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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / divorce
- - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-27-2009 06:36
1 quick question about divorce is it better to file or to be filed on or does it even really matter ok sorry it was 3 questions quick responses would be appreciated i'm goin to file in the morning yeah i know i said it before but it is time
Parent - - By PhilThomas (**) Date 08-27-2009 11:03
I would suggest getting advice from a local lawyer, not the AWS board.  Much of this varies from state to state.

You'll get lots of decent welding advice here, but I suspect you would get a lot of bad legal advice.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-27-2009 13:50
work has been slow to dead around here and cant afford a lawyer guess i'll just take my chances
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 08-27-2009 18:25
When it comes to legal matters, remember the golden rule  "THE SECOND LIAR NEVER WINS"!!!
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-27-2009 18:46
she called me last night and said her lawyer told her to file so she could file an injunction on me to collect money she thinks i owe her so i jumped the gun downloaded the papers filled them out filed and mailed her a copy certified mail everybody i talk to said it is better to be the filer than the reciever so i did it now i'll get yelled at again sad thing is i dont want to divorce her but i just cant live with her anymore so might as well get it. and i wont lie about anything all i want is what i came into it with and thats a truck and machine and some clothes there was more but i sold it to pay bills
Parent - - By Franz Date 08-28-2009 04:56
The truck, machine and tools are generally untouchable as long as they are the tools with which you make your living.  That holds true in most of the 50 states.
Parent - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 08-28-2009 18:00
Your equipment...... If you bought it during the marriage it's marital property in oklahoma and subject to the descresion of a judge who could force you to buy your wifes half from her. If she didn't work your going to need it to pay alimony.  If you started a bussiness while you were married she could cause quite a few problems for you especially if you just use a dba and are not LLC.  You need a lawyer!!!!   My divorce broke me I traded welding for divorce, attorney gets a building and some get a divorce!!
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-28-2009 19:46
thats very reassuring thanks
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-27-2009 18:48
what sucks is i forgot how to be single and now i have these nasty ass scars which makes even harder to talk to anyone
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-27-2009 21:01
WTF??? Don't you know that chicks LOVE SCARS??? MAN??? I've got to go down your way and show you just how it's done with scars!!! :) :) :)

Use it to your ADVANTAGE is what I always say!!! ;) Before you know it, you'll have those girls so interested in you that you'll have to avoid half of them just to get some peace and quiet!!! I don't know why this is the case but, if it works - why fix it??? Now go out there son, and make me PROUD LIKE I KNOW YOU CAN!!! :) :) :)

Hey Shad! If an ugly SOB like myself has the exact opposite problem that you're confiding us with, then I don't know why you would even worry about having "Scars!" CAPECHE??? ;)

Bad-a-bing, bad-a-boom, bad-a-bang!!! Ya know what I mean??? Hey Ohhhh!!!! ;) Go Get' em TIGER!!! ;)

Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-28-2009 19:37
well no henry i didnt know that i been out of the game to long and well maybe you are right but damn they even scare me at times
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 08-27-2009 21:39
you're too self concious (?). When the white version of Shaq is standing in front of you--your not thinking about scars you can't even see.
Parent - By up-ten (***) Date 08-27-2009 22:51
Ass scars? Is that what I read? I thought you meant nascars. lol Just trying to lighten it up a little Shad. Back home for a few days but heading to the Rockies to celebrate 50 years on this planet. Check pm's.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-28-2009 19:38
so what exactly were you thinking when i was standing there in front of you
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-28-2009 01:09
Shad,   Henry is RIGHT !!!!! Scars are just Tattoo's with Great stories. It's your story, tell it like you want to.
Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 08-28-2009 01:15
An' I got this one....

Fill in the blanks, man!

