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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / How much is ?????
- - By ctacker (****) Date 08-12-2009 02:21
A quarter of a hand thickness of weld reinforcement?

This isn't a trick question, Its how much reinforcement our shop had on a tubing splice, and the outside inspector walks over, rubs his fingers over the weld and says "theres too much weld here, its a quarter thickness of the hand"  LMAO
I pulled out a reinforcment gauge and it was just below 1/8", So that my friends, is what a quarter of a hand thickness is!!!!!

How these guys stay employed is beyond me!
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 08-12-2009 02:23
I had an inspector rub a Painted bridge bearing and tell me the mils were low ........LOL
The DFT gage read in spec.........
sometimes i wonder
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-12-2009 12:24 Edited 08-12-2009 14:44
Ask him to see a calibration report traceable back to a national standard for his inspection "hand" as well as where in the applicable inspection criteria it lists "quarter thickness of the hand" as being a rejectable indication. :-)


EDIT: This sounds like a good candidate for "Farm Code" inspection criteria.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-16-2009 21:14
Just thought I would revive this one with a few pics of the basics. No hands or thumbs.

Parent - - By fbrieden (***) Date 08-16-2009 22:29
Looks like my space, at my house...missing is a  USN 58L and DMS 2!
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-17-2009 14:43
   I hope to add that at the time I get certified in the process. As yet I have not had the opportunity or time and money to accomplish UT II.

Parent - - By bert lee (**) Date 08-17-2009 13:58

nice....but will be good if there is a digital camera :)

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-17-2009 14:05
I agree but, if one is taking the picture with the camera, then unless one has an extra camera available I believe that your suggestion is complicated to say the least - in order to accomplish. ;)

Parent - - By bert lee (**) Date 08-17-2009 14:11
yeah :) but don't forget.... there is a camera case that you can leave on the floor :) :)

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-17-2009 14:31
Well then, why didn't you say that in the first place??? ;)

Parent - - By bert lee (**) Date 08-17-2009 14:34
simple.. because you didn't ask :)

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-17-2009 14:44
You're the one who originally suggested the "camera" however, you didn't mention anything about a case... I only responded to your suggestion regarding a camera only so, I believe your point is moot. :) :) :)

Parent - - By bert lee (**) Date 08-17-2009 14:56
nothing to debate, not an issue :)

have a nice day

Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-17-2009 15:01
You too Bert! ;)

Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-17-2009 14:29
Here you are Bert. :-)

Parent - - By bert lee (**) Date 08-17-2009 14:43
wow looks good, how much you buy it?

Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-17-2009 14:46
It was a gift. :-)
Parent - - By bert lee (**) Date 08-17-2009 14:52
well good, hope to have collections like yours. thanks :)

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-17-2009 14:58
I have quite a library in CO as well. I only keep with me the stuff I use on a regular basis. No sense hauling around things such as bridge, railroad, aluminum, ect. when I don't use them often. If the need suddenly arises I have my father box up and ship what I need.

Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-06-2009 22:16 Edited 09-07-2009 14:33
  I had to bump this up again because I almost forgot another basic tool. Speedglas 9000X. I do not use it much anymore in my daily routines but it was a basic tool in the first stages of my career and still gets used occasionally when I am training and have to say..."Hold on I might be able to show you easier than I can tell you.. watch."

I have had this one for better than 10 years and it served me well for 6 hard core years as well as served my oldest boy in his high school welding class. Hopefully it will be passed down to my youngest boy when he takes his first welding class, which he WILL TAKE. LOL

Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-07-2009 13:33
Bump: Added pics.... finally. LOL
Parent - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 09-07-2009 13:43
Nice....I think I have seen it before, when  Armstrong landed on the moon in 69 :)
Just last week I said the same to SMAW welder......OMG, what a FOOL I made of myself, I could barely create the arc :=)

Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 09-07-2009 19:54
I just bought a speedglas 9002XL,  used it 2 times in the 3 months since i bought it. where did you get your little case from? GalGage? The only one I seen was the large suitcase which my woman bought me for my birthday when I passed my CWI a couple years back!
I know what you mean about showing people, thats why I couldn't make it as an Instructor, Its too easy to tell someone to get the hell out of the way and let me do it!
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-07-2009 20:11
  Yes GalGage. Third one down. I wanted, and still do want, the bottom one but will have to wait. :-) Is that the one you have??

The little fold up kit was an elcheapo tool kit I received for Christmas one year. I passed the tools on to my son and filled the carry case with my weld gauges for ease of transport.

I am getting better at my verbal instructions but still have a ways to go. Plus I think that no matter how good one gets at verbal instructions there will always be the one you run across occasionally that you have to do a hands on demonstration in addition to the verbal instructions.

Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 09-07-2009 20:18
yes last one, I have yet to use the hi-lo gages. but their there if I ever do need them.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-07-2009 21:01
That is a nice set. :-)
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 09-07-2009 22:47
Costly too :)
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-07-2009 23:05
Yeah but professionalism is never cheap. You say your woman bought it for you when you passed your CWI.... good woman you have there. :-)

I have to ask, is the case pretty sturdy and how good is the lock on it? It looks pretty sturdy and of course a lock is only going to prevent so much even if it is top of the line. Just curious.
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 09-08-2009 03:04 Edited 09-08-2009 04:27
The case is sturdy, the Foam inside sucks (does not hold the tools in place, and its coming unglued), the locks can be picked with a hairpin. I would recommend buying the tools and using your own case if you have the means  fitting the inside to accommodate the tools. and it looks like you have most  the tools, just buy a case and the foam layers and your set! 

Edit: A screwdriver will also unlock the case as you can tell.
here's about $1500.00 worth of pics :)  This is what I have at home, I have more books and gages at work!
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-08-2009 12:36
That is kind of what I expected. It is still a nice little kit. :-)
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / How much is ?????

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