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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / What papers to send to AWS
- - By mrwelder (*) Date 07-21-2009 15:11
What papers do you send to get a card from AWS. Im a bit confused on whats the difference between wps,pqr's and all the other ones. I know this is a dumb question. Sorry
Parent - - By Arctic 510 (**) Date 07-21-2009 16:13
What papers do you mean?  CWI?  Another certification?

BTW, there are no dumb questions, I've been told (I think on this forum).  Only questions that are easier to answer!
Parent - - By mrwelder (*) Date 07-21-2009 17:51
Im a teacher and in October Are school is going to be accredited facility. I got my CWI but they dont teach you to do this. I want my students to get cert cards from AWS in different processes.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-21-2009 19:17

Do you mean your school will become an Accredited SENSE school?

Or an AWS Accredited Test Facility  ?

   Your question isn't dumb at all.. but if you earned your CWI designation its very hard to believe that you are confused by the differences between WPS's and PQR's....  A new CWI certainly doesn't need to have experience in creating these but they would most likely know what they were.

Becoming an AWS Accredited Test Facility is an enormous undertaking that requres several steps that include a large staff, usually multiple CWI's and rigorous audits of an established, written, quality program. 
Here is information about Accredited Test Facilities

I know the SENSE program is working toward an accreditation process but the AWS website does not offer SENSE accreditation as of today (Just looked)...
There is lots of good SENSE information here:   Be sure to have a look at the link to the SENSE Workshop Series which is at the bottom of the page.

The SENSE program offers two different approaches ; comprehensive, or modular.. you can find out about each by reading about the SENSE implamentation process 
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / What papers to send to AWS

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