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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Help Out the Prez
- - By js55 (*****) Date 07-19-2009 13:33
Somebody help out President Schicklgruber.
He is insisting that something get done on Health Care before the August break. We are constantly being treated to his 'serious face' on the news. Oh, and I love the 'repeating his statement with more emphasis' ploy.
Congress is telling him we can't afford it. His own party is saying SLOW DOWN!!!
He says get it done.
Hey azzhole, quit repeating the same old tired and ambiguous crap you've already stated ad nauseum and give congress a solution. Its called leading. Its your job.
Either break your campaign promise and tak ethe responsibility for raising middle class taxes to pay for it (heaven forbid), or better, shut up about your insidious Health Care reform and take responsibility for that. Start acting like a President and do something for cripe sake. Enough of the campaign yak already. You're going to have to get dirty on this one.
I know, I know, it won't help your poll numbers, actually taking a real, as opposed to vague rhetorical, stance on something, but it comes with the job.
Oh, yes, and don't pull any of your Chicago corruption tricks either. You will be caught.
Maybe we need a "Get it done in a hurry' Czar.
Somehow I suspect though that what is going to happen is that some watered down 2000 page 'hurry up in the middle of the night' crap legislation that nobody understands is going to pass and Schicklgruber is gonna run around the country talkin pretty about what a fine thing he has done. Watch it happen. We can only hope the American people ain't fooled.
Parent - - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 07-19-2009 17:25
Well, the majority of us, at least the voters, are fooled.  Too late.
Parent - By RioCampo (***) Date 07-20-2009 00:46
Some of us weren't fooled. We knew what would happen. Everyone else is realizing it now. It doesn't matter republican or democrat he has to return all those favors for helping get him elected. He is going to have to start bipartisan politics or he will end up with an unfriendly congress in 2010.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Help Out the Prez

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