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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / NOW " what "
- - By damp rods Date 07-07-2003 20:15
I am a 45 year old welder/fabricator , who has in the past 19 years .
Fabricated and welded such things that range from utility trailers to Petro/chemichal pipe fittings . Now i am being told to look into another type profession by my physical therapist . I have welded everything from bronze statues to inconell 600 series on aircraft exhaust stacks , does any one have possible suggestions ? I guess i should add that i do very much enjoy fab/welding in the back yard ,light stuff when i am able . I have held as many as 21 certs. in my welding career . now i just want to contribute somehow .

Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 07-07-2003 20:26
How about becoming a "Certified Welding Inspector" (AWS-CWI) and work on the QA/QC end of the job...
Or becoming a "Certified Welding Educator" (AWS-CWE) and get a job teaching other folks all those tricks of the trade that you've been perfecting over the years.
Also, the world sure could use a piping systems Designer who understands things like weld shrinkage allowances, root gap allowances, and rolling offsets. They are "Scarcer than hen's teeth..."
Good Luck!
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-09-2003 09:12
I understand completely how you feel!
Way back in 93, I had been diagnosed with ESLD (End Stage Liver Disease), and had been told that I too should consider another profession. What did I do about it? I went back to work as soon as I was able to!!!
My health deteriorated right about the end of 94 and was hospitalized while "on the road again" so, I decided to go back to teaching and found a part time position because I had prior teaching experience back in 89. Anywho!
Before I lose myself, I was teaching and coping with the interferon treatment until 1996. I had to leave this job because, my position on the national liver transplant list moved up. So, I moved up to Pittsburgh because, when I was previously hospitalized, I was evaluated, and put on the"UNOS" list. on the 8th of October 1997, I recieved by the grace of god, a liver transplant!!!
The operation was the easy part! Everybody that knew me thought that the hardest part of this journey was the waiting. For me, the hardest part was the recovery and rehabilitation and coping with the prednisone
After nearly an entire year of recovery, I decided to go back to school to see if I could "learn another type profession". The end result was that I had always enjoyed fabricating and welding to the point that even when I was sick, I still kept current with the evolving advances in welding and fabrication. Everyday I went to the library, and got on the internet to find out what was going on just to keep my sanity. Especially when I was waiting, recuperating, and to the present day!
I decided to continue to stay in my "profession" because, I was in love with it!!!
I already had a teaching license so I did'nt have to go back to school for that but, what was really bothering me was whether or not I could even weld again! I got in touch with my state Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and, they offered full tuition, and other costs such as books etc. Just as I was ready to sign up at the local community college to take a welding course, I found out about a program being offered for free and, was overjoyed to find out that even with a slight amount of nerve tremor, I COULD STILL WELD!!!
I got certified to D1.1 unlimited and, graduated with a 4.0GPA
(I would've been embarassed with anything less).
After the bubble burst, I had a hard time landing a job because people were reluctant to hire me, especially when I had to explain why I had such a gap in my work history within my resume.
I definitely believe that I was given a second chance in life today because, after experiencing alot of frustrating interviews, I landed a part time teaching job at another local community college in july of 2000.
God definitely has plan for me! I do'nt know what the plan is but, I get clues now and then!!!
Since then, I've been teaching welding and fabrication on and off again.
I love it too much to "change my profession".
So, Damp Rods!!! Tim Gary's suggestion about becoming a CWI/CWE is a real good one!!! I decided to tell you my story because, maybe I could inspire you a little, and to show anybody out there that there are always alternatives in "your profession" ,and in any crisis, as long as you have faith in god then, god will always be there for you!!!
Yeah, I know it's tough to realize that you can no longer do what you've always been able to do before but, remember one thing - NEVER GIVE UP!!! I will pray for you sir!

SSBN 727 Run Silent - Run Deep!!!
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 07-09-2003 16:17
That was a touching post! It helps me to realize that I don't have it so bad and that no one should ever give up when the going gets tough!
Thanks for relating that and here's to your success.
Chet Guilford
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-09-2003 17:29
I jump up every morning and hurry off to work and still find aches and pains to complain about, and never stop to think of how lots of people struggle to simply put one foot on the floor. Recently, I see more and more how great I've got it when I look around me and see people suffering with ole' Aurthur, and other painfull illnesses. God is good to us and sometimes we need to stop and thank him for being "able" to jump out of bed and hurry off to work.
John Wright
Parent - - By Niekie3 (***) Date 07-09-2003 18:03
Hi SSBN 727

You witness is most inspiring - Thanks.

