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hey rick wana go to marion and cruise around looking for it. we could put a sign on the back of my truck yes i said mine and it would say. I AM SHAD AKA RAFTEGWELDING FROM THE AWS AND I AM LOOKING FOR MCLOVING TO TEAH IT SOME MANNERS . lol
I thought they banned the instigator with the porn link in his profile.
So i was told it was just am idea i can be in marion in am hr
Mclovin hasn't made an intelligent post yet. Not a single one that has anything to do with any type of welding process. For that matter anything that relates remotely to metal fusion.
can you imagine the look on his face when you rolled up on the sidewalk next to him and got out of your truck. lol priceless
Lol teach it a lesson or 2
By McLovin
Date 08-06-2009 05:06
lol, give it a try. i've looked at your weld pics and i could out weld any one of you hillbilly welders any day.
Ah, yes, I'll have a bacon, egg & cheese, McGriddle, two hash browns, a large orange juice, salt, pepper and ketchup and no I don't want fries with that.
I thought fruity pebbles got banned?
Funny of you to say that cause ive never posted any pics of my welds . But what ever you couldnt weld on the stuff i work on cause it takes talent and you obviously dont have it judging by the way you brag and well we dont allow your type to work with us.
Be you male or female, you are acting like a whiny little bi*ch! Your initial introduction has gone over like a fart in a diving bell with me.
Please consider starting over. We are a very welcoming group, or family if you will, and most are just as forgiving. I am not sure what your intent is, or your reason for being here, but if it is to advance your knowledge of welding as a whole, then WELDCOM (shamelessly stolen from one of or great contributors)!! BUT if you are here to bash Shad then please just move on. Not cool.
jrw159 :-)
Mclovin, Not only will our very own Queen of Lincoln tell you like it is...... She would not hesitate to open up a six pack of WHOOPAS*
By McLovin
Date 07-24-2009 12:19
Sounds burly.
By McLovin
Date 07-24-2009 01:33
It's funny how you guys think you own this public forum.
marion, tx huh? That's over by Seguin and La Vernia. I've seen what comes out of Marion, pretty Shi##y.
No one here thinks we own anything ! But this is somewhat of a tight nit group. Alot of us know each other and either do or have worked together. We just dont like it when someone new shows up without knowing ANY history of what you are saying and makes a STUPID AS* comment like you did. Like the other post says "Either try a re-entry or move on" By the way, This IS NOT a public forum. It is owned and controlled by AWS. Hence the need to sign up. Members CAN be removed and ban from useage
By McLovin
Date 07-24-2009 02:25
Hey dude, I'm not cussing, and I'm pretty mello. I thought you liked people who "tell it like it is". You don't have to get so emotional over it.
You did not tell anything "like it is" you asked a question (kind of a BS instigating question) it was answered. Please do the same and answer the question posed to you. Your mellow, I am casual, no problem.
Air it out buddy. :-)
Let it go, he is done. I beleive the profile will be edited to eliminate the porn shortly.
jrw159 :-)
just to give yall an update on me. i got home early monday morning got woke up by the phone and it was an old boss needing help for a week or so replacing the floor in a mud tank so yesi took it started yesterday. at 10 mins to 5 i caught my pants on fire on my left leg ( yes the bad 1) so i put the fire out and opened the big hole in my jeans to find out i had burned my leg pretty good so told theb oss gotta go dr my leg got home showered cleaned it good and it is about 3'' in diameter dont sound like much but when all you have is 1 thin layed of skin it takes months for it to grow back anyway i dr.d it up wrap and went back at it again so far no troubles but i aint took the bandage off yet either anyway i have no feeling in the leg or i might have caught it earlier but yes i'm working it's only 40 an hr but it's a check. oh yeah found out todat my ground lead is shot so now i need new lead it just never stops
good to hear u r working. hey bud do u know anyone that might have radiator shell for this '68
Not anything thats any good
By McLovin
Date 08-06-2009 05:07
...note to self...never ever hire shad.
Im not your type and i wouldnt work for you if my life depended on it
Looks like he already got the AXE, JRW........ :)
Just another "king 'o the keyboard" :)
"Why are you guys all in love with Shad? Maybe try to think about pretty girls instead."
OK I will try to help you with this. I do not think anybody is in "love" with Shad. However there are many of us that care about what is going on with him. I think one thing you are not understanding is, for the most part, we feel the same way about everyone. No matter the difference, argument, disagreement, what have you, we all pull together when the going gets tough.
As for me, even if my door did swing that way I would like to think that I could do a whole heck of a lot better than his ugly, freakishly tall a**.
Now I have answered your question very clearly. I would like you to return the favor.
Why do you care??
jrw159 :-)
I think "mclovin" should find a new forum to roam on. This don't sound like the place he want's to play. Some of us here have friends and some need them, but we don't need some Jack@$$ spouting of about something he has no idea what he is talking about. That could tend to get you in trouble in the right place, welders run pretty tight together. You might not know what there screen name is, if you should happen to find one in a dark alley. Opps "did I say that out loud"
This mclovin idiot has a link to a porn site on it's profile that s**t won't fly around here please remove him her it whatever just make it go away. Seems like the type that gets his *** beat and then blames it on everyone else because they don't understand him and well I for one and I can speak for others including Shad don't tolerate sick perverts like you.
We all need to message Ross. He should remove the Wart !
By McLovin
Date 07-24-2009 12:20
John, you're quite the pivot man around here.

THANKS ROSS !!!! He was a problem that none of us needed
yea that guy seemed like he had a mission 2 cause problems. what a jack---
So much for his statement about a PUBLIC Forum
ugly, freakishly tall a**. Damn and i thought you were my friend lol. to bad it got banned before i was able to get back on here cause i know where marion is and it aint that far from me. did anybody everget a real name i could look it up and go to visit it and show it why i am so liked in here might even take a few pictures. after the hell i been thru the last couple years i'm ready to release some aggression
LMAO!! I am. Only your friends will tell you the truth. :-)
gee thanks with friends like you who needs enemys lol
Hey Bud, glad to here your workin'. Hope you can get that leg heeled up, nothing better than watchin' a one legged man in an @$$ kickin' contest!!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!
Lol come on give it a shot ill give first hit
Hey Shad, hows the tank floor coming along?
New skid and floor are done set the tank yesterday and ran first pass on bottom. Finished welding out the floor today and cut out the sand trap wall n started fittin the new wall and building new agitator paddle. Still lots to do im hoping for at least 2 wks so i can catch up on the truck
Good to hear You are "back at it" and that the burn isn't keeping You from working. "When You is on fire, people get out of Your way"
hey Shad I'm glad to know your working againg, Good luck.
thank you just wish and hope i can find something before this runs out
Hey bud going to have to tie a battery smoke detector on you. Glad something is going on down there again.
haha i'm glad too but it wont last long maybe 1 more week if i'm lucky
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