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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Anarchy coming to Pittsburgh!
- By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-02-2009 09:59
Hey All,

I've just gotta get this crap off me chest because it's really pizzing me off that these knuckleheads just snap their fingers and approve this sort of BS without even letting the citizens have a referendum on this to see whether or not if we even want to host something like this mile high pile of MALE COW EXCREMENT in the first place, so forgive me for being so friggin BLUNT!!!

This is one of the reasons why I think this Globalism philosophy has gone way too far:

Lawsuit threatened in Pittsburgh over G-20 protest permits;

Video released on Internet urges mass protest during G-20;

Pittsburgh City Council approves streamlined $18 million summit budget... My gripe is why should the people of Pittsburgh allow one dime to be spent on this ultimate example of MALE COW EXCREMENT in the first place! There should have been a public referendum on this to see if we the citizens even wanted to be hosts to this waste of time, effort and expeditures which will result in a net LOSS, not a net gain in revenues for the City IMHO... "Hoodwinked, bamboozled" again by the same folks who claim to be looking out for the little guy - Yeah right!!! 18 million to be spent by the city alone, and this doesn't even include what the county's share is going to be and no such guarantee whatsoever that anyone involved will even break even after all is said and done especially in this chaotic, uncertain economic environment!!! I mena what were these schmucks thinking???

Now, after reading all of these articles, and understanding everyone who's going to be coughing up money that's just not there in order to make this so-called "shing-ding" a reality... Let me ask ALL OF YOU HARD WORKING, TAX PAYING, CONCERNED CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA this simple, straightforward question, or two...

Were any of you previously briefed at the very least by any of your representatives that part of your tax dollars would be going to fund this such event??? And these friggin idiots don't even consider how much damage to the city these anarchists will leave in their wake!!! WHO'S GONNA PAY FOR ALL OF THAT??? "FOOKIN DIM -WITS!!!" ;) ;) ;)

Do feel insulted at the very least that these "banana head" representatives who are supposed to be responsible for spending your tax dollars wisely, just basically said instead: "Fook those idiots!!! Dey wouldn't know the difference anyhow!!!" I know that I'm MAD AS H&LL!!! SO, GET READY TO KICK THESE FRIGGIN CLOWNS OUT OF OFFICE FOR BEING SO INCONSIDERATE TOWARDS ALL OF US CITIZENS IN THE WAY THEY SPEND OUR MONEY!!! Please let me know what you think folks!!! ;)

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Anarchy coming to Pittsburgh!

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