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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Forty Years ago Today
- - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-21-2009 03:37 Edited 07-21-2009 04:38
We landed on the Moon!

Btw, anyone been watching the History Channel's special tonite?

Apparently the Moon doesn't smell so good according to the Astronauts after they returned into the lunar module, and got out of their suits preparing to launch the lunar module... Only to find out that a crucial switch had loosened, and fell in the panel... American Ingenuity at it's best took over, and Buzz Aldrin used a ball point pen to put the switch in the close position by sticking it into the hole on the panel... There were many other interesting facts that were not mentioned when I was a young adolescent up late at night with my brothers, and my little sister who would normally be in bed any other night except for the fact that my Dad insisted that we all stay up to watch the historical event... I was so proud of my country then and it was one of the catalysts as to why I joined the Navy when I was old enough to do so.

Also, Watching Walter Cronkite (R.I.P. Uncle Walt!) again was kind of magical again,("The day will be forever remembered so long as man survives!") and it sure did bring me back to those heady days when most of the news we were being subjected to was really bad, and to experience such a break form the normally terrible news of urban strife, Vietnam, The Cold War, The potential of Nuclear Armegeddon was such a wonderful experience that my words cannot certainly capture exactly how I felt except for the obvious fact that now that we made it to the Moon, the hope for my future, and everyone else's future was getting ever so brighter by the minute as I became a witness to this historical event in mankind's history.

I'm still VERY PROUD to be an AMERICAN today as I was back in my youth!!!!! However, if we don't get off our "azzez" and, once again become a government of the people, and only of the people of THESE UNITED STATES - PERIOD, and start doing the same level of accomplishments that we were achieving back in those days, we will soon be left behind, by the very same countries we once called our enemies, and foolishly helped develop into economies that will soon dwarf our own, and that scares me because, the youth of today do not have the examples of their country's greatness as I had when I was young to inspire them to do great things as I and many of us whom are around the same age group had the honor to experience.

If we want to help our youth become inspired again, then we MUST return to the Moon, and go from there to the planets and beyond! Stop throwing away money to these countries thar don't deserve anyand instead, use the money to go back and beyond... This is how we will return to our greatness which has since been tarnished by bumbling politicians and bureaucrats that let the special interests groups dominate in our decision making process. As we already know from experience, the benefits as a result of renewing our efforts will be far greater than what we do now with our money... If China or Russia gets there before we return then all bets are off.

I'd like to read what other folks in here think.

Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 07-21-2009 04:48
Was a good time to be a 9 year old kid then watching that very exciting !  We are the space age kids.  Built models of all those Apollo, moon lander module, moon rover vehicle while drinking my Tang and eating pop tarts :)   I agree we have to return and go farther.  Got way too many nuts here on earth and some politicians maybe we can send to another planet :)
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 07-21-2009 11:30

Don't have time at the moment, headed to the shop.  But I wanted to add a hearty AMEN to your sentiments.  This WAS, IS, and I believe STILL CAN BE a Great Country.  It is up to us to keep it that way.  If everyone that sounds off here and in other places would sound off to their reps and Senators the same way we might have a chance.  We need to be and stay involved in the process of Government of and by the people.

And what a life Walter Cronkite had.  Even if I didn't see eye to eye with him on everything.  And what A Life so many of us have had.  It does make me proud, of my country and my fellow man.

Have a  Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 07-21-2009 11:54
Brilliant post Henry.

What I want to add is this.  I wish the kids actually gave a damn about things like this.  I remember as a kid, how my grade school shut down for the day when they launched the Space Shuttle.  All of us were in awe by the spectacle, even with it being on a TV.  Now the kids are rapped up in Hannah Montana and Spongebob instead of actual, important things. 

I recall having only one television and how we always watched the things that my folks watched, so we had a sense that what ever was on truly ment something.  The moon landing happened 2 years before I was born, but when I watched the early Shuttle Launches my parents would elaborate on how far the space program has come since the "old days".  So although the Shuttle has become fairly routine, to me it is still exciting.  I saw my first live launch last week, after 5 failed attempts.  Now that I'm in Florida and working on NASA related products it is much more exciting than it once was back home in Kansas City.

My kids are coming down next week and I'm going to take them to Kennedy and watch how they react to the artifacts at the center.  I think that with kids being how they are these days, with their own TVs and TV networks, that they won't be able to appreciate the importance of the past.  Maybe NASA should send Hannah Montana or Britney Spears to the moon!
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-21-2009 14:17
I still have my tinfoil hat from when I was a kid. My mom sat me down in front of the black and white TV and asked me to watch this, so I did. She said that they were gonna land on the Moon, I said no way. The moon is made of cheese and if they land a spaceship on the moon it would melt the cheese, so there was no way. I told her that in the movies they could do some stuff that looked real, and this was just a movie set out in the desert someplace to make it look like they landed on the moon.

Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-21-2009 14:42
A very good and relevant for the day post Henry.

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Forty Years ago Today

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