking those alternate realities into account they can say that somewhere in some universe the economic bailout worked and things are just fine.
Parent - By darren (***) Date 07-08-2009 13:01
or that in a parallel universe that bailouts are the norm and people are worried about healthy markets.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / They Are Doing It AGAIN

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