Check out your county's courthouse web site for helpful info.  Or just go there and check it out.  Most state courts will help you out as well.  And don't forget the church, lots of resources there.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-28-2009 19:42
when i first got back from the hospital my step son said the hole in my back looked like a shark bite lol and i should tell people i got it shark fishing off the reefs in mexico he has a very good imagination lmao
Parent - - By RANDER (***) Date 08-28-2009 02:41
Shad I've only seen how you handle lifes trials and tribulations through this forum but I can say you've got a real winners attitude.  Keep your chin up man and I hope the best for you.  Go get em!
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-28-2009 19:43 Edited 08-28-2009 20:22
thank you i always play the hand i'm delt and wait for the wild card
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-29-2009 03:36

I am with Henry and the others on that one. I also have personal experience with it. Before you go feeling sorry for yourself or letting it screw with your mind, consider my personal example.

Head: multiple scars on my scalp from a face plant into a car wind shield. Both ears re attached and plastic surgery to reform them. Knife scar on my chin, both eyes have scars over them.
Torso: two knife scars, 4 surgery scars. 14"s total.
Arms: 8" patch on the left from having it pealed off as road rash and resulting plastic/reconstructive surgeries. 9"s of scaring in the palm of the same arm/hand to reattach nerves severed in said face plant. Right hand missing a chunk of knuckle and associated skin from busting a knife against it's puller's teeth.

Left leg, shattered in 212 individual pieces in face plant car hit, 50" of related scar tissue. Two bullet holes in the upper thigh area, a later car wreck adding 5 more inches and taking 1/4 of my knee cap out. A chunk of my heel missing from a brown recluse bite, and reconstructive surgery scars from a crushed foot.

Right leg reattached at the knee from the the same face plant incident. another 18" of scars related to that.

32 surgerys before I was 18 and 5 more after.

Did any of that have one Iota of an effect on how I was percieved by woman? Yes
Was that perception bad, good or indifferent? It was truthfully a pain in the ass. All but 1 woman I ever dated could not help herself but ask how I got them. The one that didn't ask I am married to, and then after being married, she ask.
I don't know if it was the maternal thing, curiousity thing or what the hell it was, but the scars were like a freaking magnet.
The thing that did drive woman away in the early going of my life was showing I wasn't comfortable letting people see em. Once I said hell with it and ran them up the flag pole for all to see, that problem went away.

The worst thing you could do is attempt to hide them. There are not to many women out there that go for perceived or real lack of self confidence. Trying to hide the scars for whatever reason resulted in that appearance for me.

As for your divorce, it's never a good thing, but neither is living in misery. Move on, close the door and don't ever look back.

For what it's worth,
Parent - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 08-29-2009 17:18
That is..... I am lost for words!
Keep up the spirit.

Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-30-2009 19:29
thanks gerald i'll try thats the best i can do but yes it has made me more self conscience than before
Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 09-01-2009 00:31
When you start to question the cost of divorce and how much they cost just remember they are expensive because there worth it.
Parent - - By Wrench Tech (**) Date 09-02-2009 03:01
I divorced my first wife after 27 years - it was worth it.
I'm married to my second wife - she's worth anything I've had to do to get here. 
When it works out, the cost of it all is always worth it.
Guess I'm just lucky.
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 09-02-2009 15:38
I also consider myself to be lucky as i have been married now to the same girl for 19 years hanging out with her for 25 and we still get along. I think what has made it for us is she never complained about the months out of town on the other side of the world and we have always worked together for our mutual goals. luckly I speak of divorce only by the experience of others.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-27-2009 23:58
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-28-2009 19:40
i did shes wanting a good address for me lol i still aint told her nothing and im not going to she'll check the mail sooner or later
Parent - - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 08-28-2009 04:57
Just went through it.   If you file, you set the tone for the divorce. You need to list all property. Pre-marital, marital, gifts from family members.

Dump all you bank account liquidate your assets turn it in to cash and bury it in a hole! Get a list of all your debts have banker pull credit report on your wife see how many credit cards she has you don't know about.  DO NOT leave the house if you have kids they stay with you at house,  if she leaves with them you call cops get attorney file injuction immediatley!!

