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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Metal Core wires
- - By dringge (*) Date 08-26-2009 00:06
I have no prior experience with metal core wires. 90% of of the weld testing I am involved with is stick welding. Are metal core wires considered FCAW ? Are they included in the prequalified procedures in D1.1?
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-26-2009 00:24
MCAW fillers are found in the prequalified fillers/base metals with Solid wire in D1.

So as long as everything else is fits a prequalified WPS, Spray transfer MCAW is treated the same as GMAW./
Parent - By dringge (*) Date 08-26-2009 21:04
Thank You for the reply
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Metal Core wires

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