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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / TIG welding, thoriated electrodes,health
- - By - Date 11-03-2000 11:36
What is the latest position on the use of thoriated (2% thorium) electrodes in TIG welding?
(1) Is the usage of these electrodes legal/permitted?
(2) What are the potential health effects?
(3) What are the relevant exposure limits?
(4) What are the substitutes (eg- Ceriated electrodes), and how good are they?

Occupational Health Service
Tiruchirapalli-620 014, INDIA
Parent - By Neal (*) Date 11-03-2000 22:37
The most of the nuclear industry still uses the 2% for pipe welding. The minute amount of alpha emission was deemed inconsequential.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / TIG welding, thoriated electrodes,health

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