Any thing you care about get it out of house and store it some were guns! pics of kids! .  A judge is going to put a value on your property and he can't force anyone to return property only put a judgement for the value of the property against that person.. So if you want it GET IT before she has a chance to file a protective order on you (she will!)  or it will dissappear!

Record everything with a digital recorder personal interactions, phone calls etc (when all else fails they scream physical assualt). Protect yourself  Don't give her ammo -NO EMAILS -NO TEXT MESSAGES! RADIO SILIANCE....  Go to dads divorce .com and read the list!!!  even if you don't have kids it's a step by step what you should do to protect yourself in a divorce! It's a war and you don't have the right equipment to win!  If your thinking bankruptucy do it BEFORE divorce is final take her down with you!!

Don't let a lawyer dictate how the divorce is going to go HE/SHE works for you!  (she) would be my first choice in a divorce...GOOD LUCK!!
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-28-2009 19:49
i got everything out a month ago theres nothing of mine left there except for the bbq pit that ill go get when i know shes not there if i decide i wnt it prolly just leave it
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 08-28-2009 23:38
When all else fails pray!!!  My father-in-law told me, "If it wasn't for the pu**y, there would be a bounty out on them all".  Everything will fall into place. 
I'm gonna have to keep my eye on this thread because I might be needing some of this advice soon too.  :-(
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 08-29-2009 14:56
Very good advice LH.  One thing I'd like to add is to try and keep ALL communication by emails to cover your A** if necessary.  All your property will be valued and the sad reality is she will get at least half in most states even if you have a lawyer.  Going thru one myself right now and it's not fun or cheap.
Parent - - By rick harnish (***) Date 08-30-2009 02:18
Shad, you file.
As long as you cant afford a lawyer, you might as well call me so you can speak to my wife. She has access to all that info at the lawyers office she works at. In fact, she does all the work and research, all her lawyer has to do is present the case to the judge. She cant rep you, but she can at least lead you down the correct path.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-30-2009 19:31
i filed it rick got the papers off the net but thanks and i may just  be calling you
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 09-28-2009 15:28
Well, F*ck!!!  I have a suspicion that I might be getting this same thing done soon.  There's a dark cloud looming overhead and its gonna rain feces.  All over me!
Parent - - By rick harnish (***) Date 09-29-2009 00:25
Sorry about the news, Bryon. Hope everything turns out alright for you.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 09-29-2009 02:56 Edited 09-29-2009 02:58
He who clears leather first usually wins the duel.
Parent - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 09-29-2009 03:40
Get the stuff you want out and to a safe place! file first and don't move out of the house if you intend to keep it! stash ur cash liquidate and hide! record eveything snag your tax returns and all important papers.  Get a digital recorder and keep it on you!  Pull your credit report and hers close all joint accounts!  do all these things tomorrow!!!  or she will walk all over you!!    good luck   if i would have killed mine when i met her i'd be outta jail by now ;) !!!!!
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 09-29-2009 10:59

This wouldn't have just come up about the time you hit the road for work did it?
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 09-29-2009 11:13
Things have been brewing for a while.  With me not working for 9 months, house got foreclosed on (eventhough they didn't take it yet), my attitude and mood the past year have gone to sh*t (imagine that, no money, no house, etc.) and now that I'm "gone", things might seem clearer for both of us.

I don't know.  We don't have cash, very little jewelry, no house to fight over, so if it comes to an end, there's nothing to fight over but the kids.  And I won't do that!!!  F*ck it, its out of my hands.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 09-29-2009 14:31
I dunno, I would think that if you've started work, things could turn around. Might be worth trying to make it work. It would suck to be climbing out of a hole and give up about the time you get to the rim of the hole. Just a thought.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 09-29-2009 15:22
Being at the "rim of the hole" is what seems to start it most of the time
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 09-29-2009 23:25
Sorry your going into the unknown. Many including myself have gone through "D" any come out different but OK. The biggest thing was not making the kids take sides or only hearing one side of it.  Trying to save it is always an option or getting along better single works sometimes to. Not much for advice but I didnt make good choices in my case so...

Best for all involved
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / divorce

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