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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / how do I add pics to a post
- - By strother (***) Date 08-20-2009 22:49
every time I try to add pics I get an error has anybody else had this problem?
Parent - - By ronnie taylor (**) Date 08-20-2009 23:05
you may have to resize them
Parent - - By strother (***) Date 08-20-2009 23:26
how do you do that ?
Parent - - By FixaLinc (****) Date 08-21-2009 03:21
I do it with Jasc photo shop but if you put your pics into a online storage like Google Picasa or Photobucket or others they have a free resizer with them there.  Google search shows several free photo resizer downloads too.
Parent - - By nickatela Date 08-26-2009 07:54 Edited 10-10-2009 13:36
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-26-2009 12:45
Go Away!
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 08-26-2009 13:05

You know Henry, I am seriously considering how much time it would take to delete my - now - 716 posts...
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-26-2009 14:33
Good Morning Stephan

Why would you want to do that Stephan???

Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 08-26-2009 17:25
Likewise a very good day to you, Henry!

O.K. O.K., you're right.

That was a bit of a kind of a 'panic reaction' after getting back and seeing my rating way below 2.

But... meanwhile I have considered to just delete post # 716? :-):-):-)

Thank you my friend!

P.S. Thanks to you as well, John Wright! :-)
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-26-2009 17:44
LOL...Stephan, that spammer had me busy for a while this morning...they kept signing up with different names and posting stuff all over the board.
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 08-26-2009 18:16
LOL John! :-)

You know, the 'World's Greatest Welding Forum' (Copyright by ssbn727) having the 'World's Greatest Moderators' demands the 'World's Hardest Spammers' to perform their 'World's Hardest Action'! ;-)

I am glad the forum has you as a moderator. I guess that's what the spammer hasn't expected! :-):-):-)
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-26-2009 14:38
Hi Stephan,
Unless there is something that I'm not aware of, Henry was addressing the person who has been posting spam all morning long with his "Go Away" post.
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 08-26-2009 21:01
Don't guess I'll have to worry about answering them then.  Geeze they could go search google to find that out anyway? 
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / how do I add pics to a post

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