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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Flash butt weld
- - By thorkil Date 05-23-2003 05:01
We are looking for parameters for 9 to 30 mm thikness and 500 mm with steel 37 and 52.3, is there anybody who can help me.
Parent - - By scmait (*) Date 05-23-2003 16:28
I do flash welding but I'm not sure what you are looking for?
Parent - - By thorkil Date 05-26-2003 07:44

The machine is working allwright some time, but after 10 pices, we are getting penetration defects, some time in the mittle og the welding, and other times in the HAZ zone, and we dont know why.
The machine is working on the same parameter the hole time, we are not changing anything.
The machine is a AC installation with 800 kVA at 50 % performance.
Parent - - By scmait (*) Date 05-28-2003 13:53
I'm assuming you mean defects in the weld called penetrators. Are you using shielding gas? If so what type? You indicated you are running up to 10 pieces. Is that in a 8 hour period. What is your typical productivity?

Parent - - By thorkil Date 06-17-2003 05:17
No shielding gas used.
We are running 400 pieces in a 8½ hour period.
You are right about the defects.
Parent - - By scmait (*) Date 06-17-2003 12:44
A consumable shielding gas would benefit your process. Basically penetrators are originated by the atmospheric oxygen combining with the molten material (resultant of flashing) and creating an oxide. Using an active shielding gas (lets say propane) on the outside of the part during flashing will minimize the oxygen at the faying surfaces. One warning: if you use propane in the ID (assuming the parts are hollow) you must be careful. If need be you can use an inert gas on the ID (Argon) to keep the threat of explosion to a minimum.

Parent - - By thorkil Date 06-26-2003 09:01
The problem is, can not use shielding gas.
Parent - - By scmait (*) Date 06-26-2003 19:17
Just curious...why couldn't you use shielding gas?

Parent - - By thorkil Date 06-30-2003 06:13
how are you handling the gasshield , is it on fire when you are using it ,
or are you using the exsplosion to press the air away
Parent - - By scmait (*) Date 06-30-2003 17:17
You can introduced by tubing (copper) that encompasses the circumference of the part adjacent to the flashing (sparking). Holes can be angled into the tubing in order to jet the propane into the faying surfaces. That way the tubing doesn't become too abused and the gas is consuming the oxygen. The gas is also introduced after the flashing starts and yes fire is visible during the weld.

Parent - - By thorkil Date 07-01-2003 05:21
What gasflow are you using ( litre at minute). If we want too use a mix off propan and Argon what will the mix then bee.
Parent - - By scmait (*) Date 07-01-2003 13:40
That you will need to determine for your application. What one process uses may be too little or overkill for another. Try it at different flows and examine the welds.

Parent - By thorkil Date 07-02-2003 09:27
Where do you place the shielding gas ?
How do you do it.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 05-23-2003 18:00
You may need to furnish the type of steel or an ASTM # of the materials you are trying to join for someone to help you further.
John Wright
Parent - By thorkil Date 06-03-2003 06:28
The steel is S235JRG2 and S355J2G3
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Flash butt weld

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