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Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 07-10-2009 11:06
Not all good looking women, just this dipsh*t.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 07-10-2009 12:50
Ah. Well, considering your avid support for a President that has essentially done nothing while in office except maybe lie to us about 800 billion dollars in Porkulus I, terrify the country with his totalitarian talk (once they actually learn of it of course-which has taken a dangerously long time and thankfully we see happening), rip assunder any chance of bipartisanship, and run around the world apologizing for us. A President of whom the most apropos critique of his service to his country is that he was Mr. 'Present" when in the Illinois legislature and as Senator of the same (especially on the tough decisions), and his Vice President who by an almost unprecedented consensus is a babbling idiot proven over and over again, and who's only distinction is the quandary of how it is he has lasted so long in office:

As opposed to, a woman who has been nothing but successful, who took on the Democrats and beat them, took on the Republican status quo and beat them, who was one of the most popular and effective governors in the country, and who is by ALL accounts, except maybe yours and the unrelenting hateful shrews that attack her of course, an intelligent and charismatic leader:

I would have to say your definition of dipsh*t is suspect to say the least.
Parent - By Jssec (**) Date 07-10-2009 13:07
I 2nd Your Thoughts Js55, Well Said.
Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 07-14-2009 01:09
the Palin Interviews with Couric were enough to discourage me of her mental prowess, no need for any attacks she provided her own fodder. Also by who's accounts was she the most effective governor? By all lasting measures most Alaskan's would have trouble naming any lasting legacy she had on the Alaskan constituency, or any major legislation that she crafted or got passed.

I stick by my comment that abandoning your constituency is not the way to run an elected office

I'll be very surprised if she is still relevant in 2012.

from the sounds of it she got bogged down in the mountain of legal complaints and personal attacks and picked too many battles with the wrong people and minor players   it's a shame for all the false and outlandish claims brought against her, but that happens with just about any and all major political campaigners, including the ones brought against obama over his birth certificate.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 07-14-2009 09:05
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 07-14-2009 09:19
"from the sounds of it she got bogged down in the mountain of legal complaints and personal attacks and picked too many battles with the wrong people and minor players"
SHE picked the battles that bogged her down???  WOW!!  Thats new. And it cetainly isn't the point the article was making.

"By all lasting measures."
Just exactly what measures are you speaking of? Must be a lot of them.

"I stick by my comment that abandoning your constituency is not the way to run an elected office"
Then perhaps you can explain how it is actually different with other politicians who abandone their constituents to move on to higher office such as Biden and Schicklgruber.

"but that happens with just about any and all major political campaigners, including the ones brought against obama over his birth certificate."
You gotta be kiddin? OK. Thats one for Schicklgruber. The count for Palin sits at what, 18 now. And those are just the governmental offical ones, the ones involving charges and investigations, and were showing no signs of stopping. To say that what happened to Palin happens to all major campaigners is a ridiculous minimization of the truth.
Parent - By Jssec (**) Date 07-14-2009 12:08
If only she had a pre-written speech by a handler on a teleprompter read.
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 07-10-2009 14:03
you seem to have so much anger towards Palin-- one degrading curse word after another. Ease up.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-10-2009 14:10
He's just upset because she went toe to toe with Biden in the debates and held her own, she wasn't made the fool like they said she would be. Biden surely didn't have her for dinner that night, she did well.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 07-10-2009 14:38
There's no anger towards her.  She's hirlarious.  I see a blowout if she runs in 2012.  You all should dig a little deeper for a candidate.  Try Jindal.  If his hurricane skills are better than Blanco and Bush then he would have a better chance.
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 07-10-2009 15:08
there will be no need to dig deeper once all see the "change" offered the next 4 years
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 07-11-2009 14:34
Bryon, Bryon, Bryon.
I simply do not believe you think she's hilarious.
That's a transparent attempt to trivialize her.
Thinking she's hilarious does not fit with the vehement attack of your posts.
I agree with you that its not anger. You are terrified of her, just as are the rest of the left.
But it would be reasonable to ask for a specific example (you know, similar to the dozens of examples we've presented on Biden and Schicklgruber to buttress our case) of an instance in which Palin was hilarious as you say.
And please don't say the statement about her being able to 'see Russia from her house'.   :)
The unbelievable number of lefties that actually thought that was Sarah goes a long way towards explaining how
Schicklgruber got elected.
Somehow I expect we will be left with a vague personal impression. Not unlike the cult of personality that got Schicklgruber into office. Wherein polls continue to drop like rock on his job performance but his personal popularity seems sustained. At least thus far. In other words, the thought seems to be, yes we know he may be destroying our nation but we still like him so give him more time. This of course explains why our 'friends' like him so much. He apoligizes for us, he criticizes us, he continually talks of how deplorable we are. Whats not to like if you aren't American.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 07-11-2009 14:57
She is trivial.  I'm only scared of what one more backwoods conservative will do to us.  He hands are in the oil game too, just as Bush and Cheney's are.  We need to keep presidents from the reality of an urban environment and not from the backwoods.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 07-11-2009 16:13
A woman who became a successful governor of a state, who ran for the second highest office in the country, who has garnered such unprecendented opposition and venom from the left is trivial? OK. Then would it be safe to say that you vehemently disagree with all of your politically active cohorts that have spent millions of dollars and thousands of hours attacking such a trivial person? And that then you have to admit they are wasting their time and money? If she is trivial then what threat could she possibly be?
I am not sure you understand the meanng of the word.

