I am currently working on a project that requires pretty much every piece of steel in the unit to be welded, I am not a welder and I have looked everywhere to try and figure out what type of weld I am going to need to use to get the job done. Im new at this very small company, the only drafter/designer and we have next to nothing in the way of reference material or any kind of books on standards. I am basically using the internet to figure most of this stuff out. any information would be greatly appreciated, a point in the right direction, right now Im dead in the water.
Mark, Are you building a bridge in California, a storage unit in Ohio, a skyscraper in Dubai, A boat, car or plane or a BBQ for your neighbor? What code is referenced for the job? That would be a good start to helping answer your question.
No, no welders here its a very small company. as for the job its building rail car turn tables and train lifts for a job in New Haven Connecticut, I should probably mention I am fresh out of school and had this job dumped on me...so I am very new to all of this, it has been extreamly frustrating.
I would sub it out if I were you,and get the outfit to give you a certificate of conformance to a code.You say you have no welders,and I assume no welding equipement,or welding procedures,etc..It would be very costly on your end to start from ground zero (welding wise).