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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / A656 Grade 50
- - By bmaas1 (***) Date 07-09-2009 21:54
A supplier substituted A656-50 for A572-50 and I found out a day later and I rejected it, (3000pcs).  This material isn't even listed in my '95 series of ASTM books.  Knowing that A656 is not a prequalified material or even a code approved material, per D1.1, I would need to qualify this material in order to use?  Is this correct? Please correct me if I am wrong.

Parent - - By MBSims (****) Date 07-10-2009 01:22
I don't have the 2008 edition handy, but under the 2006 edition you would have to qualify this material and each material it is welded to.
Parent - - By bmaas1 (***) Date 07-10-2009 02:55
I thought I would.  I just wanted to have a second opinion.


Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 07-10-2009 16:46
per D1.1, I would need to qualify this material in order to use?

Yes, unless the EOR overrides the code requirements.  I don't know how close to A572 Grade 50 this material is in terms of chemical and mechanical properties, but if it's reasonably close, the EOR could approve it and require it to be welded the same as A572 Grade 50.  Just a thought considering 3000 pcs. are involved.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-10-2009 17:26
Check out this website. It may put you on the right track.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By bmaas1 (***) Date 07-10-2009 17:36
Yes the Engineer could override the code but they usually leave it to my discretion and I like to use opportunities like these as learning experiences for my suppliers to provide what I ordered in the first place instead of giving me whatever meets grade 50.


Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 07-10-2009 17:42
I agree.  It pisses me off when they do that without asking.  I too send it back sometimes, for the exact same reason, but other times, if the supplier has processed it, I use that as a strong bargaining chip to negotiate a lesser price because they didn't provide what was asked for.  They either have to take it back and stand a chance of not being able to re-sell it, or cut their price to you.  That has worked well for me in the past.... with EOR approval.
Parent - - By MBSims (****) Date 07-11-2009 16:52
In looking at the ASTM specs, I see that the specified tensile strength of A656-50 is 60 ksi vs. 65 ksi for A572-50, so you will need to look at the actuals on the MTR to verify it is greater than 65 ksi or have the design engineer approve it.  You may also look at the MTR to see if the material is dual certified as meeting both A656-50 and A572-50.
Parent - By cremx (*) Date 07-11-2009 18:35
Look at the standard specification, check the application first, chemistry and mechanical properties to verify if fit your aplication

The design is based on yield strenght, in this cases is the same strength, I suggest check the elogation and weldeability based on chemistry

A 572/A 572M Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Structural Steel
Structural steel shapes, plates, sheet piling and bars..... intended for riveted or bolted construction bridges or for riveted, bolted or welded construction in other applications
plates and bars maximum thickness depends of the grade i.e. Grade 60 Plates and Bars 1.25 in

C 0.21-0.26
Mn 1.35
P 0.04
S 0.04
Si 0.15-0.4
Yield w/r grade i.e Grade 50 Yield 50 ksi
Grade   Yield    Tensile   Elongation
50         50        60          18%
60         60        75          16%

A 656/A 656M Standard Specification for Hot-Rolled Structural Steel, High Strength Low-Alloy Plate with improved formability
for use in truck frames, brackets, crane booms, rail cars and similar applications; killed steel fine grain pracice, Grade 50 plate thickness max. 2 in

C 0.18
Mn 1.65
P 0.025
S 0.035
Si 0.6
Va 0.08
N2 0.02
Cu 0.008-015

Grade 50
Yield 50 ksi
Tensile 60 ksi
Elong 20-23 %
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / A656 Grade 50

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