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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Global mentality
- - By fbrieden (***) Date 07-08-2009 02:08
Pathetic mentality of the world these days, from what I had to listen to today from the media; not by choice. The starving dogs in my neighborhood wouldn't even sniff the vomit that was regurgitated from those who pronounce a pervert and child molester, " an asset to mankind"

God help us all!
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 07-08-2009 04:01
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-08-2009 12:01
thank goodness somebody has said it. I wish they'd plant him already and move on. Guy says that "king of pop would not have been big enough, greatest entertainer who ever lived". I guess that's who you ask, one of the sheeple or an independent thinker. 
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-08-2009 16:27
I have 2 comments on this
1) Regardless of guilt or innocence as we define them, he has now passed on and will face the undeniable truth and consequences of his life. (In god’s hands)
2) At the end of the day let’s not forget that 2 children have lost someone near and dear to them. (No matter what we think he was their Father and that’s all they knew)
Lets move on.............
BTW i do think that his actions were Questionable, and im not defending them at all.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-09-2009 12:52
I'm not saying "yippee" he's gone, would'nt wish that on anyone. Don't know about his actions, only he knows, and the big man upstairs. I think they've overstated his talent, just guessing that's what "fans" do, larger than life thing. I understand about the kids. Seems as though it's being dragged out for quite awhile though is the point I think others are trying to make. Ferrah has been forgotten already, don't hear about her two weeks after her passing, or Ed McMahon.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 07-09-2009 13:29
I really am sad that Michael is gone.  If only he was still with us then he wouldn't be the only thing on the "news".  I turned on the weather channel and during the segment with the regional map they were playing one of his songs.  The Weather Channel!!!  Come on.  If people can forgive him for what he was accused of, then hell, they should let Charlie Manson out for good behaviour too.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-09-2009 13:56
And maybe forgive bush too?
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 07-09-2009 14:56
IMO Bush F'ed more people than Michael did.  :-)
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-09-2009 22:26
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 07-09-2009 14:44
When I come across gems of our agreement I have to acknowledge.
It scares me.  :)
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 07-09-2009 21:27
distressing diversion-- makes you wonder what the mice are doing while the cats are watching the bird..
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-09-2009 21:46
The mice multiply and spread out now we all have the plague!
The urgency of this should transcend all parties.
Nobody can say that taxing like this is a good idea!
well any1 who earns their pay
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 07-09-2009 21:50 Edited 07-10-2009 21:29
2 years ago I mentioned bilderberg, and was warned by a friend to watch my views on this forum.. Now I have freedom to voice my views.. Thank you JS, (you know who you are ; ), Darren and Michael.

The further this nation steps away from the beliefs, teachings and morals that our founding fathers set fourth, the closer to hell we get.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 07-09-2009 22:50
There is plenty of stuff about the Bilderbergs on the net, though revelations of their intent seems little of substance and seems mostly by implication or circumstantial, and they have certainly been well discussed by authors such as Jim Marrs and others. I doubt that mention or discussion of them here or elsewhere is of much concern.
Other than maybe being pigeonholed into the "Conspiracy Theorist" category.  :)
I'd take that over being called a liberal.  How embarrassing that must be.  LMAO!!!!

The thing that I find most interesting about it is the manner in which this line of thinking lends the lie to the idea that conservatives are exclusively backed by big business and the wealthy. They have been identified as lending support and manipulation of both sides of the politcal spectrum, though Marrs does seem to emphasize the Right, at least what little I'm aware of.

What little I've read of them, and it is very little, they couldn't care less what side of the political aisle someone is on.

What I find most disturbing about the line of thinking is the defeatism that follows. In other words, they control everything so whats the point?
I don't buy into this.
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-09-2009 23:08
There is a conspiracy of sorts….
it’s a movement ….
its “them”…..
it’s the Bilderbergs…..
Its Bryon…….
It has no form…….
Its out there………
Its everywhere, its no where…..
One day we wake up and the younger generation has changed our reality.

I used to be with it…….but then it changed….and now, what it is, is weird and scary to me.

Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 07-10-2009 14:55
Bilderberg is the puppet master. Liberal, democratic, republican, conservative, independent there are no party lines for them only puppets.

I am a conservative republican (just to list a small portion) because I believe GOD provided me with unalienable rights. I do not want the government to provide me, what I can provide myself. God gave us a owners manual to live by: Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth. The government can't help us, we can only help ourselves.
My family is self sufficient by GODs grace and the knowledge he has bestowed. Windmill power, solar power, gardening, canning, fishing, hunting, livestock, etc. I choose not keep up with the Jones, its a waste of resources. I do not degrade, belittle or disrespect anyone. Life is not that difficult if you live it for yourself.

If you want to be kept like livestock, you will be treated as such. I believe someone here posted a story of the wild pig, if you can find it you will see it mirrors the current events.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-10-2009 15:11
Dang Kay,

You nailed it.....Do you have any plans for running on the ballot in 2012?
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 07-10-2009 16:02
haha-- No plans or wants.

I am however helping all my neighbors and friends with building windmills to charge batteries and power their wells. For the last 3 years we have worked out a system. I raise swine and cattle. So in exchange for a hog and side of beef friends and neighbors tend to my farm repairs, maintenance, animals and garden and one neighbor who is a butcher, butchers my stuff in exchange for my family tending to the needs of his farm. We all get together one weekend a month and can from our gardens.

