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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Pipeline Inspection Duties and Prodedures
- - By liftedpowerstro (*) Date 07-13-2009 15:22
I'm interested in a little inside information on pipeline inspeciton...some of the do's and dont's of the pipeline world...I've been inspecting to B31.3 code in the chemical refinerys and plants...What are some of the obvious things about pipeline inspecting...paticularly the natural Gas pipelines..."arc marks, wraping pipe? fit up of gaps. x-rays (100%- tolorences of indications), just dont want to be left in the dark....Thanks
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 07-14-2009 00:18
Natural gas pipelines are covered by ASME B31.8: Gas transmission and distribution piping systems.
Why don't you start taking by a look at it?
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - By Shane Feder (****) Date 07-14-2009 00:45
API 1104 should be able to answer most of your questions,
Parent - - By Joey (***) Date 07-14-2009 02:37
Prof Crisi,

You may also propose API 570 which covers inspection, repair, alteration, and rerating
procedures for metallic piping systems that have been in-service.

API 570 applies to piping systems for process fluids, hydrocarbons, and similar flammable
or toxic fluid services, such as the following:

a. Raw, intermediate, and finished petroleum products.
b. Raw, intermediate, and finished chemical products.
c. Catalyst lines.
d. Hydrogen, natural gas, fuel gas, and flare systems.
e. Sour water and hazardous waste streams above threshold limits, as defined by jurisdictional regulations.
f. Hazardous chemicals above threshold limits, as defined by jurisdictional regulations.

Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 07-15-2009 14:38
Thanks for the information, Joey.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Parent - By Joey (***) Date 07-16-2009 04:50
Prof Crisi,

You are most welcome :)

Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-15-2009 16:28
API 620 will build the LNG tanks, B31.3 will build the process facility. Once built, API 570 becomes the governing code.
The headers leading out to the metering valve and all points inbetween typically belongs to B31.8, and everything past
the meter is API 1104.
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 07-15-2009 19:37
In my opinion, but I may be wrong, all of the "process facility" and "everything past the meter" are under B31.8, whose title is "Gas transmission AND DISTRIBUTION", so it covers all of a gas piping system.
Giovanni S. Crisi 
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-16-2009 00:03 Edited 07-16-2009 00:10
A quote from B31.8 2007:

"802.12 This Code does not apply to
(a) design and manufacture of pressure vessels covered
by the BPV B31.1
(b) piping with metal temperatures above 450°F or
below −20°F (For low temperature within the range covered
by this Code, see para. 812.)
(c) piping beyond the outlet of the customer’s meter
set assembly (Refer to ANSI Z223.1 and NFPA 54.)
(d) piping in oil refineries or natural gasoline extraction
plants, gas treating plant piping other than the main
gas stream piping in dehydration, and all other processing
plants installed as part of a gas transmission
system, gas manufacturing plants, industrial plants, or
mines (See other applicable sections of the ASME Code
for Pressure Piping, B31.)"
(e) vent piping to operate at substantially atmospheric
pressures for waste gases of any kind
(f) wellhead assemblies, including control valves,
flow lines between wellhead and trap or separator, offshore
platform production facility piping, or casing and
tubing in gas or oil wells. (For offshore platform production
facility piping, see API RP 14E.)
(g) the design and manufacture of proprietary items
of equipment, apparatus, or instruments
(h) the design and manufacture of heat exchangers
(Refer to appropriate TEMA2 Standard.)
(i) liquid petroleum transportation piping systems
(Refer to ASME B31.4.)
(j) liquid slurry transportation piping systems (Refer
to ASME B31.11.)
(k) carbon dioxide transportation piping systems
(l) liquefied natural gas piping systems (Refer to
NFPA 59A and ASME B31.3.)

Based on that, it is my opinion that B31.8 stops at the meter, and begins where the process piping ends in an LNG facility. It may be used where no regassification or liquification is utilized. The -20 degree limitation also helps define it.

Parent - - By liftedpowerstro (*) Date 07-15-2009 16:37
All the information is greatly appreciated but what i'm looking for is more on the,,,,well I dont want to say realistic side....but what actually happens in the fields.....Maybe i confused everyone....
Parent - - By liftedpowerstro (*) Date 07-15-2009 16:39
Maybe I should have titled this PIPELINE INSPECTION STORIES..LOL
Parent - - By Joey (***) Date 07-16-2009 04:48

When you work in pipeline construction away from City (like desert), you will be able to get all sort of stories, those hiding places (towers, piperacks) of inspectors, NDT tech, welders, fitters are best source of stories.

Parent - By liftedpowerstro (*) Date 07-16-2009 11:30
I heard that Joey.....Thanks for the information...I'm hoping something will pan out with this job...Anyone have any good jobs out there that are open?
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Pipeline Inspection Duties and Prodedures

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