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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Hillary in India
- - By js55 (*****) Date 07-21-2009 17:28
Was it not hilarious when the Indians told Hillary to take her Schicklgruber/Gore Global Warming crapola and stick it!!
Never mind a unanimous rejection in the American Senate (before the arrivals of Schicklgruber and Ms. Willy of course) on Kyoto, the Schicklgruber administration is trying to pawn it off on someone else.
Well, the Indians ain't buyin. Good for them.
Never let it be said they can't recognize blatant hypocracy and condescension when they see it.
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 07-21-2009 18:06
Check out this clip of Obama getting snubbed...
Not sure what the circumstances are or where it happened, but the look on his face is priceless!

Parent - - By mountainman (***) Date 07-21-2009 21:47
WOW, even though I don't like the guy, that made me uncomfortable. WOW, It's good to see some people still have balls.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-22-2009 12:26
You guys don't get it..

The President is not getting snubbed in this video strip.

He is introducing people to the man walking beside him..  He holds out his hand and names each one as they move down the reception line... it is very clear.

It never surprises me when the liberal media twists an image or speech... But when conservatives join the game it just makes me sick... 

Is there anybody willing to simply stand on their platform and not try to decieve Americans about their opponants.???????
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 07-22-2009 13:04
You're probably right Lawerence, but if he his making introductions, his lips are barely moving when he speaks.
It's hard to see on this poor quality clip.
I'm not convinced one way or the other, but your take does make more diplomatic sense.
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 07-22-2009 14:09
Good question Lawrence, the term "mob mentality" comes to mind.
Parent - - By mountainman (***) Date 07-22-2009 14:55
This really bugs me, it actually pizzes me of. If it is as you describe Lawrence, how would I go about knowing for sure? I try to take most things at face value especially when I see it with my own two eyes. If indeed it is a twist, it really isn't, what it is is a lie, and I hate liars. There is no benefit in lieing period, shortterm or longterm. I just don't understand how these people think lieing (twisting) will pay-off. It's especially tough for me because now I really don't believe anything I hear or see in the news or wherever and I simply do not have the time to do all the searching and finding and such that it would take to see if any given video or statement is true. It is a shame. I would imagine there are a ton of people out there like me, you know what is right and what is wrong and have good commonsense, but you never really know if something is the truth or a lie. Sorry for the rant, this is in no way directed at you Lawrence, just kickin out what my frustrations are.

Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-22-2009 16:27
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-21-2009 19:17
Parent - - By RioCampo (***) Date 07-22-2009 17:40
Ok Obama just had his first trip overseas. Exactly would he know well enough to introduce Medvedev to?
Medvedev has been president much longer. I guess it really doesn't matter if the video is edited or not because Obama's facial expression really tells the story.
Parent - - By rick harnish (***) Date 07-22-2009 21:26
Yeah, that dont look like any introducing I have ever witnessed.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-22-2009 22:31
Their's a sucker born every day

People so filled with bitterness the mere suggestion of something blurrs what is really obvious.

There is plenty of real stuff to complain about with the current president.. No need to make up a bunch of twisted propaganda.
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 07-23-2009 01:27
The little things get picked on because ......
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-23-2009 19:09 Edited 07-23-2009 19:14
I usually get in trouble or cause alot of attention in here when I comment on issues pertaining to discrimination or the unfair treatment of most minorities...
This forum was once a place where the sort of crap I notice more, and more often than is tolerable these days, was unacceptable!!!

Nowadays, I can no longer stay silent so, I'm probably gonna get in trouble for this but, I'm going to say it anyway... Some of the folks in here are just plain RACISTS!!!!!
On top of that, some of you are nothing more than a bunch of FEAR MONGERERS!!! You're very talented in dishing it out, but when it's thrown back at you, instead admitting your shortcomings, you make yourself look even more IGNORANT!!!

Now I can understand if you want to comment about politics, and how unfair things may be with respect to some of the policies regarding the ones' being pushed through with the current administration, or how bad things were with the previous one, or whatever other political issue one wants to bring up in this section...