And I would certainly love to hear your explanation of how Alaska is somehow more backwoods than say Georgia or Arkansas?
Could she be more backwoods than Peanut Jimmy or the Hatfields, er, McCoys, er, Clintons?
Come on, its not backwoods that bothers you either.

As for the oil game thing. That is just too cliche'.
I wait to hear your explanation of how the 'oil game' is somehow more insidious than say that bastion of social concern GE that supported Schicklgruber with millions, and still supports him with iron fisted advocacy through their subsidiaries NBC and MSNBC.
Somehow the intent of the 'oil game' is worse than brainwashing unilateral control of the airwaves?
Do you realize that the average donation to Schicklgruber was well in excess of the average donation to McCain indicating that big money was in reality supporting the Democrat?
And that urban environment gave us the corrupt Chicago political machine. I can see where you would prefer that.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-11-2009 16:49

You can't blather on and on for endless months about a person and then in a single line pronounce that she is "trivial" and expect anybody with a brain to believe you.

Thou doth protest too much methinks!
Parent - By darren (***) Date 07-14-2009 21:47
i think byron may have a crush....
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-14-2009 13:50
"one more backwoods conservative"
"We need to keep presidents from the reality of an urban environment "

Well now that is very interesting. I have some questions for you bryon.

When's the last time you witnessed farms in an urban environment that could feed a 1/3rd of the planet?
Percentage wise, how much of the U.S. energy generation capacity is in areas that are considered urban such as Chicago, Atlanta, L.A. etc?
Do you drive a car? and if so does it use gas?
For that matter, do you eat?
How about drink water?
Do you understand where the supplies that make a city and sustain a city come from?
You claim to own guns, what do you think is going to happen to them when one more liberal gets into office?

Most importantly, If tomorrow, everything and anything that came out of the "backwoods" were suddenly cut off, how long do you think your going to survive in that "urban environment"?

You've made the insinuation that every conservative backwoods person is ignorant and incapable of leadership.
I've got a news flash for you bryon, you better start wondering if your going to survive in that urban environment without food, water, gas, or electricity. The backwoods folks are an unassuming lot and usually even keeled, but they have not forgotten where those basic supplies come from and they are fast getting to the point of no return angry with a system that attempts to trivialize them as your post evidences. I can promise you they have a much better understand of what it takes to make a country survive and thrive than any arrogant liberal urbanite.

So who is better fit to run a country? I'll take that backwoods common sense over urbanite arrogance and ignorance any day of the week.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 07-14-2009 14:17
Farms and the prices of their goods are controlled by urbanites.  Its not mom and pop that run the farms its CEOs.  As well as all the energy generation companies.  Every place that I have lived I could drive to electric generation facilities, many of whom were owned by the cities that I lived in.

As far as the gun issue.  I could give a sh*t.  I have guns, non of which are registered.  If I need more, I can get them.  I'm not worried at all about that.  Whatever I need a gun for can be handled with other means if the need arises.  I don't hunt so who cares.  No one is going to outlaw all firearms.  So get over that fact.

"If the cities are "cut off" from the backwoods products".  Yeah, that's going to happen.  Its all about the money.  If mom and pop don't pay the note on their farm or equipment then some city boys are going to come and take their farm and sell it to someone else that can make the payment.

There is a reason cities grow and there is a reason why rural America is not.  All the power has always been in the city.  Every civilization from the very first to the present have been controlled by the city.