We are here to live life. We don't judge each other or compete with each other. You work for what you need or want. Life isn't that hard when you break it down to whats needed.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-10-2009 16:38
Sounds like you and the neighbors have gotten back to the way it used to be where communities worked together. Our neighborhood used to be kinda like that, but now nobody even knows who lives in the house next to them. Everybody rushes out the door every morning heading off to work with an occasional wave "if" they happen to be looking your way. I remember my grandfather and others talking about when they were growing up that all of the neighbors would work the fields together, like when hay season came they all moved from farm to farm helping each other cut, rake and get the hay to the barns for each other. My FIL is a retired machinist and has a shop at home, he keeps all his neighbors equipment running and they make sure he has hay for his cows every winter, all winter long.
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 07-10-2009 17:45
Its all in making our lifes simpler. When things change in the cities, economy, etc we are almost independant of it.

Do you remember the old John Majors movie The Last Run ?
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-10-2009 18:00
Didn't see the movie, but like Daddy said when he was growing up during the depression, they didn't notice anything different, and they didn't know they were poor until somebody told them....LOL
Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 07-10-2009 17:59
communities working together for the greater good isn't that the literal definition of communism?

I mean it is, but I'm joking

I don't believe in any mass control conspiracy theory and even if I did it would never work. All these supposedly secret organizations and shadow groups have been around for decades if not centuries, and we still have over 150 seperate countries on this planet including some reclusive or die-hard communist groups.  Furthermore none of them have ever seemed to be able to make a lasting impact on individual governments let alone multiple administrations. The political groups in the USA have switched in and out of office numerous times in the last 2 years, unless of course that's all part of their plan? what's the ultimate end goal, power, money? both can be gotten much easier via legitimate means.

finally if 100 people or the liberal media, or the illuminati or the free masons, or whoever can control the entire world with so few people. I would be downright impressed as that's a step up in administrative efficiency. Finally humans are very unpredictable and public opinion and thoughts can change in a heart beat, if a police state like Iran can't keep down protests and prevent public opinion from changing, how will a silent bunch of people talking in back rooms be able to swell public opinion so effectively? Don't say the media, cause right now the vast majority of americans don't trust it.

The perfect example was the classical soviet communist style of trying to control everything from an administrative standpoint, the amount of overhead that put on party planners just to schedule what factories produced meant that their production went way down. It was extremely inefficient to try to plan everything top down.

Simply put so few, cannot and will not ever be able to control so many to any great means.
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 07-10-2009 19:21
lets say a majority of people within a community lose their income source- they turn to the city to provide their needs- the city then runs out of resources and relies on the state-- the state (california) runs out of resources and relies on the federal government. The fed gov has requirements for the state to receive resources.  Now you have the majority controlled by a few. Its just that easy.

"All these supposedly secret organizations and shadow groups have been around for decades if not centuries" yes, some have been around longer than some governments.

Someone posted a story here a year or so ago, in short this is what it said:
If you want to capture wild hogs here are the steps.
1. find where they are and put out corn daily, slowly enclose them with a pen. The hogs will get used to the 'free' food and will come eat it instead of search for their own. Soon they won't mind being in a pen..

Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 07-11-2009 14:47
"communities working together for the greater good isn't that the literal definition of communism?"

With due recognition of the humor. I have to say, this isn't communism AT ALL.
Independent interests cooperating has nothing to do with communism. In fact, it may be diametrically opposed to the centralized and collective concept of communism.
It is actually the fruition of capitalism at its best.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-11-2009 17:13
The difference is that communisim is a centeral power taking from one group and distribuiting to another group without the consent of either.

That is a far cry from people electing to work together and sharing...
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 07-11-2009 17:13
in Australia they tax you for rain water, what would you call that system?
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-11-2009 17:15
Prolly still a considerably lower tax rate than Canada  :)
Parent - By darren (***) Date 07-11-2009 18:03
ouch! ;)
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 07-11-2009 18:48 Edited 07-11-2009 18:50
the free masons do not run the world, at least i havent been asked to the big meeting.
i think the fact america did not protest the two previous elections to the last one would suggest there is a mental restraint worse than irans physical oppression.

"the easiest people to control are those that think they are free"
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-12-2009 22:27
Darren , Whats the only Title in free masons that it is mandatory to be a christian?
just curious.
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 07-13-2009 03:24
that is a loaded question, as well as a contentious one, perhaps an open forum is not the best place for such discourse.
if you google it you will get some interesting answers.
you must know some people that are within the masonic family perhaps asking someone a little closer to you might provide you with better answers than i can.

"we make good men better" is our motto
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 07-13-2009 11:50
wow... did this thread ever go sideways!!!!!
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 07-13-2009 13:40
Don't most of them!
Parent - By fbrieden (***) Date 07-13-2009 14:41
At least now I can clip my toe nails!
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 07-13-2009 17:09
life is like a river it very rarely follows a straight path. just answering questions in the "off the topic" forum in such a way as to insure we are off the topic ;)
Parent - By Mat (***) Date 07-13-2009 20:14
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Global mentality

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