However, when it comes to making jokes about a person's race, or color, or making disrespectful comments based on some shabby information, or just plain manipulated soundbites as is the case in this thread... Should not be tolerated at all - PERIOD!!!

I've remained in touch with some folks that used to contribute a ton of useful knowledge & experience in here and yet nowadays, you couldn't pay them to come back and contribute to the quality of content that used to be the norm in here!!!

Sadly to say, I was one of the catalysts for creating this section called the "Off Topic Bar & Grill" because, I felt back then there was a need to talk about important issues, or just to share some jokes occasionally, or talk about one's personal issues that were not directly related to any specific welding topic... Nowadays this section has become a sesspool of hate...  I'm embarrassed at what I suggested to create here because of some of the comments that are allowed to continue being posted here!!!

Regardless whether or not there may be some truth to some of the opinions posted in here because, that is really not my point... My point is the fact that some of you folks who dare to count yourself amongst the majority of upstanding professionals, are nothing more than posers, phonies, fakes, in other words - just plain unprofessional and IGNORANT!!!

If you cannot present yourself in a professional, respectful manner in here just as in any of the other sections in this forum, then you should not be allowed to continue to participate - PERIOD!!! Freedom of speech is one thing but, expressing hatred, racism, and anything else that might be construed as something that we all know that the American Welding Society does NOT condone should not be tolerated in here!!!

Larry is absolutely correct in his comments, and that's one of the reasons why I consider him a friend... It's because if he feels something, or someone is out of line, He's not afraid to speak out against it, or them!!! This sort of crap needs to stop - PERIOD!!! I'm not going to go any further other than to say that I used to suggest for the students to get into participating in this forum, and also in this section as often as they could but nowadays, I'm too embarrassed to suggest it any longer because of some of the comments currently being made in here and that is really SHAMEFUL INDEED!!!

Some of you that dare to pretend that you act like Christians ought to be ashamed of yourselves!!!
Hypocrits is the correct title some of you should call yourself but then again, how could that possibly happen when the denial is so deep within you that there's no way one who truly is a hypocrit, or even when someone is hypocritical on occasion could even admit or accept that they are hypocrits! Some of us in here need to understand, and start to become civil, and respectful with their comments and opinions they express in here. The 3 "C's" - Compassion, Consideration, and Courtesy must be thought of before expressing your views in here.

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-23-2009 20:24 Edited 07-23-2009 20:26
Ok... In one week a single individual poster has brought to our forum discussion about a U.S. Military HONOR GUARD assassinating the President as a joke..  Now there is another obviously racist posting... 

Maybe there are no veterans among the Administrators and Moderators... but trust me..  Being part of a Military Honor Guard is a very serious duty and to make horrible jokes about them murdering our President is as shameful and un-American as anything that can be said.

This behavior needs to be stopped now.. Right now.  By personal self control or exercise of authority.

Close the Off Topic area...  Ban the Poster/s   I don't care.

Henry notes  something critical.....   Many of us would like to require our students to visit and post on this forum...  I will not be part of any institution that allows this type of speech to be glorified.

Fix it now ...

Maybe the majority of posters think this type of foolishness is some sort of freedom of speech that needs protection..   I say to that group, open your own racist hate blog and exercise your freedom there....  There are rules of gentility and guidelines of behavior that people agree to in order to participate here.

Maybe the world has passed me by and folks like myself are the ones that should withdraw.  To me; The American Welding Society is just that.. A *society*... and sick, bitter, hateful racist societies don't last too long..  Lets define ourselves one way or the other... 

I'll do my part by staying or leaving... Depending on how the Administrators/Moderators and Posters react to this type of speech, right now.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-24-2009 02:45
Lawrence & Henry,
    I am "ON BOARD" with this. There is no place for racism here.

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-24-2009 12:08
In case anyone is wondering what this discussion about racism is talking about in here(because it isn't really apparent by looking at this thread only), here is the latest thread that has come up(see link below),

(BTW, I deleted the last one by this poster where the "??? thread" is asking what happened to it)

I'm speaking with ross on this subject, so be patient, it will get dealt with.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Hillary in India

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