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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Perhaps the Left Can Explain
- - By js55 (*****) Date 07-15-2009 16:33
I would really like to know. Sincerely.

Fact: We have as yet only spent about 10% to 15% of Porkulus I
Fact: Schicklgruber himself has said that Porkulus I may take as much as two years to be realized
Fact: We have as yet, without cherry picking statistics, seen no evidence of Porkulus I working

So the questions are:
Why in the hell are we talking about the possibility of Porkulus II???
Do you have to be opposed to Schicklgruber to see the insanity of this?
Is anybody in Congress (on the Left) aware that Japan implimented no less than 10 stimulus packages of their own in the 90's and the result is, it is called the Lost Decade?
Can someone tell me what exactly are the economic arguments to support this?
Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 07-15-2009 16:57
Denied.  Off to the camps with you.  :)

Seriously, I think it's all smoke and mirrors.  They can't spend what they don't have; they can only tax us so much before we begin to exercise our rights.  I think the push is on to get as much as possible out of this before 2012, in anticipation of a 1980-like revolt at the polls.
Parent - By darren (***) Date 07-15-2009 21:35
this isnt a left or right issue, we are being manipulated into taking sides while an all powerful entity takes over a major portion of the world.
the players are just misdirection and it is all contrived to reduce the world population and bring those left into serfdom.
they are doing very well for themselves, not so much for me and mine.
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-15-2009 22:39
I would like to know out of the 50 million uninsured how many don’t work and how many are illegal’s? (oh no here I go being nasty again    joke ) BTW 20 million is the figure I have herd.
Did you all know that Mexican citizens are flown from Mexico into the US for emergency care. (we should build a kick ass hospital in Mexico with tax payers cash and charge just enough to to run it and keep them off our system)
I would like to know what is the crisis?
Is it like the Bailout crisis The one where without the money unemployment will climb to…ya that crisis.
I started a thread with numbers to call, I hope we all become telephone protestors.
This is the defining issue for country.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 07-16-2009 13:59
Another thing many don't know about this Rooseveltian model of economic recovery that Schicklgruber and the left seem so enamored of. The Stock Market crashed in 1929. In 1939, 10 years after the crash, let me repeat that, 10 YEARS AFTER the crash, unemployment was still over 17%. You read that right. In fact, until the war the lowest unemployment Frank ever saw was 14%.
Can we live with 14%?
Or maybe Afghanistan is gonna be Schicklgrubers 'Day of Infamy'.
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 07-16-2009 14:08
Fact: Schicklgruber himself has said that Porkulus I may take as much as two years to be realized
Fact: We have as yet, without cherry picking statistics, seen no evidence of Porkulus I working
Not that I am in favor of it, but one thing I can say for sure is that my stock market investments have rebounded from a 50% loss from the top to a current 15% loss from the top.  Of course, one might argue that that might have happened anyway.

I had the misfortune of holding some preferred hybrids in the financial sector that took a real pounding.  The crisis had a worldwide impact, and one of my biggest hits was the Royal Bank of Scotland.  I actually fired my broker over that one since I had demanded a bond, and he sold me that as a preferred hybrid that was a "good safe investment".  At one point, it had lost 85% of its face value.
Now, if I hold unto it for about 30 years I may have a prayer of getting my money back. As a preferred, it will pay the same rate regardless of what happens to the price.  I may just leave it to my estate unless God forbid I need it to pay for the "nursing home".
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 07-16-2009 15:56
Most of the rebound was based upon higher than expected first quarter earnings of some big boys. Earnings taking place before the thing was even voted on. Not to mention that since Porkulus isn't a stimulus AT ALL its difficult, without the con job, to sustain an argument it even CAN work. The bulk of the money (that measly 10%) that has been released thus far has been infrastrucure stuff which by even Schicklgrubers Finance Czars assessment takes much more time to have an effect. So I believe the argument that it would have happened anyway is the only possible argument that can be sustained.
Not to mention that interest rates and inflation are on the rise.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 07-16-2009 16:37
But in any case, the question still stands based simply upon logic.
If you argue it is working at only 10% to 15% utilization, how can you argue for another package at this time?
If you argue it isn't working how can you argue for another package at this time?

The only possible answer can be that it isnt about economics at all, and is, as was posted, about cramming as much agenda spending down our throats as possible before Santa Claus says enough.
If there is another explanation someone help me out here because I'm running out of snickers.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-16-2009 18:08
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Perhaps the Left Can Explain

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