All cities lead to Rome.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-14-2009 15:25
All cities lead to rome. Look where that got them. Your post makes my point for me.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-14-2009 16:16
All roads lead to Rome.

The sun never sets on the British Empire.

Very imperialist attitudes.
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 07-15-2009 00:39
Did you forget your sunscreen and hat while in Fla?  Really got some 1/2"Baked" Reasons why everyone sucks that doesnt agree with  "O" voters. Guns dont shoot people, people shoot people so taking them away just changes the mode of murder not the act.  As long as there are two people with different opinions there will be some sort of War.  Pig crap does stink and so does the economy but you can fix the smell of swine, bury it.  The economy on the other hand will take some balls and a lot of "City folk sacrafice" Bummer if little Johnny cant go out for syncronistic swimming. Maybe the thermostat wont work if you dont pay the bill on time.

I really want to see "O" run out on a rail along with all of the current politicions along , change the electorial college to be controlled by acerage not trumped up censis reports.  Lets see how the Citiots survive when they have nothing to trade to the farmers for food.

Thats some smart thinnen EH?

Wow this is easy talking out of your head.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 07-15-2009 11:01
Change the electoral college by acerage.  You're kidding right.  That's stupid.  Corn can't vote.
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 07-16-2009 10:55
Give more money and handouts to never worked a day in their lives section 8 and illegals? Surely you jest.  Corn is smart enough to come back out on the cob, at least it shows some innitiative.

Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 07-15-2009 12:50
This one is hilarious. You are walking, talking posting, cliche' machine.
"There is a reason cities grow and there is a reason why rural America is not.  All the power has always been in the city.  Every civilization from the very first to the present have been controlled by the city."

Er, uh, when something grows it means its developing stuff. Or, stuff is being built becasue people are increasing and need stuff being built to live in and do things. When stuff is being built it generally gets done in near proximity because its easier that way, and when its in near proximity its called a town or maybe later a city. It would make sense that if rural is realizing growth at some point it will no longer be considered rural. If rural is growing any other way I suppose its just moving the fence farther out. Or deeper into the city. Something like that.
Parent - By RioCampo (***) Date 07-13-2009 20:57
Nicely said.
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 07-09-2009 18:26
its alot easier and wiser to get ugly, when you're not holding office. The liberal 'good ole boy' system should brace itself for what she's getting ready to unravel. She's been on the defensive too long, and now some have lost their leverage on her-- this ought to be a beautiful thing to watch.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 07-10-2009 15:34
Whats wrong with a President in the Centerfold ? We will have another "First" !
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 07-10-2009 15:58
I don't care what her position would be at the time of the photoshoot.  :-)
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-09-2009 22:38
bryon, would you say this if it were any woman other than Sarah Palin? "All in all Sarah should just shut the hell up and pose for Playboy!!!"

Is this your opinion of women in general? I never ceases to amaze me how vehemently the left attacks anyone who has any comment of that very nature about one of their own, yet it's a free fire zone when it comes to Sarah Palin. Why is that byron? 
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-09-2009 22:51
left cant admit she’s a modern woman and SHE IS THE BOMB, everything they wish they could be.
But like the Harpies they hate hate hate. They cant accept the REPs have the best woman candidate and there may be a chance they wont get the first woman prez.Its not enough they already had the first biradical umm I mean bicurious ah no that’s not right either, biracel …….ah forget it Black prez.
All jokes intended
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-09-2009 22:57
look back an learn about all the people the left has ruined for political gain using the weapon of the media. A weapon the right doesn’t have
Well a good answer to this would be  the left has nobody I wanna see naked?
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-09-2009 23:21
OUCH!! :-)
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-09-2009 23:25
  You did kind of step on your own toes in this one. :-)

Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-09-2009 23:50
I think the all the left has stepped in somthing in general.
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-10-2009 01:59
your man agrees with that :)
This is gold!!!!!!!!!!
Obamma busted and michelle is going to destroy him
Parent - - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 07-07-2009 16:56

"The outgoing Alaska governor told the Anchorage Daily News she stepped down because ethics complaints against her and her squabble with lawmakers would have paralyzed the 18 months she had left in office."

That's good enough reason for me.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-08-2009 18:43
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 07-09-2009 14:38
Thats an excellent site mike.
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 07-09-2009 18:51 Edited 07-09-2009 20:37
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 07-09-2009 20:11
Won't be long before this one surpasses the "Jokes postem" thread in number of entries.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 07-12-2009 04:18
Must be the triviality sustaining it.
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