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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / cutting fluids for Aluminium
- - By rdowns1 Date 07-13-2003 02:29
What is the safest and non contaminating cutting fluid to cut and mill aluminum up to 1/2 thick that will later be tig welded. Something thats shop safe in the tig welding enviroment.
Parent - By mkulikow (*) Date 07-23-2003 12:18
This is going to sound wierd but I know the best cutting fluid out there and you can find it in 20 places near your home. I heard about it on the welding newsgroup from one of the premier users. He told me to go find some Zep Big Orange and put some in a spray bottle. I use that to spray down my mills and saw blades and it is totally non-toxic and easily removable, I have never stopped using it. I GMAW boat docks on weekends and this stuff is awesome and I never have contamination issues.

- Mike
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / cutting fluids for Aluminium

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