May I also suggest to DAMP RODS that you considder a more entreperneurial approach. Maybe you could find a market "gap" where you can deliver a service to artists and the like with welding problems and questions.

Niekie Jooste
Parent - - By damp rods Date 07-09-2003 19:06
Thanks , to all posts, much appreciated . What is a "gap" ? I have done
rough sculpture in my spare time. Is there a market , here ?
Parent - By flashburner1 (*) Date 07-10-2003 00:20
Not trying to be funny here, but there is an old saying - "Them that can, do. Them that can't, teach. Them that can't do either work for management." (I have been a welding supervisor for the past 12 years.)

Damp Rods - do you work for a company that would benefit from your knowledge & experience as a trainer or coach? It sounds to me like you have the welding skills to be able to teach the correct procedures for many welding functions. I think that Niekie is referring to a need for someone to give feedback & counseling to welding artisans that do not have a resource for acquiring hands on guidance because there is no one advertising that they are availabe to do that type of work.

All of you help me realize that I have many things to be grateful for, even though I have just lost my job, am not sure what I will do now, and have felt very hopeless and inadequate during the last few weeks. (But it has allowed me some time to play on my computer!!) :-)

SSBN727 - you are amazing! Perseverance certainly does have its rewards.

I will also keep all of you in my thoughts.
Thank you very much,
Parent - - By medicinehawk01 (**) Date 07-13-2003 03:07

That's an inspiring for sure! I am sure Damp Rod feels alot better too. I too have been recentlu diagnosed with carpal tunnel in my right arm but am stilll able to work. Hopefully therapy will help. Who can tell.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-14-2003 13:14
To everyone that responded to my reply for DAMPROD.
Thank You for your kind words!!! I'm speechless!!! (anybody who knows me also knows that nothing could be further from the truth about being speechless). Seriously, I thank you all, and I look foward to reading, and responding to more posts!!! Finally, I wish everyone the best!!!


SSBN727 Run Silent... Run Deep!!!
Parent - - By artgirl (*) Date 07-16-2003 17:34
I have to second the idea about Damp Rods offering a consulting service to artists and artisans. I noticed that you welded bronze sculptures in the past. I have good art skills but half assed welding skills, though I absolutely love the process. I took several classes at a junior college with a wonderful instructor, but now live 3 hours away from him. Every time I think up a new project I realize how inadequate my welding experience really is. The big problem I have, and have heard other artists say the same thing, is that I use welding in such odd ways that it is hard to find any one with experience I can ask. Or I am so particular about the final look as well as the stability of construction that welders cross their eyes and wander off when I ask questions. I would be thrilled to use this service. Even have some marketing ideas if you are interested.
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 07-16-2003 19:33
Hi Artgirl,
Just curious...How did your Horse Statue platform turn out?
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-16-2003 20:26
I was wondering the same.
John Wright
Parent - By artgirl (*) Date 07-16-2003 22:05
Thanks for asking. I am about 2 weeks away from taking the pair of horses to the galvanizer. The way I built the armature made fabricating and fitting the body very labor intensive. So they have taken forever to build.
The 10 guage bases warped even more as I wound up fabricating realistic hooves and fetlocks. I had to cut holes inside the hooves through the base so the zinc can drain. I wound up clamping the base to my bench and heating with a #8 rosebud. When it cooled it was flat enough to rest level on the concrete floor. I will post pictures as soon as I add the finishing touches.
Knowing I can always get help and advice at this forum leaves me free to let my imagination run wild. Can't really explain how much I appreciate you guys!
Best regards,
Parent - By damp rods Date 07-16-2003 22:25
ok,then . I would like to see some of your work , if possible ? Sounds very interesting .I love to create , wish i was more talented , but i have fun with it . Thanks for the post , dr
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / NOW " what "

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