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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / weld symbols
- - By wahmuth9 Date 07-15-2009 20:46
A single bevel groove weld with a convex contour symbol without finishing in my opinion should not be ground flush. I understand the symbol to require at least a minimum of the reinforcement to be left. We seem to have a difference of opinion here. I would appreciate any input
Parent - - By bmaas1 (***) Date 07-15-2009 21:52
No grinding called for.  Reenforcement is minimum of flush to 1/8" assuming D1.1.

Parent - - By wahmuth9 Date 07-15-2009 22:00 Edited 07-15-2009 22:12
I understand no grinding is called for but would you buy a weld that has been ground totally flush with a weld symbol of bevel with convex  contour?
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 07-16-2009 00:02

Parent - - By gordon p Date 07-15-2009 22:14
can you tell me where in d1.1 you found this
Parent - - By bmaas1 (***) Date 07-16-2009 17:31
Unless there is a specific reason to have the weld convex, in my opinion there would not be a cause for rejection as long as the thickness of the base metal is not reduced by grinding.

Parent - - By wahmuth9 Date 07-16-2009 20:15
My problem with the ground flush welds is this: the parts in question are hand rail so safety is a factor plus it's not just the welds that are ground flush but one inch of base metal on either side is sanded making it impossible to see the weld. If these parts make it out to the field and a crack or lack of fusion appears, which sometimes happens, would the inspector be held accountable for buying off a ground flush weld in which the weld symbol distinctly has a convex contour symbol attached?
Parent - By bmaas1 (***) Date 07-17-2009 00:36
Do you have a way of using mag particle inspection on the weld?

Parent - By bmaas1 (***) Date 07-17-2009 00:51
Inspections are to be done prior to any finishing operation because the inspector cannot, or should not sign off on something they have not seen.  I understand your situation but it is a call you will have to make.  Doing NDT after the fact might raise your comfort level about the quality of the weld.  But I would definetely write the report indicating a restricted observation was performed.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / weld symbols

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